Chapter 31

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

{20 minutes earlier}

"Time to go!" someone called from outside the door. I heard the keys unlock the door before it was pulled open.

I've been in here for about an hour and I guess it's time to go. I can't believe the boss is moving me. I wish I could just stay here and let the FBI find me. Even if that meant them running away and never being caught. I've started to get really nervous about the trip though. He said he's got a gun and it is scaring me a lot. I thought a knife slicing my face or carving my wrist was bad enough but he's got a gun and one movement of his finger could end my life.

"Put the coat on properly and let's go!" the man shouted from outside the door. The door was wide open but he hadn't entered, he's just waiting for me to exit.

"Okay," I sighed. I stood up from the corner I had found myself in yet again and paused. I reached into my pocket of my pants and pulled out my necklace. It was a simple chain with a mechanical charm that had a small light bulb and button on it. I can't believe I've gone through all this trauma and I've had my lucky charm with me. I guess it ran out of luck. But it's also a tracker. All anyone needs to do is open the app on my phone and they could find me. I wish someone had my phone. I sighed and placed it around my neck before tightening the belt from the coat around my waist.

I walked out and the man nodded for me to walk left so that's the direction I went. "Arrh Marcel, you're here," the familiar Russian accent spoke as I rounded a corner. I nodded but continued walking. He didn't seem worried or even phased by me not stopping, he just followed me closely. "This way," he pointed right when we had come to a fork in the path. I could feel my heart beat quicken in my chest and I could hear it loud and clear in my head. My palms were getting really sweaty and I had a nervous twitch in my right hand now.

"Stop," the man said roughly as we approached a door. He came up uncomfortably close behind me and I felt something push into my lower back. I knew it was the gun instantly but I also knew that when we step foot outside there will be no one else that would know because it would be hidden in his pocket. He wickedly laughed as he saw how nervous he was making me. "I'll go over the rules one more time for you shall I Marcel," he laughed. "Act causal. Stay close to me because I'm not afraid to pull this trigger but I think you know that," he continued but all I could focus on was trying to calm myself a bit. His rule 'act causal' will be very hard to keep if I'm all antsy and can't keep still and being so sweaty. "Another thing to know is that you shouldn't sign anything unless it's super crowded. I don't think that you'd sign exactly like Harry. Okay," he said suddenly louder than anything else he had said, snapping me out of my train of thought. "I hope you're ready for some much needed sunlight Marcel, you look terribly pale," he laughed at his cruel joke. I glanced over my shoulder at him as he reached forward and pushed the door open.

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