Chapter 22

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I walked into the hotel room carrying my sleeping brother bridal style. He may not look it but when he's dead weight, he's really really heavy (this is one of the times I need to thank Dave for pushing me so hard).

I kicked the door closed and managed to lock it. I dumped the keys on the kitchen bench and walked into Edward's room. How did I guess? It was trashed. Instead of unpacking his stuff, it looks like he just through everything out of the suitcase and didn't care where it landed. His shirts were all over the floor and one of his pants were hanging from the ceiling fan. What? How? Weird. I'm itching and almost suffocating in this room, because if all the mess. Looks like he won't wake up the way he left it.

I stepped over random things as I made my way to his bed. I struggled to reach down and pull the blankets off while he was still in my arms. When they were pulled down, I placed him down carefully. I saw his lips slowly curl into a slight smile in his sleep as he snuggled into the sheets. I took off his shoes and my vest he was wearing so he could have a more comfortable sleep. I them pulled the blankets back onto him. I smiled at his sleeping figure as I leaned over his body and slipped his glasses off and put them on his bed side table. I then processed to clean his room. The whole time I did this, he never stirred.

I slowly closed his dresser and smiled at him. With his reputation, I bet no one would have ever see this side of him, the peaceful, adorable side before. I bet I'm the first to ever see it and I'm honoured he let me see it at all.

I switched the light off and slowly closed the door as I left his room. As I walked across the lounge room I checked the time on the microwave clock, 9:32. It was late. Well, for me it was.

I jumped into the shower quickly (only to take the gel out of my hair, I can tell you that leaving it in Edward's was so hard for me). After stepping out and drying myself, I put on a clean pair of boxers and slid into bed. I'm not used to a double bed but I could easily get used it. I took off my glasses and smiled at the ceiling as my eyelids got heavy and I fell asleep. Tonight was the best night I've had since I can remember. I never go out and tonight I went out, not only to a restaurant, but I went out with two brothers and four friends. Life can only get better.

I woke in the morning up to my bed moving. I shot up and saw that Edward was jumping on the side I hadn't slept on. "Edward?!" I groaned groggily. "What time is it?" I complained, collapsing back and putting my arm over my eyes.

"About 7 o'clock. Get up! Niall's invited us out to breakfast!" he yelled excitedly, jumping off the bed and shaking me.

I felt him lift my arm up but I kept my eyes closed. The next thing I felt was my glasses being slid on.

"I tried not to mention it before but that's a lot of scars," he said sadly as he held my arm up higher, probably observing it. Obviously I don't want to talk about it but if he has questions I will most likely answer them and I hope it's the same the other way round. He suddenly let go of my arm and let it fall and hit me square in the face. I moaned loudly, rolling over a bit and covering my face. I rubbed my sore cheek and sleepy eyes, knocking my glasses off in the process. They sat on top of my head like sunglasses. "Why'd ya punch ya self?" Edward said cheekily. I pocked my tongue at him as I sat up, my glasses falling off backwards.

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