Chapter 52

301 9 2

3rd person P.O.V

The rest of the night went smoothly. Everyone socialised and hung out around the pool. They all laughed and listened to different stories. For dinner they cooked burgers on the barbecue, Marcel had a veggie burger and said he was 'over' his panic attacks about meat. At midnight Edward ran downstairs and grabbed Marcel's medicine which everyone else had forgotten about. Marcel swallowed it with a gulp of water and the night went on.
By about one in the morning they were all getting tired and shuffled off to bed.

Liam and Gemma rose early and woke everyone else up at about 8:30. Simon had personally snuck into the boys' bedroom at six and woken Marcel to give him his medicine who had soon fallen asleep again before being woken.
Simon had organised a chef to cook them a big breakfast to celebrate the fact that this was all finally over.
Everyone ate (even Marcel had a big breakfast which Edward was more excited about then anything else) and talked again, all smiling, Dalia and Jenni finally starting to get over the fact they were famous and hanging out with THE boys from One Direction and were gradually starting to just hang out with them.
At about 9:10 they all finished eating and went to get dressed since they would have to be in the cars and driving to the press conference by 9:30 so they were there and ready when it starts at 10. The boys went into their bedroom and the three girls went into theirs.
"What are we going to say?" Marcel said nervously as he struggled to put his pants on. "I mean, should we rehearse so we don't trip up on our words?" He said aloud as he managed to put one leg in.
"You guys should be fine," Liam comforted as he pulled off his pyjama pants and pulled his jeans on. "We know this is yours and Edward's first interview, press conference, whatever you want to call it but you'll be fine. From experience I've learnt that you can't really prepare. Just answer truthfully, I guess, and if you don't want to answer a question make it very clear so they don't keep pushing," he reassured.
"Yeah, just answer truthfully and it'll all be fine," Louis smiled as well, walking over to help Marcel with his shirt.
"I wonder what they'll ask though," Niall spoke. "I wonder if they'll be straight into what happened with you Marcel or if they'll ask a few smaller questions first," he pondered out loud.
"I'm pretty sure I heard Simon say that we'll start at ten with just our fans then at 10:45 the actual news reporters and stuff will come. So I'm assuming they'll want us to talk about Marcel once the news people get there. It was a huge incident. Many people were killed and the whole incident involved the FBI. It'll be everywhere," Zayn said the last part mostly to himself. He started to fix his hair in the mirror but Louis pushed him away playfully so he could fix his own.
"Come on bum holes," Gemma's voice called from the other side of the door as she banged on it. "The three of us are all dressed and have our hair and makeup done already which tells you just how long you're taking," she called.
"Out in a minute," Harry called to his sister with a smile. He found it comforting to hear her voice, even if she just called him a bum hole.
"Hope everything goes well," Edward said, starting to feel nervous himself. He knows he doesn't exactly have the best reputation so far.
"It'll be fine. They'll love you," Niall smiled, walking over and placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"Hope so," Edward blushed at the affection. He laced his fingers with Niall's and they strolled towards the door.
They walked out, followed by the rest. They all headed towards the door when Simon appeared from around the corner.
"You're all ready?" He said in surprise. They all nodded, the boys of One Direction excited that they surprised him with their (Gemma's) organisation. "Great. Paul's downstairs waiting. We have a van waiting for you guys too. It'll take only about ten minutes to get to the venue and once their I'll explain the rest," he said happily.
"Thanks Simon," Marcel smiled, walking passed him to the elevator. He pressed the down button and once it came, everyone jumped in.
"This will be exciting," Jenni whispered to Dalia but everyone else could hear.
"We've always wondered what it would be like on this side. See how crazy us fans can really get," she smiled excitedly.
"It'll be fun but by what we've seen already it'll be a bit scary," Dalia said nervously.
The elevator door opened and they all jumped out.
"Okay. Behave," Simon said as he headed in the other direction because his car was over there.
"Kiddies," Paul called. Everyone's attention turned to where he was on the other side of the car park. Everyone made their way over to the security guard who helped them into the large black van.
"Hey Paul?" Gemma questioned before she hopped in herself. "Why do all the other vans have drivers in them?" She asked curiously.
"Because we're gonna have all the cars drive out at the same time so the people outside don't know which one you guys are in. They almost tipped the vehicle last time so more cars means less crowd around each one. They'll all go in different directions before coming back here. Ours will be the only one to go to the venue," he explained as he helped her in.
