Chapter 38

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~All Might POV~

I was dreaming about my days in America when I awoke to the sound of Y/N calling my name.

"Dad. Dad!" She said enthusiastically.

"Something wrong?" I asked groggily. Her and Young Midoriya were looking out the window of the plane.

"Look! Right there!" They both said excitedly.

"The floating city that can move anywhere. Home to over ten thousand scientists. I Island!" Midoriya said with elation.

"I can't believe this is where we get to start summer vacation. This is amazing!" Y/N said fidgeting excitedly in her seat.

"I didn't realize you two would be this excited. I'm glad I invited both of you." I said with a laugh. The two of them turned to me.

"Are you sure it's okay that I came along with you two? It's not going to be a problem?" Midoriya asked nervous.

"Don't even think twice about it. The invitation was clear and I'm welcome to bring whoever I want as my guest." I said to him.

"Well doesn't that usually mean a family member. I mean Y/N is here so I..." He began to say but I cut him off.

"The invitation that was sent was for Y/N and I both. I think you forget young Midoriya that you and I are connected by something just as thick as blood. We will forever share the blood of One for All." I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Right." Midoriya said.

"Attention passengers. The plane will soon begin its descent to I Island." The captain announced. I stood from my seat.

"This is gonna be monumentally exhausting. Once we've landed and gone out in public. I must maintain my muscle form constantly." I said powering up. I pulled off my outer layer of clothing to reveal my hero costume.

"Now it's about time for you two to change as well. You did ask UA if you could bring your hero costume along, right?" I asked the two who grew super excited at the mention of costumes.

"Yes!" They squealed.


Izuku and I changed into our hero costumes and got off the plane. We went through security and once we were through Izuku and I looked out among the beautiful island. It's even more beautiful than the pictures in my book. My fascination for the island started when I was 10. Kai had given me a book about the scientific marvels of the world. I island was the main extraction. It was the cornerstone for hero support items and technological advances around the world. I stared at the beautiful scenery in amazement until my dad spoke.

"I can't believe so many people are here before the expo is officially open to the public." He said next to me.

"No way! The pictures of this place don't do it justice." Izuku stared in awe.

"Unlike back in Japan. People are allowed to use their quirks however they wish on this island. The pavilions are jam packed with attractions and demonstrations. You two should make some time for them later." My dad said placing a hand on mine and Izuku's shoulder.

"We totally will." I said looking around still amazed.

"Now let's see the hotel should be nearby." My dad said pulling out his phone.

"Welcome to I Expo." A woman said before letting out a gasp.

"Is that you All Might!?" She asked, excited. People around all turned and ran towards us. Izuku and I were instantly squished into the large crowd. I grabbed onto him and flew in the air away from the crowd. We both sat there catching our breaths. My dad handed out autographs to all the fans before finally coming back to us. I giggled at the sight of him.

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