Chapter 20

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I stormed out of my hotel room and practically ran to the lift, feeling the tears that I was desperately trying to hold back, slowly roll down my cheeks. When I put in my contacts earlier when I was getting changed I saw my red rimed eyes and tear streaked face. I looked like a complete mess. Edward is the only thing I have and he's so mean. And then Harry came into my life. I don't know how to react to him. I don't think anyone would.

Four weeks ago, if you'd told me I'd have a family that consisted of my other two triplets and one of them was a very famous celebrity, I would not have believed you (one of the reasons would have been that no one talks to me unless their insulting or teasing me, but that's not the point).

I stepped into the lift and angrily pushed the button for ground floor which is where the gym is. As the doors closed I couldn't be strong any longer.

All the unwanted tears suddenly found the surface and spilt out. My back hit the back wall and I slid down, my head leaning back on the wall as well.

I sat in the corner, on the floor, curled up in a ball. I'm pathetic. I've only known Edward for a few weeks and what he says is nothing compared to the stuff I get at school. So why do I care so much?

He made me so angry I couldn't control myself. I can't believe I swore at him. For that, I hate myself. He just got me so worked up.

I cried, still curled up in a ball when the lift doors opened at the floor. Instead of me quickly getting up and hoping no one noticed, I was met by hundreds of flashes and microphones being shoved at me.

I stood up from my position and stepped out. I dusted myself off and tried to wipe away the still falling tears with the towel that was wrapped around my neck.

"What happened?!" I heard many people behind microphones yell at me as I tried to push past. I have no idea why these people are here....wait. Yes I do. The whole of One Direction is in the building so of course paparazzi would be here but why are they bothering me? I look nothing like Harry and even if I did, I'm so much taller, that should give it away. I'm at least an inch or two taller.

I tried to cover my face as I continued towards my destination, I don't want to be known as the Harry Styles look alike that was crying in the elevator. People kept shoving microphones at me and pulling at me. I felt multiple people pull my ears but I swatted them off like flies.

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