Chapter 25

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

 I raced off stage as fast as my legs could carry me. "Harry!" Paul yelled, catching me as I ran passed. "Stop Harry. What's wrong? Why do you want the building in lockdown? Why did you swear into the microphone?" he asked.

I was flustered. I was looking around, tugging at my hair. "Marcel's missing!" I yelled. I was trying so hard not to just breakdown and cry. If he leaves the building through any door other than the main front or back it locks from the inside so he can't get back in and he could be taken. So many creeps hide outside of the arenas and stadiums when we're performing. We don't have enough security to protect every door so most of the fire exits remain locked from the inside but with no security on the outside.

"Where is he?" Paul asked.

 "I don't know!" I yelled, pacing back and forth.

 "Harry!" the boys yelled as they ran off stage, Edward silently following behind.

  "Do as he said," Paul said to a crew member. "From now on the building is in lockdown. No one gets in and no one gets out without my permission," he demanded. 

"Yes sir," the person said before running off. As soon as he was out of sight, alarms went off and metal upon metal was heard as the automatic security system locked all doors and windows.

"The six of you stay here. I need to go talk to Simon," Paul demanded, panic in his voice. We're all well aware what creeps could be here. But we need to have hope. For all we know Marcel's just outside near security or even inside, taking a breather. I looked around the room. I was so worried I started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down Harry," the boys said, Zayn coming over and patting my back

 "What did you say to him?" I said sternly at Edward.

 "Cup your hands over your mouth Harry. You're hyperventilating," Liam spoke. I lifted my hands to my mouth as I stared at Edward.

 "What did you say to him that made him leave?" I demanded.

 "We just....we just got into a little fight and I said something I shouldn't have so he broke down and ran away," Edward said worriedly. It is all his fault but he seems really concerned as well so I tried not play the blame game.

 I suddenly did a 180 and started to speed walk down the hall.

 "What the hell? Harry, where are you going?" Louis yelled. I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

 "We all know about the creeps that hang around arenas and I'm dying not knowing where my brother is. I'm going to the security room to check footage and at least calm my anxiety by fining out if he is in the building or outside somewhere," I said strictly before walking off again.

 "Harry, wait," Liam said. Oh great. Daddy Directioner is going to stop me from disobeying Paul's orders.

 "I'm coming with you," he said before he placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled weakly.

 "Come on," I said before marching down the hall again.

 A few crew members looked strangely as Liam and I marched down the halls. We didn't exactly know the way to the security room so we had to follow the signs from the walls and had to make a few U-turns.

 "Harry, here," Liam said as he walked passed a corridor. I stepped backwards, back towards Liam because I had already walked passed the hall. Labelled clearly on the door were the words 'Security camera control room.' I practically sprinted down the short hall and barged through the door. To my surprise there was only one person in the room.

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