Chapter 23

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

I walked into the room and I fell on the couch. "How was this morning?" I asked Liam, Zayn and Niall sticking my head up.
"Yeah, tell us about it," Louis commented too, pouring himself some juice that he found in the fridge.
"It was fun," Liam said, coming over and knocking my feet off so he could sit down next to me. When he sat down, I put my feet on top of him.
"Yeah. We talked about stuff like football and Britain. Since you told him he was from Holmes Chapel he said he's been dying extra to go to Britain. He's never been there before and always wanted to go but now he knows he's from there, that only makes him want to go more," Zayn shrugged, walking over and sitting on the single couch, a cup of juice Louis had poured him in his hand.
"And I've never ever met someone who could eat more then Niall," Liam laughed, pointing at Zayn. Zayn then started to laugh. Obviously something had happened and I wanted to find out.
"What? What's so funny?" Louis and I said, looking at the three of them.
"Well," Niall said. "When we sat down at the table I instantly started to eat the choc-chip pancakes that we ordered. He laughed at me as I tried to chop it up and I looked at him. He said that I was wasting my time so he leant over the table and picked up my pancakes. I growled," he said and I laughed as well. Of course he growled. No one and I mean no one steals Niall's food.
"So he had my food in his hand and shoved it in my mouth. Time passed and somehow the four of us were having a competition to see who could eat the most pancakes. In the end it was Edward versus me but I was getting full. I stopped because I was going to explode and he said, 'are you done with that?' and them he leaned over and ate my left overs. After about five minutes we were in the elevator coming up and he pat his stomach and said 'I'm hungry. What times lunch?' Can you believe that. Oops," his eyes shoot open. "TOILET!!" he screamed and ran to the bathroom.
"Yeah," Liam laughed. "He was meant to go before we left to rehearse but he didn't have time. He performed all those songs with his bum squished together." We all laughed. Suddenly a loud echo sounded through the apartment.
"NIALL!!!" we all bellowed when we realised it was Niall's fart that had echoed loudly in the toilet bowl.
"I've been holding in 111 pancakes for four hours now so I'll fart as loudly as I want!" he shouted back.
"Ignoring that," Zayn said quiet enough for Niall not to hear.
"Okay, well," Liam clapped his hands together. "Nap time," he smiled and walked to his bedroom.
About three months ago Simon came up with a 'nap time' for us that goes from 2 to 4. If we are booked for something we'll defiantly go but that's because we need and want to. Nap time for us isn't actually for naps most of the time. It helps us relax and yes, catch up on sleep like Liam is doing. We normally play video games and stuff but not talk. We save our voices because it is hard singing for four hours roughly twice a day, rehearsal and the real thing.
I sat on the couch scrolling through my twitter as Zayn and Louis did the same. I could hear Liam's faint snores and Niall's bombers as I like to call them (when your poo drops and the toilet water splashes your bum.)

"Hey people. Can't wait for tomorrow, see you then!!!"
I quickly tweeted and instinctually got thousands of replies. I was contemplating on telling them I have an announcement but I want it to be a complete surprise.
"Did you hear that?" I said looking up. Someone had opened and closed their door in the hall and I could faintly hear the clinking of metal upon metal.
"Someone's probably just leaving. No biggie," Zayn shrugged.
"But it sounded close. Maybe Marcel and Edward's door. What could they be doing?" I said mostly to myself as I stood up and walked to the front door and opened it slowly.
I looked out and saw Marcel doing something to the plastic pot plant that was outside his door. I looked at the two outside my door and they looked normal. What could he me doing to his?
"What are you doing?" I whispered. He jumped back and dropped a wooden box, which the metal things were inside, causing a loud noise.
"Harry!" he whisper shouted as he turned to look at me. He bent down and picked up the box again. I walked out to him. He dug a small whole in the pot and started to bury the old, dirty box.
"What are you doing?" I asked again.
"I'm hiding them," he said back like it was so obvious.
"From who?" I asked. I haven't asked what they were yet.
"From Edward and I but mostly me," he said back.
"What's in the box?" I said putting a hand on his shoulder as the box was covered.
"Knives," he said simply.
"What?!" I gasped.
"What?" he said back, turning to look at me as he rubbed his hands together to get the dirt off them. (It's weird how a fake plant uses really dirt.)
"Why are you burring knives and where'd you get them?" I questioned.
"They were in the apartment. You know, knives, forks and spoons," he said simply.
"And why do you feel the urge to hide them?"
"Well, I would through them out but I don't think I'm allowed to."
"And the reason you’re burying them is..." I spoke sympathetically, noting that he was changing the subject a lot, probably because he didn't want to talk about it.
"I....I don't," he whispered. "I get....tempted," he spoke sadly looking down at the floor. I stared at him confused.
"I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled, looking back up at me.
"Marcel?" I said quietly, turning him back around when he turned to go back inside. "Please," I begged. "You may not know me as much as you know Edward but I'm your brother too. You can trust me," I spoke softly, staring him straight in his oh-so-familiar green eyes.
"I just..." he hesitated, looking anywhere but my eyes. He was really starting to worry me now. I slid my arm down from his shoulder and held onto his right wrist. He looked down at it and sighed.
"Go away," he whispered, pulling out of my grip and going back inside his room. He turned to look at me one last time as he closed the door slowly.
I stayed outside his door and just stared at it for a few minutes. I had a strong suspicion on what he was talking about but I hoped I was wrong. Not just wrong but I hoped that what I was thinking was way off.
I sighed and turned around and headed back into my hotel room.
"Hey. You were out for a while. What happened?" Zayn asked as he heard the door click closed.
"It was nothing," I whispered, too deep in thought. What is Marcel not telling me?
"What's wrong Harry?" Louis said concerned, putting his phone down and getting ready to stand up and come to me.
I shook my head and he sat up. Zayn put his phone down and sat up too. They came over to me, Zayn standing in front and Louis rubbing my back.
"Harry?" Louis whispered.
"I think something's wrong with Marcel," I said, my voice cracking. I am so worried. He's my little brother, why wouldn't I be?
"What happened?" Zayn said sympathetically.
"Marcel was outside," I sniffled, trying to distract myself from all the stress and worry I was starting to develop.
"He was doing something to one of the pot plants outside his door. I walked over and saw he was burring a box. I asked what was in it and he said knives," I looked up at my friends when I heard their breathing hitch.
"Why-why was he burring them?" Louis said, looking to Zayn who shrugged nervously.
"He said he'd rather through them out but it's a hotel room so he can't. Anyway, I asked him that question, and he said 'I get tempted.' I'm really worried guys," I looked up into Louis' eyes and then into Zayn's.
"Do you think we should ask him and not take no for an answer. The worst he can do is yell, right?" Zayn said, looking at me and Louis.
"I think I've made him mad enough for now," I whispered and walked out of the group.
"Get some rest Harry. We don't have anything planned for the rest of the day so sleep in," Louis said over my shoulder.
"I was planning to play some football on the field down the road with you guys but if you're not up to it, we can order room service and invite Edward and Marcel over here for dinner," he said and I nodded.
"Okay," I mumbled and walked into my room, closing the door.
I crawled into the bed and laid on the blankets, twiddling my thumbs and staring up at the ceiling. I hope it's nothing big. I wished he had just answered me so I didn't have to worry so much.
It felt like hours when my eyelids started to become heavy. Slowly they closed and a heavy darkness devoured me.

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