"Oh," Gemma shrugged. It was a good idea.
"Okay. All buckled up?" Paul asked. His words were soon followed by a chorus of yes-es. "Okay, good," he said before he slide the van door shut. He walked over to the front passenger seat and jumped in. When he was buckled up the driver started the van and the garage gate outside opened. There were heaps of body guards outside, stopping the fans outside from rushing in. The driver waited a few minutes as he waited for half of the vans to drive out first. He then drove out after about half the cars had gone.
Everyone in the back of the van were dead silent as they heard the screams from outside surround them. They didn't need the fans to hear them otherwise this whole plan would go to waste. They couldn't see outside becasue of the heavily tinted windows so they didn't know when it was safe to talk again.
"Is the coast clear?" Gemma whispered after a few minutes and the screams seemed to have subsided.
"Yeah. We're on the highway now," Paul said casually and everyone else let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm so nervous," Marcel admitted. "What are the people from school going to think of me? They already think I'm an attention seeker because I'm only seventeen and nearly finished college," he sighed nervously. "They'll hate me even more. They'll spread rumours about me and make the whole world hate me." As he spoke he started to shake. Edward started to worry because he knew that Marcel was about to have a panic attack. He'd seen Marcel have enough attacks to know what was coming.
"Hey Marcey, come down babe," he said quickly, unbuckling his seatbelt and racing to crouch in front of him. Everyone was confused as to why Edward suddenly started to fret over him.
Marcel started to hyperventilate as he thought about how much he dreaded school, how badly he got bullied and how much he would get bullied when he returned for his last year. Everyone started to panic when they realised that something was actually happening.
"Calm down Marcey," Edward said. He grabbed Marcel's hands and placed them over his mouth because there were no paper bags in the van.
"What's happening?" Dalia said panicked.
"He's having a panic attack," Edward quickly informed. Zayn and Liam were sitting next to Marcel but Edward shooed them away to give his little brother more space. "Marcey, you don't need to worry. When you go back to school it'll be your senior year and those fucking jerks that bullied you won't be there because they graduated. No one will pick on you Marcel," Edward spoke quickly, trying to get him to calm down a bit.
"What's going on back there?" Paul asked from the front.
"Marcel's having a panic attack," Louis quickly told him in a whisper.
"Is it because of his claustrophobia? I knew the van was a bad idea," Paul started to worry.
"No. He's just worried about school. Edward's taking care of it. The last thing he needs right now is for everyone else to start to panic too so stay calm," he said. Everyone else heard him and tried to calm themselves too. They've never seen someone have a panic attack before (the only one Harry has seen is Marcel's extreme one at the hospital so he was extra worried because he thought that all panic attacks were like that) so they had no idea what to do. Thank god Edward knew what he was doing and could stay calm in sudden situations.
"You're Harry freaking Styles' brother. No one will pick on you. If anything they'll try extra hard to be your friend," he tried to comfort. It took a few minutes but Marcel's breathing started to slow. He slowly took his hands away from his mouth. He felt slightly embarrassed but ignored it. He zoned everyone else out and just focused on the person he loved in front of him.
"So instead of being bullied, I'll be used. People will either use me to get to Harry and the band or they'll take sympathy on me or better still, they'll blame me for causing those police officers to die," he said sadly, looking down to the floor. Was it actually his fault that the police officers died? If he just hadn't stormed out of the venue then he wouldn't have been kidnapped and wouldn't have needed rescuing. If only he hadn't let Edward's words get to him. He knows Edward can't control his words when he's angry. Those policemen and women died because he was stupid.
"That," Edward said strongly. "That was not your fault," he said firmly. "Those officers died protecting their country, their city. And if what happened didn't happen, can you imagine how much bad those guys could have done. They could have sold millions of dollars worth of drugs, murdered people, kidnaped more people, maybe even children. If you hadn't taken that step of courage and run away, then they might not have been caught. You saved so many people," Edward said, griping hold of Marcel's hands and giving him a tight squeeze. "I love you," he smiled.
"I love you too," Marcel sighed, suddenly blushing brightly at the realisation that everyone in the van was staring at him. "I'm sorry guys," he said awkwardly, looking over to the others. "It's stupid. I'm sorry."
"Marcel, panic attacks aren't stupid. You're worried and we understand why but you just have to breath and talk about it," Niall smiled.
