Chapter 49

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

"So ummmm..." Dalia said awkwardly, turning back to me after watching the two boys walk out. "How have you been?" she asked, trying to start the convocation.
"Well, I've been shot in the shoulder which almost killed me, my wrist has been cut deeply which almost killed me, I've been stuck in hospital with people I don't know which is emotionally killing me, I'm having trouble remembering the simplest things and I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on. So you tell me how I've been," I said sarcastically. Of coarse I'm not well.
"Oh," she said, half in shock. "Edward said you never swear. What brought you to say that?" she questioned, wriggling in her chair a bit.
I sighed looking down at my feet. "I'm sorry Dalia," I said as I let out a long breath. "I'm just so bloody confused. The nurses won't let me turn on the TV. No one is telling me what actually happened to me and I'm sick of having to put on a brave face," I looked up into her eyes. "No one knows how I feel. I don't tell Harry or Edward or the nurses or the therapists that come up. I still don't know why I have to have therapists," I added as a joke even though it was true. Normally patients don't need therapists unless they've been through something traumatic so it's really confusing me. What the hell happened to me? "I'm scared Dalia," I looked desperately into her eyes. I sniffed a bit as the tears started to surface again. My lip began to quiver and I looked away, trying to keep the tears away.
"Oh Marcel," she said sadly as she stood us and hugged me. I sniffed, trying to remove the surfacing tears as I hugged her back with my good arm. "There's no need to cry honey," she cooed into my ear as she rubbed my back. I shook my head and she slowly let go. She caressed my cheek with her hand and gently rubbed her thumb on it before sitting back down.
"I'm scared," I repeated. "I've never been in this position. I've never known anyone in my position. I know I have amnesia, that's obvious, and I know that whatever happened to me was horrible because if it wasn't then I would have been told already. I'm not stupid. I'm the opposite. I'm a seventeen year old boy that is less than twelve months away from graduating college for crying out loud," I spoke desperately looking down into her eyes, a single tear slipping out of hers. "Whatever you know, whatever you have come to tell me, I can handle it," I plead. "Please," I took a sharp breath. "Please tell me what happened," I begged.
"It's not that simple Marcel. Your panic attracts have made it hard to talk about," she tried to explain.
"Dalia, please. I can't live like this anymore. I'm scared shitless and don't know what to do. At least if I know, I can start to heal. Please, don't hold back. Tell me everything," I emphasised on 'everything' because I really wanted to know everything. I thank the boys and doctors for trying to protect me but it's just making me worse. The longer they don't tell me, the worse I know it is. It's just.... I don't know what could be that bad....

