Chapter 37

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Louis William Tomlinson P.O.V

"I'm soooo bored!!" Niall complained loudly, lying all over me as I sat on the couch, trying to beat Liam and Zayn in Mario Kart.

"It's not my fault you're terrible at this game," I said, accidently slipping on my own banana peel I had left in a previous lap.

"Ha," Zayn laughed at me as he passed, retaking first place.

"Shut up," I said as my kart stopped rocking and I was able to drive again. "Wait?" I said as a kart drove in my direction then passed me and went where I had just been. "Liam, are you Princess Peach?" I asked.

"Mmh," he nodded.

"Well, idiot, you're driving the wrong way," I laughed.

"Yes!" Zayn yelled as his avatar, Mario, crossed the finish line, winning the race.

"Okay, it's over now," Niall whined again. "How do you think they're going?" he asked in all seriousness as I crossed the line as well.

"I don't know. Okay I guess," Liam shrugged. "Marcel is in a coma remember? Simon told us before he left so I assume they're a little upset," he stated. We all went quiet after that. I was, and I knew that everyone else was really worried about not only Marcel but the other two as well. Our thoughts were interrupted as the doors swung open and the twins walked in, talking hurriedly. When they entered the room, they split up knowing exactly where and what they were to do. They were still talking but to themselves and not the other person. Harry sat on the couch with his phone (he must have gotten it back from the receptionist) and Edward was searching through the draws in the desk. He found some paper and a pen before he pulled out the chair and sat down in front of the desk.

"Soooo..... How was he?" Zayn asked. Both boys ignored him and continued to talk to themselves, Harry mumbling about a livestream and Edward going on about a script.

"OI!" Niall yelled, making them both snap their heads up to us. "How was he? What are you doing?" Niall asked.

"Oh," Harry said before he chuckled to himself. "Sorry, I forgot you weren't there. He's going to be alright," he smiled before looking back down towards his phone.

"A little more please," Liam rolled his eyes.

"Okay, well, long story short," Edward said. "His heart rate was dropping then I killed him which made him come back to life. Then he started to wake up from his coma by wiggling his finger then suddenly he just shot up and started to panic. He has amnesia and can't remember anything or anyone except a girl he met yesterday called Dalia. He's in surgery now so we have between four to twelve hours to do a livestream and find Dalia," he spoke fast before going back to writing.

I have no idea what all of that meant. He killed Marcel?! And that made him come back to life?! What?!

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