Chapter 4

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I parked my car in my usual spot next to the hospital entrance. I walked into the staff only part of the emergency room, where I was supposed to work for the next 2 weeks, to find a lab coat under the name 'intern's lab coats' kind of self-explanatory on why I wore it. As I put it on I clipped my workers ID onto the pocket.
I approached a nurse's station and a very nice and older lady spoke to me. "Hello young man. Are you one of the interns starting here today?"
I nodded yes and she continued.
"Well," she looked down, "are you Lachlan, Marcel or Veronica? Oh let me guess. Lachlan?" She looked back up at me hope gleaming in her eyes.
I nodded no but smiled anyway.

"Well then, hello Marcel my names is Georgia but my friends call me George or G so call me either." When I nodded that she was right with the name and for her to proceed she sat up from her desk. "If you will follow me," she gave me a small folder with my first patient's details.

I didn't open it but I did continue to follow her to the front of the department. "This is Dr. Lukewood and he will be your supervisor. If you have any questions he will gladly answer." She pointed to a tall man with ready orange hair and visible stubble. He looked like he was roughly in his mid to late 30's. As he extended his hand I did so too and shook it.

"You must be Marcel. I've heard a bit about you, all good things, all good things. Thank you G I can take it from here." She bowed her head to him then to me and walked back to her desk.

"Our first patient young man," he spoke clearly, looking back at me as we walked to a room. "Is a boy who was brought here about 40 minutes before you arrived."

I nodded my head taking in the information.

"You can read about his situation in the notes you have. I must warn you though that I am very busy and we don't know much about this boy. If you want more information you will have to wait until he wakes up."

We were now standing in front of a curtain. He ripped it open to reveal a sleeping boy about my age. He had jet black hair but with brown roots showing. He had many piercings and a countless number of tattoos running up and down one arm, his leather jacket hanging over the end of his bed. He really did have the bad boy vibe about him if I do say so.

He was hooked up to fluids and a heart monitor but he was breathing on his own at the moment, he must just be just unconscious and not in a coma. As we entered I moved my eyes from the boy onto the people standing in the corner. There were two police officers. Oh no. I hope he isn't under arrest. I will freak out if I have to take care of a criminal. That and I am really edgy around people who intimidate me and he is doing just that already and he is only asleep. Imagine what I would be like if he was awake.

"I've heard you can look after patients better than actual doctors."

Dr. Lukewood eyed me up and down.

"Yes s-sir," I stuttered looking away from the officers and into Dr. Lukewood's light brown eyes.

"Okay then. If that's true I want you to tell me what I should do now."

He smirked at me. He mustn't think I was as good as the rumours said I was. "W-well you should f-firstly do his obs." I looked up to see if I was right. I knew I was. I'm always right but I still always like to be guided just in case. By the way, if you don't know what obs are they stand for observations. You would check their temperature, pulse, heart rate and oxygen levels.

"You are correct," Dr. Lukewood said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

After about 10 minutes of Dr. Lukewood talking to me about funny moments he has experienced during the last 10 years of him being a doctor, he left me and the officers alone together. I sat in the chair near the bedside while the men spoke on the phone. I flicked open the document that was unusually thin. The details that were in it were not even half filled in but they said:

Patient's surname:_________________

Patient's given name(s): Edward, _______________
Patient's birthdate:_________________

Patient's no.: C709746

Cause of hospitalization: Child abuse case. Thought to only be by foster father Dan Russell, unemployed.

Address prior event:______________________

Emergency contact(s):______________________


Symptoms: He has had multiple x-rays conducted to reveal 7 broken ribs. He has undergone emergency surgery on his bottom right rib- it has been removed entirely. The rib's fracture looked old but had healed inappropriately. It was starting to push into his lung and if surgery hadn't commenced, the rib would slowly puncture his right lung.

Additional notes:__________________________________

That was it. That's all that it said. I felt sorry for him but at the same time curious. "Hey kid," one of the officers said to me while the other was still on the phone. I looked up from reading and he continued, "We're busy at the station so please ring me when he wakes," he passed me a card with a number on it that I assumed was his. "Poor kid" he said walking out, the other man following, nodding to me before he left.

I watched the boy, Edward for the next hour or so in hope that I would see a finger twitch or something move.

I was about to give up and head back outside when I heard him groan. I snapped my drooping head to the boy's face and watched.

"W..." he whispered. I knew I needed to go tell Dr. Lukewood he was waking but I didn't want him to be overwhelmed by all the doctors.

"Where......" He spoke softly, his eyes starting to flutter open. He lifted his right arm onto his forehead as he tried to sit up.

"P-please s-s-stay down," I panicked standing up and waving my arms at him. I felt like a chicken for some strange reason.

"What? Why?" he stopped moving and laid back down, relaxing. He still had his arm on his forehead as he turned to look at me. He looked dazed and confused. I couldn't help but notice his eyes once he was looking directly at me. They were green and oddly familiar. They looked just like.....mine?! I ignored it though. A lot of people have emerald shaded eyes that were light on the inside and had a darker rim around the outside, right?

We just stared at each other for a few moments until Dr. Lukewood came in holding different patients notes. "Arh you're up. Marcel why didn't you fetch me?" he said jokingly walking over to a bench and placing the folder down.

"Who are y-you?" Edward stuttered, the anesthetic must still be lingering in his body.

"I'm Dr. Lukewood and I've been looking after you for the last hour or so along with my intern here, Marcel." He moved his hands up and down showing me off like a trophy.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now