Chapter 16

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

It's been about a week since our little encounter with my brothers. The day that Niall told me what happened I didn't know how to feel. I trudged into the bed area and sat on the tiny black couch at the back of the bus. I sat there thinking, crying silently but instantly wiping the tears away. I'm not the most emotional guy in the band but I've been waiting to meet them for ages now and I missed my chance so you could understand why I was a little upset.

I was on the chair for hours and grew sad inside. I didn't feel like myself. In the few concerts I performed since, I wasn't happy like I usually was. I didn't get a thrill every time I went out in stage. I didn't jump around and talk to the others. I didn't concentrate on talking to the fans and I don't even bother to read any of their posters. There was even a really embarrassing part in one of our Miami concerts where I forgot my lines.


The night air cooled our nerves as we walked backstage. I put on a fake smile and took a few selfies with the younger fans by the gates but I could see in their eyes that they knew something was wrong. Paul and other security people hurried the five of us up as we stalled. We approached our shared dressing room ready for a quick change before our first few songs. "The fans here are amazing. This is our first time at this particular arena right?" Liam questioned as he took off most of his clothes and waited for the lady to choose his clothes.

"Yeah it is," Zayn answered pulling up the pants the other stylist gave him.

"I can't wait to go out!" Louis squealed. He had always liked the feeling of a new arena just like he loved the feeling of putting on a new pair of pants. He says that you need to set a good memory in every arena so the next time you come you have to see if you can beat it. It's kind of like a game. First time you play, get a good score, the second time you play, get a great score. I never really got it.

After about 10 minutes we were told to go on stage. The first thing I heard was the thunderous screams from the thousands of girls that were piled in the large room but it was strange. Normally that sound made me so happy. Made me smile until my cheeks hurt but not today.

We had just preformed our first few songs when it was time to sing One Thing. The music started as the other boys began to jump around and dance while I stood there unhappy, dodging a flying tampon. Yuck, gross. Liam stepped up to the front and let the demanding crowd here his soothing voice.

"I've tried playing it cool,
But when I'm looking at you,
I can never be brave,
Cause you make my heart race,"

Now it was my turn to sing. I took a breath in and began.

"Shot me out of the sky,
You're me kryptonite

The lyrics slipped my mind. "I...urrr," I said into the microphone as a murmur erupted from the crowd. Liam took out his mic piece from his ear and walked over and so did the other boys.

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