Chapter 42

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I stood shakily to my feet and came face to face with a giant shadow monster. At its center was Tokoyami frozen in fear. I looked around and saw Izuku on the ground next to Shoji. I went to take a step forward and felt the weight of my exhaustion crash into me. I staggered before standing straight.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU'LL DIE!" Tokoyami yelled. He looked to be in an immense amount of pain.

"Tokoyami no!" Izuku yelled from next to Shoji before looking at me. He was about to step forward towards me but I held my hand out. He stopped in his tracks and I turned back to Dark Shadow and Tokoyami. There had to be a way to calm Dark Shadow down. Something must have triggered it. I stood my ground ready to jump out of the way if attacked again. Dark Shadow snarled and eyed me waiting for the slightest movement before striking. He was sizing up prey.

"Shoji what triggered Dark Shadow to go berserk?" I whispered to my multi armed friend.

"A villain attacked us and when I was wounded Tokoyami became angry and lost control of Dark Shadow." Shoji replied. I slowly crouched to the ground palms out ward facing to show I mean no harm.

"Dark Shadow can you hear me?" I asked quietly. The beast snarled in response.

"I know you were scared for Tokoyami but you need to calm down now. I can protect you both." I said in a soothing tone to try and calm him. Dark Shadow seemed to stop growling and look at me curiously.

"She's actually calming Dark Shadow down." Shoji huffed out quietly to Deku. I looked up at Dark Shadow who seemed to be studying me closely.

"Is it okay if I come closer? Tokoyami told me you like head pats." I said sweetly. Dark Shadow turned its head at the question before slowly lowering its head to me. I reached out slowly and touched the tangible darkness patting it lightly. Dark Shadow began to purr at my touch.

"See its okay. I won't let you or Tokoyami get hurt. Can you release..." I began to say but suddenly a large explosion rang out startling Dark Shadow who then shot for Izuku and Shoji. I grabbed Izuku and Shoji with my telekinesis and pulled them towards me before flying in the air. Shit I almost had Dark Shadow calm. What should I do now? Wait Dark Shadow is timid in the light. If I get him near Katsuki or Shoto they can cause a bright enough flash for Tokoyami to gain control again. Dark Shadow turned toward us and I began to fly in the directions the explosions were coming from with Dark Shadow on our tail.

"Okay new plan. Dark Shadow is timid in the light. If we can get to Katsuki and Shoto they can cause a blast bright enough to weaken Dark Shadow allowing for Tokoyami to take back control." I said to the two boys.

"That could work!" Izuku stated.

"Yeah it could as long as we can stay ahead of him." Shoji stated looking back at the shadow beast who was gaining on us fast.

"Hold on guys!" I stated before ramping up my speed. I could now clearly see flashes of lights in front of us from Katsuki's explosions and could feel the chill in the air from Shoto's ice. Dark Shadow was nearly on us when we broke through the treeline to find Katsuki and Shoto fighting a villain. My heart began to beat rapidly at the sight of Katsuki. He was still safe. At the sound of trees being demolished behind us Katsuki finally turned. The moment we locked eyes it looked like some of the tension in his shoulders released. At that moment the villain shot several long blades at Katsuki.

"BOTH OF YOU GET OUT THE WAY NOW!" I yelled just as Dark Shadow broke into the clearing. Katsuki and Shoto's eyes went wide before they obeyed the order and shot out of the way. I threw Izuku and Shoji to the sides before making a beeline for the villain in front of me. Dark Shadow followed me trampling the villain in his path before swiping at me and throwing me into the ground. I couldn't slow my descent in time and hit the ground hard, earth cracking beneath my body. The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped for air. Dark Shadow lunged at me.

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