After a short few minutes they were interrupted when the driver parked and called that they were there. Paul jumped out and slid open their door for them. Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall were the first to jump out and as they stepped out they could see all the fans at the gate screaming and waving to them. They waved back and were about to walk over to them to take a few selfies and sign a few things but Paul grabbed their shoulders and redirected them the opposite direction. Much to their dismay they were all forced to go inside. Jenni and Dalia were the next to jump out and they had no desire to go say hi to the fans because they knew that they weren't there for them. Either way, the fans still yelled and tried to get their attention, just not as loudly. Gemma then jumped out and the girls cheered but when the brothers hopped out of the van, everyone went crazy. Girls were screaming encouragement, some were screaming questions they were worried wouldn't be asked and others were trying to get everyone to start to sing a song.
Each boy (except Marcel)  just smiled and waved but walked the way they were told.
Once they were inside, they walked to the end of the long hallway where the others were waiting.
"Good. You're all here," a police officer smiled as he clapped his hands. Simon walked into the room as the officer continued to talk. "So this is how today's gonna go. You'll go out at ten so in five minutes. About 100 fans are in the next room and they have set up all the cameras and stuff and know what they're gonna do. They'll ask questions and whatever. At about quarter to eleven we'll have to ask most of them to leave so the news reports can interview you about the bigger things. We've told the girls this already so they know only to ask about the smaller things," the officer smiled.
"Boys," Simon spoke. "Lou's in the other room. We don't have enough time for hair and makeup so she'll just do a few touch ups so hurry," he smiled. The boys in One Direction all happily hurried off to the other room but Edward walked in hesitantly, Marcel by his side.
"Makeup?! What pussy wears makeup?" He whispered.
"I wore makeup," Marcel said, glaring down at his shorter, older brother. "And if I do remember correctly, one of the first things you noticed about me was that I was wearing it," he glared playfully.
Edward blushed with embarrassment. "I mean, you had a reason," he tried to play it off.
"Your other brother and his band wear it all the time and they make millions, so what's your point?" Marcel said with a smirk because he knew he was getting his point threw. "If anything, guys who don't wear it are pussies," he said sassily.
"I just... Makeup?"
"You look gorgeous so don't worry," Niall said, coming over and wrapping his arms around Edward's neck. "We don't wear makeup for looks like girls do Bella. It's because of the TV cameras and stuff," he informed him. Lou soon came over with her makeup and pried Niall away.
"Fine," Edward said reluctantly.
"Time to get out there!" Simon called as he walked in. "Girls," he spoke to Gemma, Dalia and Jenni. "I'm sorry but I see no need for you three to go out," he apologised before turning to the boys. "When you go out you guys will be in this order," Simon instructed.
"Zayn," he called and Zayn went to the door, ready to go out first.
"Liam," Simon spoke and Liam went and lined up behind Zayn.
"Louis. Niall. Edward. Harry. Marcel," he said the rest of the names and as they were called they went and lined up.
Everyone was getting nervous as they waited to go out. "Remember, just answer truthfully and honestly but most of all be yourselves. That's why the fans fell in love with you. Let them see the real Edward and Marcel because they haven't before," Gemma spoke as she stood next to the boys. "Have fun," she whispered as Paul walked to the front. He placed a hand in the doorknob and opened the door. When the door was opened, they were met with a excited chatter and applause. The girls had previously been told to not be too loud otherwise they'd have to leave.
"Hi," Zayn smiled as he walked out. He stepped onto the small rise of the stage and walked behind the long table to where his chair, microphone and bottle of water were waiting. The rest of the boys filed out and took their spots, everyone smiling, waving and trying to talk to the people at the front as they walked but Edward and Marcel stayed silent and focused to the front. The room was the size of an average conference room. They were sitting at the front wall which was covered in a big One Direction wall cover. Sat in front of them were ten rows of ten chairs. Each chair had an excited fan sat on it. Behind all the fans was a window with a view of the next building since they were on the third floor. The two paths on the end of the rows had many cameras standing on tripods, some set at a particular angle and some had their owners standing behind it. Also at the back of the room were a few larger, professional looking cameras that they assumed were being used to either film this to share to the fans that couldn't come in or being used to do a live stream.
"Okay," Liam spoke once everyone had taken their spots. He continued to talk but the audience started to giggle because he wasn't talking into the microphone. His cheeks tinted pink and he leant into the microphone. After a shy apology, he repeated what he had said.
"So, we're not quite sure how this will work so I guess you'll just put your hands up if you want to ask a question. You know, like at school. So ummm... who goes first?" as soon as he said that, everybody's hands shot up. Everybody shook their hands, trying to get noticed, and sat up as tall as they could so they could be seen over the others.
