Chapter 8

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~Katsuki's POV~

I'm waiting in the arena next to Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, and Tape Dispenser. These losers won't leave me alone. They have clung onto me like lost puppies. They are laughing and talking amongst themselves when Shitty Hair elbows me.

"Aren't you excited too Bakubro?" I look over at the three and they are waiting expectantly.

"For what?" I growl at them.

"To see Y/N's costume." Dunce Face interjects excitedly. This made my blood boil. All they ever talked about was her. I hated it.

"Yeah I bet she will look ama.." Tape Dispenser started to say until his mouth went wide. So did Dunce Face and Shitty Hair. Shitty Hair had a blush on his face. His eyes fixated on something. What the fuck are they staring at? I look in the direction they are staring and I had to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. It was Y/N. She was beautiful. My god that hero costume hugged each curve just right. It highlighted her perfect hourglass shape. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a headpiece that glowed brightly in the sunlight. My train of thought was broken when Dunce Face decided to speak.

"Holy crap Y/N looks so hot. I can officially die a happy man after seeing that body of hers." Before I could even think my hands were on his collar. Sparks burning the cloth in my hand.

"WATCH IT YOU DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE SHIT." I was furious. I already hated them looking at her but now him making that comment sent me over the edge. I wanted to roast this kid. The sparks in my hand intensified causing Dunce Face to shriek in fear.

"Woah man I'm sorry I was just complimenting her." No, you weren't you were objectifying her! I was about to swing at him when suddenly Y/N appeared between the two of us. She grabbed my arm of the hand that was holding Dunce Face and pulled it away harshly causing me to let go. Shit that hurt. She wasn't letting go. I tried to pull it away but she had a vice grip hold on it. Fine, you don't want to let go I'll take you for a ride then. I pulled my arm causing her to go off balance and shot an explosion out squatting and throwing her over me. Before she landed on the ground she used her quirk to stop midair. Smart. She let go of my arm and set herself upright still floating in the air now at eye-level with me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Kaminari is trying to be your friend. Are you just going to be an asshole to everybody?" She was annoyed I could see it on her face.

"I didn't like how he was talking about you." I whispered out trying not to let my temper get the best of me.

"What?" Her voice was louder now causing people to stare. This fucking girl.

"Fucking forget it." I turned around to head towards the front of the group. Before I could I stopped. I couldn't move. Suddenly I was in the air and flipped around to face blood-red eyes. Fuck.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM JACKASS!? I ASKED YOU A QUESTION." She was furious. Everyone was now staring. Deku was trying to calm her down. She shot him a glare before turning around and glaring at me again.

"Look I'm sorry please calm down." I had softened my tone in an attempt to calm her down but it just seemed to make her angrier. Suddenly I felt like I was being crushed. I looked down to see her energy around me it was the same blood-red color as her eyes. It hurt. I locked eyes with her again. Her breathing was erratic, and she was sweating. Suddenly it felt like the air left my lungs and I was having a hard time catching my breath.

"Y/N stop you're hurting him!" Deku jumped forward grabbing onto her arm ripping her murderous glare from me. She glared at Deku before her face shifted to worry and then darted her eyes back to me. Tears began to form in her eyes. Her eyes turned back to normal and I could feel the air return to my lungs. I dropped to the ground trying to catch my breath. She fell to the ground on her knee's tears streaming down her face. I looked down at the ground before I stood up and stomped away. This is all my fault I upset her again.

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