Niall James Horan P.O.V

"Hey," Harry spoke as he walked into the parents room, followed my Edward.
"You guys wanna go get some lunch?" Edward asked, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at the door.
"I'd love to," Jenni smiled, standing up from her spot on the couch. "I'm craving something salty," she added with a smiled as she walked out into the hall to wait.
"Yeah, we'll come," Liam shrugged, pushing himself up from his position next to Zayn on the other couch. I followed their lead and got up from my spot at the dinning table and followed everyone out of the room.
"Hey," I smiled as I finally weaved my way through our pack, making my way over to Edward.
"Hey," he smiled back, his cheeks going a light shade of red.
He has been blushing a lot since I asked him out this morning. I hope that's a good sign. I hope that means that he really likes me.
"So I was ummm.... thinking about our date," I spoke up bravely as we continued to walk down the hall, our hands brushing against each other's as we walked.
"Oh yeah?" He questioned with a smirk, raising an eyebrow a bit as he looked over to me.
"Yeah," I nodded, looking away from his eyes. "I was thinking we could go out in maybe a few days. You know... after Marcel's out and the hype has died down a bit," I added when I saw the disappointment on his face when I said we could go out in a couple days.
"I can't go out then, Niall," he sighed, looking back towards the front. Our group stopped walking and entered the elevator to go to floor two. Once we were out and back in another hall, I continued our convocation.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because I'll need to study," he spoke, and I could hear in his voice that he was exhausted just with the idea of study. "Finals week is this week and I need to pass them to graduate high school. My grades have been fine so far so hopefully that'll help," he sighed again. "Frank has rung the school board and they've said that as soon as the drama starts to wind down, which could be in like a week since he'll be out soon, I'll need to start studying. From the day I start, I have fourteen days until I need to sit my exams. Weather they're actually at my school or in a quiet room supervised by an qualified teacher is yet to be decided," he said glumly.
God. I haven't had to sit an exam in years. Let alone senior finals. I left after grade ten to join the work force instead of continuing through seniors and graduating. I've never had to go through what he's going through. Must be hard. He must be nervous (Not meeting the queen nervous or playing at the Olympics closing ceremony nervous, but still nervous).
"Oh, okay," I huffed.
"But ummmm...." he smirked over to me, turning his hand and using his fingers to trace the back of mine. "If nothing big happens maybe we could do something tonight," his smirk turned into an embarrassed smile and a blush crept onto his cheeks as his fingers slowly fiddled with mine. Slowly our hands steadily intertwined, causing both of us to smile brightly. I was half in shock that it's actually happening and half in fondness. If you haven't noticed by now, it's like the Carley Rae Jepsen song, I really really really really really like him and I want him. Does he want me? Does he want me too? I love that song.
I smiled down at our hands before looking up into his eyes.
"You wanna go out tonight?" I asked and he nodded.
"If nothing happens, then yes," he smiled, staring into my eyes. My throat became dry as I lost myself in his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. Though they might seem similar to Harry's to the untrained eye, I can defiantly tell the difference. Edward's sparkle in the light and you can drown in them they're so deep. I love staring into them. I could do it forever.
I was snapped out I my daydream when Edward cleared his throat. He raised his eyebrow at me in suspicion.
"Take a picture. It lasts longer," he said with a wink.
"Sorry," I whispered, my cheeks flashing red with embarrassment. I tightened my grip on his hand a bit as I looked away. We were at the back of the group so everyone was in front of us and (hopefully) had no idea on what we were talking about.
"Do you have any idea on where we could go?" He questioned after a while. I shrugged and thought about it.
"Well, you like football, don't you?" I double checked with him and he nodded. "Well, there is a match on tonight. Maybe we could go out for early dinner, nowhere fancy though because then we might be late, before going up to a box and watching the game," I suggested. He smiled and nodded.
"Sounds perfect," he blushed and looked away. God. I hope he likes me as much as I like him and he's not just blushing because he can some how control when he does.... if that's possible.
"We must be near. I can smell the Subway," Liam commented and Zayn nodded in agreement. I smelled the air to see and they were right. We turned the next corner and the food court/cafeteria was there. It had almost everything. It had McDonald's and KFC. It had Subway and a couple different Asian restaurants like a Chinese and Thai place. Not to mention the three different pizza chains.
"I can't believe they have Eagle Boys, Dominos and Pizza Hut but not one Nando's," I said in disappointment, dropping Edward's hand as I spoke because there was people around that could take a picture of us and I wasn't quite ready to come out to the public yet. He seemed to understand as he pulled his hand away.
"Nando's isn't everywhere, Niall," Louis said sassily and I could practically hear his eye roll.
"Anyway," Harry spoke to stop the half awkward silence that was slowly engulfing us. "Here's 30 bucks Jenni," he said, pulling out some notes from his wallet. "Go buy whatever you want and we'll all meet wherever the first person who's ready chooses. I'm in the mood for pizza so I'll be on my way," he smiled as he walked away, ignoring Jenni's persistent denial of the money he handed her.
"Hey," Edward said in my ear. I turned to face him and kitted my eyebrows together. "I'm in the mood for pizza too," he spoke. "I'm gonna go with Harry. Catch ya soon," he whispered, jogging off towards Harry but not before leaving a secret kiss on my cheek.
"Hey," another voice spoke.
"Yeah," I said when I noticed it was Louis, everyone else now heading towards their proffered lunch place.
"You and Edward seem to be getting closer," he whispered with a smirk as the two of us headed towards McDonald's. I only blushed and nodded. "So what's happening? Tell me everything!" He whisper-yelled excitedly, playfully slapping my arm.
"It's nothing really," I shrugged, trying to act cool. He just stared at me with a knowing look so I sighed in defeat.
"We're going out tonight," I tried to say causally but the smile that spread instantly on my face gave me away.
"O.M.G!" He whisper-yelled again, this time more like an excited teenage girl.
"I know," I smiled and nodded. "I'm so excited. We've decided we'll go watch a game. I think when I checked out the times last night that it starts at seven so I plan to be there by six. We'll be able to relax and watch the warm ups then," I informed Louis.
"Wow. That sounds great. He'll love it."
I hope so Louis. I really hope so.

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