Chapter 28

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I awoke the next morning with a start. One of the men in the room behind the mirror had dropped something heavy followed by a "shit." I stared at the mirror to my left but all I could see was my own reflection.

"Go back to sleep Harry, it was nothing," the person called out. I turned my head and looked at the door in front of me. I could see in the little window that quite a few people were walking up and down the hall, not even looking in the window I was looking through. They all seemed as if they knew where they were going, like they did it every day an today was no exception.

Talking about today, I feel a bit better. They said they had drugged me and I think most of it wore off overnight. I don't feel dizzy like I did the whole time yesterday. My head still aches and I really need some Endone (extreme pain killers) but I know they won't give it to me. I'm still petrified but I do vaguely recognise the name Harry Styles. Isn't he the lead singer from White Eskimo?

I looked down at my body and sighed. It's looked like I've been beaten up all over again. My clothes were filthy and I had burns from the rope all over my wrists and ankles.

I quickly shot my head up when I heard a chunky key unlock the door. A man opened the door and let the other one in before closing it and standing just outside. I started to get sweaty palms and became all agitated. He was wearing a long black trench coat that stopped at about his knees. It had many pockets on the outside and I could only imagine how many would be on the inside. I knew most of them had something in them because as he took a few steps closer to me, I could hear the things in his pockets jingle.

He came closer and with every step he took, I slowly stood up from my chair. He stopped right in front of the table and I was about a meter away from it. "Good morning Harry," he said evilly, his Russian accent informing me that he was the boss I heard yesterday. "Do you mind taking a seat?" he said extending his arm to the chair I had abandoned. I nervously shook my head, not taking my eyes off him.

"Okay, stand up then," he shrugged. He then walked around the table so that he was on the same side as me. I was now pressed against the back wall, not being able to get any further away. He sat on the table, his knees up and his feet on the chair. "Now Harry," he smiled wickedly. "Do you know who I am?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'm your worst nightmare," he whispered. At that, I let out a little laugh. He stared at me confused, obviously not expecting that as my reaction. "What's so funny?!" he yelled and I shut up immediately.

"Ummm.... that line," I said awkwardly "'I'm your worst nightmare.' It's not very original. Many bad guys say that," I said nervously.

"You're very cocky for someone in your position," he spoke causally.

"Anyway Harry," he said, suddenly more dark. He quickly jumped off the table and stalked over to me. I didn't have time to react. He came over and grabbed my neck, pushing me into the wall. I gasped for air as his grip tightened. He tried to lift me up by my neck but thankfully he wasn't strong enough for that so I was able to stay on my toes. I furiously started to grab at his arm and kick him to try and get him off me but by now the man outside had come in and was restricting me.

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