Chapter 41

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Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

 Harry and I looked at each other nervously. I didn't know what he was thinking but I was hoping it was what I was thinking. If he doesn't remember that we said we were just friends then he doesn't remember that we lied. So if we did say we were brothers now he wouldn't know we had lied.

Can we tell him we're all brothers? I mean, the reason we weren't doing it was because he might get flashbacks and his memory could come back and haunt him, but they're coming back on their own accord. Does that mean we can talk and become best friends again?!

Harry smiled and nodded to me. He was thinking the same as me. "But we'll wait," he commented quietly. "We'll let Dalia tell him," he sighed.

"Dalia?" Marcel questioned, alarmed at the name. "Where's Dalia?! Have you heard from her?! I've been worried sick," he spoke fast, hissing as he moved his arm too much.

"Hey hey hey," I panicked, stepping forward and trying to help him.

"I'm fine," he nodded towards me as I helped him lift his arm. He slid back into a comfortable position in the bed and I slowly lowered his arm again. "Thanks," he mumbled so I stepped back. "So you guys know Dalia? Is she coming here? I miss her so much," he sighed.

"Ummm.... Not exactly," Harry confessed, dragging a chair from the wall to the side of the bed where he sat.

"What do you mean not exactly? I was thinking that she sent you?" He questioned, a worried expression plastered on his face.

"No. We've never actually met Dalia but you had asked us to find her so that's what we're doing," I tried to explain but the look on his face showed that I only confused him more. "Marc-Harry," I quickly corrected myself when I remembered that he got upset when called Marcel. I pulled a chair up like Harry did and sat on it next to him. I looked up at Marcel. "How much do you know about why you're in here?" I asked. He looked at me like that was a strange question to ask.

"Not too much but I'd rather not tell you about my life. I don't know who the both of you are. I'd like to talk about this stuff with someone I actually know and feel comfortable around," he said, his tone of voice saying that he was finished talking about the topic. I guess without Dalia we won't really get anywhere. I just hope someone finds Dalia soon.

Liam James Payne P.O.V

As soon as the two boys left in the morning we pretty much started to pack up our bed. It took a little while but the four of us managed to clean it up and put everything back to how we had found it in the other room.

"Whatcha doin Niall?" I asked as I sat down on the couch next to him, looking over his shoulder at what he was doing on his phone. Zayn and Louis were in the kitchen getting us all breakfast (just plain cereal).

"I'm on the new Instagram account. Heaps of people have already sent in hundreds of photos and claims," he said as he accepted another dm request. He opened it and after a few short seconds he had blocked the user.

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