Chapter 18

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

A couple days after our photo shoot and unscheduled interview, was the day we were allowed to jump onto our private jet and fly to Washington. We hadn't told our fans that we were going there because I really, really wanted this to be private. I mean, I would tell the world everything (because I really don't like lying to our fans) but I'd probably say their names and I want their permission before the paparazzi fine them. The paps can be very demanding and at sometimes violent and I don't want them to be forced into that.

In the morning, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis and I were woken up by Paul. "Okay sleepy heads, time to get up," he said, walking over to us individually and opening our eyes with his fingers. I sat up and the blankets fell off me. It took a few seconds before I remembered where I was and what was so important about today. When I finally remember that today was the day I...we are supposed to fly over to DC, I shot out of my hotel bed and bolted to the bathroom. I got changed in no time. I then ran over and pushed the boys out of their beds, causing four loud thuds as their bodies hit the ground.

"Oowww," Niall groaned, rubbing his head as he sat up. The blankets had fallen down with him so he pulled the remaining bits down I went back to sleep on the floor.

"Why are you acting so weirdly?" Zayn complained as he tried to stand up. "You're never a morning person." When he stood up he bent over and helped Liam up too. I looked over to Louis who had snuck back into his bed like he was never pushed out.

"Can't you boys move any faster?" I whined. "Today is the day we fly over. Can you please get up?!!" I yelled, running over to Louis' bed, climbing over him and jumping on it.

"You're such a child," Louis said as he whipped a pillow from beneath his head and blindly through it a me. It hit my torso then fell back onto him. He moaned, thinking I had thrown it back at him.

"Yeah, look who's talking," I said back, jumping off the bed making the ground thud. I pushed the boys into the bathroom and hurried them as they got dressed. When they all staggered sleepily out of the room, all dressed in their disguises which consisted of beanies and dark shades, I pushed the readymade cereal bowls at them. I was so anxious about today and I just wanted to fly over, find the hotel and knock on every door until a face just like mine answered. The St. Paul's charity has booked a whole hotel for all the orphans that are over the age of thirteen (except me and the boys, yes they've saved a room for us but because I'm rich and they're only a charity I volunteered to pay for my own room and all the rooms on my floor while I was at it, they were so appreciative over the phone when I told them I could do that and more but they insisted that they couldn't let me spend my hard earned money on anymore rooms) everyone that is under that age will live on the campus, which means that Marcel and Edward will be in the same building as me, again.

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