Chapter 44

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Jennifer (Jenni) Xyzzavari Rodgers P.O.V
💢Pronounced Zi-zz-aviary💢

OMG!! I cannot freakin believe I just got a call from the Harry and Edward Styles!! I'm fangirling so hard right now! Could life get any better? The answer is no because they said I could come to Washington with Dalia!!

I slowly stood up and unlocked the stall door and peeked out. When I saw that the coast was clear and the person that had walked in was in one of the stalls I took that as my cue to walk out. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands to fool the person that was in the stall to believe I had actually used the toilet. After that I slowly made my way back to class.
"Jennifer you took too long!" Mrs. Kingslin spoke over the entire class, embarrassing me a bit when I had come through the door. I tried to hide the smile (because of the phone call) and the blush now forming on my cheeks (because she embarrassed me) as she lecture me. "This is class time Jennifer you could have gone in your own time. You owe me 10 minutes of your time at 2nd lunch Friday," she hissed writing herself a reminder on the board. I took my seat at the back next to Dalia as she did so.
I nodded at what Mrs. Grumpy-bum had said before picking up my pen and writing down what I had missed.
"What's that for?" Dalia whispered, staring at the board.
"What's what for?" I said smugly knowing that she was talking about my smile and the fact that I was out of breath because of the fangirling.
"The face. What happened in the bathroom that could make you this happy? Last I checked you didn't have a boyfriend," she said suspiciously. I laughed a bit at what she said.
"Oh it's nothing, I just got a phone call," I played it cool. I'm so excited but if I straight up told her she'd freak out and get in trouble.
"Who called you?" She asked after a while, making sure the teacher wasn't looking our way.
"Just a couple boys," I whispered.
"Hey, don't do that to me. Just tell me the whole thing," she nudged me playfully with her elbow.
"Fine," I smiled, looking at her with excitement in my eyes. "Harry fucking Styles and his fucking brother Edward fucking Styles just rang me!" I whisper shouted, making a few heads turn our way. I glared at them and they went back to doing what they were doing.
"Three fuckings in one sentence? Wow," she said, obviously not believing me.
"Dalia and Jennifer, is my teaching interrupting your convocation?" Mrs. Kingslin shouted from the front.
"A little bit," I mumbled under my breath.
"There is a spare chair here, right at the front. One of you two come here now," she demanded. Dalia sighed before packing up here things and heading to the front of the class.
"I'll tell you at lunch Dalia," I whispered. She nodded and smiled as she approached the desk and placed her stuff down on it. The people she was now sitting next to smiled and said a quick hello before writing down the new equation that was being written on the board.
I hate math. Good thing this is fourth period and lunch in next. Yeah I know, most schools have like seven classes in a day but we have five which means that we have to suffer through the boring classes for longer. We have periods one and two then a short lunch that goes for like 20 minutes, then we have periods three and four, about 45 minutes for second lunch, period five then home.
After what felt like hours but was probably about 30 minutes, the bell finally rang and we all started to pack up our things. "Wait there just a minute," Mrs. Kingslin spoke from the front. Fuck, she's going to give us homework. She shouldn't be allowed to. The bell's gone so that should save us. Hasn't she heard the expression 'saved by the bell' before?
"I want you to do pages 77 through to 84 of your textbook and it is due by next lesson which happens to be...." She trailed off as she looked through her diary. "Period one tomorrow," she smiled wickedly and the entire class groaned. We all slowly made our way out of the classroom, groaning about the amount of homework we have with just this one class.
"Jenni," Dalia smiled as she walked over.
"Hey," I said as we started to walk towards our lockers which happen to be next to each other.
"So what about Harry and Edward ringing you?" she asked and my eyes widened. In that horrible class I had forgotten the best thing to ever happen to me.
"Oh yeah," I smiled at her, stoping once we had reached our lockers. We both unlocked them and started to exchange our books when I continued. "You know their find Dalia thing?" I asked and she nodded, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah. I heard online that Edward said he'd found her. I know it's immature but I was hoping they wouldn't because I just wanted to feel like it could possibly be me but of course, it isn't. I just really wanted it to be, ya know?" She sighed and I smiled.
"Well, it is you," I smiled. I couldn't quite read her expression. It was a mixture between disbelief, hope, worry and fear. She shook her head to get the thoughts out.
"You're lying," she spoke.
"No Dalia. That's what's amazing about it. You are the Dalia the entire world is looking for. You are the one Marcel wants. You are the only person that can help them," I tried to convince her and it seemed to be working because she was starting to smiled and breath heavier as her heart started to race.
"I sent a picture of you to their find Dalia page explaining who you are and giving them the conditions like your poster and stuff. I gave them my number and they actually rang. Dalia," I paused. "We're going back to DC!" I shouted. She screamed in excitement and we started to jump and do our happy dance, holding each other's hands. Everyone in the hall stared at is be we didn't care.
"I get to meet One Direction!" Dalia screamed. Suddenly she stopped jumping and just froze. "I get to meet One Direction," she whispered in shock.
"I know," I smiled but then I realised there was still one thing they had to do. "Wait," I said and she stared at me. "Harry said that he has absolutely no doubt that it's you he just needs to show Marcel the picture I sent of you to double check. When he rings again I think that's when we'll get the run down on what's happening. He wants us there by tomorrow if Marcel says it's you," I smiled and so did she.
"It is me! I am the Dalia, no way I'm not. Who knew that going to DC for a weekend road trip would end so well? Well, apart from the shooting," she said the last part very seriously. When the shooting had started we were still on the street and we were both petrified. Afterwards we watched it all on the news from the helicopter cam. We saw how scared Marcel was and how fast he ran. We saw when he was shot and fell to the ground. And we saw when he was cut and even though it was from a helicopter we could clearly hear his cries of pain and pleas to stop. It was scary. It was horrific. I wasn't able to comprehend that it was real life and kept thinking it was some sort of movie in some sort of nightmare I was having. After Marcel's wrist was cut the camera cut out and all we could hear was a loud gunshot and screams.

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