Chapter 11

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TW: Depictions of Gruesome injuries.

~Katsuki POV~

I started to panic. Is her heart stopping again? I lightly shake her.

"Y/N wake up." Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's one of the EMTs.

"She is fine. We gave her a sedative. Her injuries should be causing her excruciating pain. She is probably still in shock. This will prevent her from having a pain episode on the way over." The EMT calmly told me. I nodded, my heart rate returning to normal. We all followed them out to the front of the building while they loaded Aizawa and Y/N up. We watched as the Ambulances quickly disappeared towards the hospital. The Principal and other teachers began loading us back on the bus. I noticed Deku was missing. Where is that idiot? We drove back to the school and when we arrived press flooded the campus. The bus drove past them. The teachers immediately cutting them off. We all got off the bus and headed towards the locker rooms. I took my costume off and noticed blood. It was Y/N's blood. I tightened my hands around the red-stained fabric.

"Bastards I'll kill them." I muttered out.

"You won't be alone." Shitty Hairs voice was dark his hands were sharpened. He threw his fist into the wall next to him causing his arm to sink in. He was normally so happy-go-lucky. I was supposed to be the cynical crude one.

"Count us in too." Tape Dispenser and Dunce Face said in unison. They were furious.

"We almost lost Y/N. They need to pay." Shitty Hair said through gritted teeth pulling his arm out of the wall.

"That's not what Y/N would want. Look we did almost lose her but acting like the enemy won't make us feel better." Glasses spoke lowly. He was upset too. I put my head down. He was right. Y/N wouldn't want this.

"Whatever. I'm going home." I grab my bag and head out the door. After leaving the locker room someone wraps me in a tight hug. The fuck!? It's my mother she is practically crushing me.

"LET ME GO HAG!" I yelled out at her. She separated from me and smacked the back of my head.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS ABOUT YOU BRAT!?" She yelled back at me. She was fuming. It was nice to know she worried about me. I would never let her know that though.

"Whatever. I just want to go home." I stuffed my hands in my pockets and began to walk away. My dad was waiting for the two of us and he smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"I'm glad you are safe Katsuki." He smiled warmly at me.

"Tch whatever like a bunch of losers could take me out that easy." I scoffed he still smiled at me.

"I know you are strong, but I still worry. Your mom was worried too. She may seem mad, but she was in tears earlier worried if you were okay." He softly spoke. It warmed my heart to know they cared so much but again I wasn't going to tell them that.

"Masaru don't tell the brat that he will get a big head thinking I care or something." She grumbled behind us. Damn, I really do act like my mom. My dad laughed before he spoke again.

"Let's pick up some stuff to make spicy ramen on the way home." I perked up at the sound of my favorite food. We began walking to the car. The car ride was quiet. My dad ran into the store leaving my mom and I in the car before returning 5 minutes later with all the ingredients we needed. We finally got home, and I immediately went to my room to change out of my uniform. I hope Y/N is okay. Maybe I'll go see her tomorrow. The damn nerd Deku will know what hospital she is at. I sat on my bed thinking about seeing her broken and bleeding on the ground. Tears started falling from my eyes at the memory. I almost lost her today. I wasn't able to protect her. I was thrown from my train of thought when I heard my mom's voice.

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