Chapter 21

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💢I may mention Zayn and Perrie together (I don't know if it'll be in this exact chapter but maybe further on). Even though I know they met after Zayn was 17,18, I think they're cute together so I don't care:)💢


Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

Okay.... To say I'm embarrassed is an understatement. I'm humiliated, mortified. I can't believe I acted like that....well, I can believe that because I do act out a lot but now I have to apologise. It was hard enough doing it to Marcel and he's my brother. I know Harry is most likely my brother too but I've known him for less than two hours and him and his friends are world famous. If you don't believe me when I call them world famous, you should hear the screams from outside. Hundreds of girls have surrounded the building and they're continuously chanting 'One-Di-rec-tion!'

I approached their door and took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. I knocked on the door lightly. It took a while but I eventually saw someone's eye in the peep hole and a lady answered.

"Hi. Please state your business," she said professionally. I looked at her. She really didn't look that professional. She was tall and was wearing baggy but fashionable clothes with her blonde hair pulled into a high, messy bun.

"I'm Edward," I said nervously.

"Oh. I'm Lou," she put out her hand which I shook. "Short for Louise," she said and I looked at her funnily. Louise was so close to Louis.

"What are you doing here?" she asked politely.

"I...umm," I stumered. "I need to talk to the boys," I said and she nodded, opening the door wider to let me in.

"I was just about to start their makeup but I think they're in the bedroom picking out their clothes for tonight," she said and pointed to a closed door.

As I walked up to it I noticed that the room was nice and tidy, just how it was when I entered. I feel so guilty for trashing the room but at the same time slightly amazed at how quickly they managed to clean it.

I knocked quietly on the door. "Who is it?" I heard a voice call from the other side.

"It's me," I whispered.

"Marcel?" a different voice asked.

"" I heard some whispering from the other side but finally someone spoke.

"C-come in," he said fearfully. I stepped forward and slowly creaked the door open. I walked into the room and saw all of them standing there in their underwear (this would be a total dream come true if I were gay or a fan girl, or a girl in general). They were looking over racks of unstylish clothes while a lady picked out an outfit and handed it to Liam. It was an old lady outfit with faded flowery clothes and huge earrings with a matching necklace, not to mention the hideous handbag that went with it. I'm guessing that's what Liam's going to have as his disguise tonight.

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