The boys were overwhelmed by how badly the girls (and about five guys) wanted to ask the questions. "Ummm.... I guess," Louis said after no one else would say anything. He pointed to a girl in pigtails and a pink 'fetus' One Direction shirt who stood up immediately.
"OMG!! Hey! I'm Jean and I love you guys-"
"We love you too," Harry interrupted with a small smile.
The girl blushed before moving onto her question. "Okay. So there's so many questions I could ask you Marcel," She said, looking at Marcel who felt nervous under her gaze and looked down. "But what my twitter followers have wanted me to ask is, well, Niall, you've recently come out of the closet," she said, gazing straight at him. He felt a little nervous about the question but maintained eye contact and didn't show it.
"It really caught us off guard and no one expected it. My question is, how long have you known you were gay and how did it feel when you tweeted about you and Edward?" she asked, the fans on the edge of their seats because they were desperate to know.
"Oh," Niall said, pausing to think about it. "Not long I guess," he said, eyes staring at nothing as he tried to think. "I know heaps of people that have held in their true feelings for years and bottled everything away but it wasn't really like that for me," he tried to explain. "I guess I've never really been totally attracted to girls, like, I can appreciate when they're pretty and attractive but I'm not attracted if you know what I mean. I never found myself attracted to guys though, that was until I met Edward," he said, turning to his boyfriend who blushed and looked down as he remembered how they first met.
"We met about a month or so ago. It was the day Harry started to get depressed actually. We were in a random town having ice cream when I noticed that the two boys in the front of the store looked like Harry. It did turn out that they were the two missing brothers, what a major coincidence am I right?" He tried to joke, managing to get a few giggles out of the girls.
"We went to leave but I stayed behind to get my hot chocolate but at the same time Marcel and Edward stood up to leave too. Edward and I bumbled into each other and I spilt my hot chocolate all over him," he said with a small smile as he looked at his boyfriend who was blushing. "He called me a moron and an idiot and yanked his shirt off and demanded I dry cleaned it." When he said this all the girls laughed at how funny thy found it.
When the noise had quietened, Niall continued. "He gave me his number and I was shocked because I knew Harry would be so please. But Marcel knew who I was and said it would be ridiculous if he made me clean it so he took the shirt and number away from me. I told Harry and he started to get depressed. Anyway, that's an answer to that question if anyone was going to ask that. Anyway ummm... From that moment on I felt something and slowly developed a crush," he shrugged as he answered the question. He slid his hand across the table and laced his fingers with Edward's.
"And how'd you feel when you tweeted about us?" Edward reminded him of the other question with curious eyes. He never knew Niall had a crush on him from the very beginning.
"Nervous," he said into the microphone. "I didn't know how you guys would react but I did it anyway. It was a spur of the moment though. We had just decided to become boyfriends and I was just so happy that I wanted to tell someone. Harry and us were in the middle of a fight so I couldn't exactly tell him," he shrugged, remembering back to the other day when Harry accidentally gave him a concussion.
"Okay well..." Zayn spoke when he realised Niall had finished talking. "Who's next?" He said and the same thing happened as last time. Everyone put their hands up as high as they could and waved them around. He pointed to a girl in a green One Direction shirt who stood up immediately.  
"Heyyyy!" She said enthusiastically. "I'm Jo and my question is for Edward," Edward looked away from Niall and to Jo at the mention of his name.
"Shoot," he said, excited to answer a question.
"Okay. It's a simple one but, technically you haven't come out, you've been outed by Niall. So I'm asking how long have you know you were gay?" She asked.
Although it was the same question as the last one, everyone needed to know Edward's answer.
He lent into the microphone and said simply "I'm not gay," before leaning back. Harry elbowed him and whispered a sharp 'you need to explain.' With a sigh, he leaned forward again and spoke.
"Yeah, ummm, I'm not gay. I went on a date with a girl like two days ago so do you guys really believe that?" He asked rhetorically. "The girl I went out with, Mackala, she's amazing. She's a great girl and I had fun so I'm obviously not gay," he explained.
"Soooo... You're bi?" Jo asked awkwardly because Edward was just staring at her.
"Correct," he smiled.
"How long have you known?" She asked again.
