Chapter 36

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V
(Two minutes earlier)

"Good luck babe," the person called Edward smiled before heading out. The other one called Harry smiled to me and wished me luck before following Edward out. When both of them had left my room, the nurses started to flood back in.

"Oh My God!" one of them gasped once she had seen that I had unplugged and turned off all the machines. She raced over and turned all the machines back on. "Marcel, turning off all the machines isn't only dangerous to you but you could break the machines they cost like $1,000 each," she said as the other ladies came over to help her.

"Don't worry, I turned them off properly. I didn't just hold in the power button," I said, rolling my eyes. "You ladies aren't the only medical professionals in the room you know."

A nurse came over and started to grab at my arm. "OWWW!" I yelled as she pulled my bad arm out from the blankets. She had just yanked it and as soon as she moved it an unbearable pain shot through my whole upper body. My face scrunched up in pain and I hissed in agony.

"I'm so sorry," she said but didn't stop. She was trying to put a rough sling around my arm so it would be still until surgery.

"I can do it," I said, taking the bandage out of her hands and throwing it around my neck before proceeding to bind up my arm carefully. She watched me as I did so. When I was finished she opened her mouth to talk.

"You're quite good at that," she commented. I just nodded as I tried to tie the knot one handed. "Out of curiosity, what position do you hold in the medical community?" she asked.

"Technically I'm an intern but I would be a doctor if it wasn't for my age. I'm a few months away from receiving my doctorate. I would have gotten it by now but I was only allowed to start studying it at a certain age," I muffled though the bandage that was in my mouth as I tried to tighten the knot. She just nodded before helping the other nurses. When everyone had finished what they were doing they turned to me.

"Okay Marcel, we have to go now so get ready," one of them said before unlocking the bed so she could roll it down to surgery.

"I can walk." I said before pulling off the blankets and swinging my legs over the side.

"You just woke up from a coma Marcel, you can't walk," a different nurse said.

"I can walk but it's your choice weather I walk down to theatre or out the front door," I threatened. These people have absolute no bedside manner. They all looked at each other nervously so when they were distracted I took my chance to do what I wanted. I stood up from the bed and slowly made my way over to the door.

"Fine, but you'll have to have a wardie to walk next to you so he can catch you if you fall down," the shortest one said. A wardie by the way is a type of nurse but he is hired to do the 'heavy lifting.'

"You think I need a wardie? If I fall over the weakest one of you guys could catch me. I'm 17 and I weigh about 40 kilograms," I said annoyed before closing the small distance between me and the door. When I reached it, I opened it a crack and saw that the two boys were still standing close by but talking in hushed whispers. They both were really upset and the toughest one with the black hair, and the tattoos and the piercing was crying.

They were both talking about me. The black haired, shorter one was crying about how much we loved each other. How him and I were always together and sometimes we'd even sleep together. Oh God... Was he like... my boyfriend or something? Was I gay but forgot and now he's devastated? I hope not. He seems okay but I'm not gay.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now