"Since my early teens. Growing up for me was hard but I did somehow manage to get a boyfriend. To be honest, and I'm really sorry Ashley, I didn't know he was a boy because he had long hair and liked more girly things but one day he got a hair cut. That's when I realised he was a guy, but the thing was, I didn't care," he shrugged at his truthful answer. "And Niall didn't 'out' me, I was already out of the closet. I know the people from school and even these boys here," he said, nudging his head towards the boys sitting beside him, "would probably say I'm not, as you say, 'out of the closet.' But the only reason they don't know is because they didn't ask," he shrugged again. "I never really told anyone because I feel it's wrong to assume people are straight. If someone had asked me, then I'd tell them straight up but no one did," he finished talking, leaving the crowd in a thoughtful silence.
"Okay," Liam said before choosing the next questioner who stood up like the previous two and introduced herself as Yaola. Her Indian accent was a little difficult to understand at first but they managed to hear what she had asked.
"Okay, so when Harry started to get depressed and wasn't able to perform any more, you guys cancelled the last few shows of the tour. You guys had promised that you'd go back and perform for the thousands of fans that missed out on their shows. When will you perform those shows?"
"First, I just want to let everyone know we haven't forgotten about you guys at all," Niall spoke into the microphone.
"Yeah, we've discussed when we're going to perform briefly and estimated it to be in about three weeks time," Zayn said happily as he announced the dates the fans we're waiting for.
"We're really sorry for what we did but we had to do it for Harry's health," Louis smiled over to Harry who was frowning into his lap, blaming himself for disappointing the fans.
"Even though we're not set on dates though, we know this for sure," Liam chimed in. "We will give a 100% refund to all the fans who have paid for tickets and we will perform for free. It's kinda our way of apologising to everyone that we disappointed and we know that not everyone will be able to cancel their lives and go to the stadium they need to go to and we're so so so sorry but no matter what we do, no date will suit everyone. We just hope that you will still support us but most of all, remember no matter what happens, we will always love you guys. We owe you so much and we can never repay you," Liam smiled.
Liam soon chose the next girl who stood up excitedly and introduced herself as Hannah. She looked towards Edward as she directed her question to him.
"In the last couple days you've yelled at the paparazzi and smashed their cameras. Why?" she asked. Edward blushed in embarrassment before clearing his voice and answering.
"Oh," he tried to laugh. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that," he apologised. "It's just that I have this... medical disorder," he said carefully since he was slightly embarrassed about it.
"What medical disorded?" Hannah untrue uptrend and pushed for more.
He looked around a bit but found no way out of it. "I ummmm..... I have bipolar disorder," he confessed. "I have recently started medication for it but I wasn't before so I got mad and broke a few things. I am really sorry and understand that cameras are really expensive but you know..." he shrugged awkwardly, not knowing anything else to say.
A few other girls stood up and asked their questions, each one asking about who Dalia is and why she's so important. Zayn and Edward were the two that answered the questions each time.
When the question that had just been asked was answered, another girl stood up and asked her question, this one directed to Edward.
"At the airport the other day you gave Dalia some of your things. You've answered why but my question is, are you okay Edward?" She said sympathetically. "You gave her your bracelets and we noticed you have scars and fresh cuts. Do you... Self harm?" She asked with glossy eyes.
Edward just stared at her with what appeared to be no emotion. He couldn't let people see this weak side of him.
"Bella," Niall nudged. "You're crying," he whispered gently. Once Edward realised he was, he quickly snapped out of it.
He sniffed back his tears and quickly wiped the tears with the back of his hand.
"Ummmm," he whispered. What was going to happen? Will the adults start to watch him 24/7? Will he be allowed to be left alone? Will they force him to get help?
"Yes?" He managed to say but it was more like a question. He looked over to Marcel and Harry then over to Niall, hoping one of them would be able to help him.
"I do," he said into the microphone after a few minutes. The fans were all shocked but his admission. They all pictured him as such a tough guy. No one imagined how tough he had it in life.
"I'm sorry," he sniffed. "I can't," he said, pushing his chair back and standing up. He stormed out of the room. The boys looked between each other before Marcel stood up and followed him.
After a few private minutes the two soon came back out. They took their spots and Edward leaned into the microphone.
"Sorry 'bout that," he sniffed. "It's just, I know many of you know what it feels like. I'm in the same boat as about 60% of this fandom. My life has been hard," he choked on his words a bit as he blinked back his tears but he continued. "I've had people I love die and because of that I've had to leave my home. When I came to America I went into an abusive household. I was beat up everyday and genuinely feared for my life each time I went home. I guess after all that, I believed what I was told. I believed I was useless and unwanted. I thought bad of myself, in a way I still do so because of those feelings, I went to a dark place and started to cut. I had been clean for quite a while but when Marcel was gone, he was the first person in years that I had let in and I felt so bad. I went back to my old ways. I'm sorry for anyone I've disappointed but I don't want to talk about in anymore," he finished explaining as much as he could but he couldn't talk about it anymore without blubbering like a mess so he moved on. Everyone respected it and no one else asked or pestered him about it.
Soon their time was up and even though they had answered an uncountable amount of questions, many people had more that had to go unanswered. When quarter to eleven came, the girls (and few boys) were asked to leave and the police detectives and news reporters came in and took their spots.
It took about fifteen minutes for everyone to get settled so as they were doing so, Marcel and Edward got up and exited from the door they came in because it was time for Marcel to have his medicine.
As the two were walking over to Marcel's bag, Edward noticed that his brother was getting anxious and fidgety.
"What's up Marcey?" Edward asked worriedly, elbowing him gently to get his attention. Marcel snapped out of his daze and replied with a short 'nothing.'
"I know it's not nothing. What's wrong?" he asked again. His question was followed by a sigh.
"I just," Marcel spoke as he unscrewed the cap of his water bottle off with one hand. "I guess I'm just nervous," he said. He placed the bottle on the table before throwing his pill at the back of his mouth and swiftly having a large swig of water.
"All the questions will be directed at me now. I managed to not have a single question asked to me and now I will have to answer everything. I'm just a little scared, that's all," he said as he headed back towards the door.
"Don't be Marcey. Everything will be fine and remember what Liam said, you don't have to answer the questions if you don't want to."
"Yeah, okay," he sighed as he pushed open the door. When he did, he was met by heaps of flashing lights of the paparazzi. No one was yelling because no one wanted to get kicked out. The two boys took their seats in silence as Paul took over from Liam's previous 'I'll choose who asks the question' job.
A mid-forty year old man stood up. He had a camera around his neck and a raggedy brown leather jacket on which made the boys assume he was a press reporter.
It took almost four hours and three fifteen minute intervals to get through all the questions. Marcel felt so open, so exposed during the whole process. He expressed every feeling, every horrid memory he could possibly remember. His breath was shaky and his breathing was sharp. Edward was scared on multiple occasions that he was going to have another panic attack. As he answered, Marcel's voice would crack and he'd have tears stream endlessly down his cheek. Edward had to keep squeezing his hand in reassurance. He would gently rub Marcel's cheek with his finger when he saw the tears start up again but it would never help.
What Marcel had to endure during that week was awful. No one had known how bad it was until he just let it all out. As the boys were all listening, their faces were as white as ghosts. How could Marcel have all that happen to him but act like nothing really happened? He acted like he was fine.
Edward was disappointed in himself that he didn't know Marcel was acting. He knew he was acting when they first met because school was horrible (which Marcel talked about before he got into detail about everything else). He felt ashamed in himself that he didn't see Marcel was dying inside. He just didn't know how he let himself believe Marcel's lie.
The questions were trickling in slowly by the end as the crowd were seeing how upset Marcel was getting. His lower lip was quivering and he would sob loudly every now and then. His form was shaking and his haunted face was tugging at everyone's heartstrings. No one dared put the poor boy threw anymore questions.
Simon came out once the questions stopped coming and told everyone that it was over.
"Oh Marcel," Harry whispered once everyone was gone.
"I'm sorry," Marcel cried, dropping his head into his hands and finally letting the tears fall.
"Marcey," Edward whispered. He wrapped his arms around Marcel's small body and gave him a tight squeeze, not letting go because he knew they both needed it.
"Marcel," Harry whispered, crouching down on the other side of him. "Hey," he said again, making Marcel's watery eye poke through a gap in his fingers.
"I love you Marcel. And what you're going threw, you don't have to go threw it alone," he reassured him with a sad smile.
"He's right Marcey," Edward smiled. "And I love you too."
Marcel took a few deep breaths. He removed his hands from his face and hugged himself. He looked down towards his two brothers and smiled contently. All he ever wanted was a family, and even though they've known each other for such a short time and have gone threw so much, this is exactly what he always wanted.

"I love you too Harry," he smiled at Harry. "And you too Bella," he whispered.

{There will be an epilogue}

💢I'm so sorry for the late update. Hope too many people didn't abandon the story. It took so much longed then I expected when I started and I added so many more twists but thanks for reading😘💢

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