Chapter 14

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Niall James Horan P.O.V

As soon as the boys left Paul told me to go to the bus. I left my empty hot chocolate cup on the table inside as he assisted me towards the bus. I went into the bus and Paul hopped into the driver’s seat. "The hotel is just down the road. Signing then concert tomorrow then off we go to the next town," Paul said and the others cheered but I didn't.

I was sad. I think I had met Harry's brothers and I even had one of their numbers in my hands. Why didn't I hold on tighter? This might have been Harry's chance. Speaking of Harry, he noticed me staring blankly out the window. I had looked at the number but I can't remember it.

"Hey Nialler, what's wrong?" he said, coming over and placing his hand on my back.

"I'm so sorry Harry," I looked at him and I could feel tears threatening my eyes. I was so disappointed for him. He saw and hugged my instantly.

"Whatever you did is fine," he whispered in my ear patting my back. I don't know why I was being so emotional. One of the reasons might be the way Edward treated me. He swore at me, insulted me and pushed me like I was nothing. I was just hurt. I'm not used to being treated like that. "What did you do?" Harry said calmly as I began to steady my breathing. The other boys had seen us but left us alone because they knew we had to work this out by ourselves. They went in the bedroom area of the bus and I could faintly hear them talk about American football and the concert tomorrow night.

"What did you do?" Harry asked again, letting go of me and wiping a tear that had fallen from my eye.

"I think I met your brothers," I spoke and he gasped. "I had Edward's phone number in my hands. I was so close but it was taken away. I was going to stop them but they got into the Porsche and drove away," I sniffled and wiped away my tears. Crying fit over.

"You're, you're overreacting. No way you could have met my brothers. No one else was in the store except....the two boys," Harry said as he stared at me. His eyes growing larger at the thought.

"No no no. They didn't even look like brothers let alone twins. Not at all. Why am I saying that?" He mumbled to himself even though I could see in his eye that he knew he was telling himself lies. They were clearly brothers and twins.

"Even if they did end up being brothers, why do you think they're mine?" he asked looking up at me, he was crouched on the floor while I was sitting on a ledge near the window, higher than where he was.

"Well, I'll tell you what happened," I spoke and he went over to the kitchen table and sat on the chair. He pulled his legs up and crossed them waiting for the short version of the story.

"Tell me," he said as he pat the spot next to him. I walked over and the boys came out. They had obviously been eavesdropping. Harry looked at me and even though I could see in his eyes he was scared at the thought that he had missed his brothers, he nodded for me to start.

"Well, when we were all sitting down talking you guys didn't notice when the boys walked in. I instantly saw them and knew something was strange. I stared at them the whole time and I thought they both, in different ways, looked a little like you Harry. When you guys left me to get my drink I got a better look. I got the drink and was walking towards the door looking at the floor when the two boys got up from their seats and went to the bin. The tough one with all the tattoos bumped my shoulder causing me to spill the drink all over him. He swore at me and when I tried to help him he pushed me away, hard. The nerdy one with the big glasses slapped the other ones hand and said 'no swearing Edward.' I was stunned at the name because I remembered you said one of their names was Edward. As the boys talked I asked nervously if the nerdy ones name was Marcel and they stopped talking. He, the nerdy one, nodded slowly as Edward ripped off his shirt. Then Paul walked in. Edward through his shirt at me and yelled at me saying he wanted it dry cleaned and returned to him in less than a week. He gave me his number on a napkin and told me to ring it for his address. Edward then stormed out. Marcel looked at me and said he was really sorry. He knew exactly who I was and took the shirt and number away from me saying it was Edward's fault not mine and that I shouldn't worry about it. I tried to stop him and insisted that I need to take care of it but he hopped in his car which so happens to be the Porsche, and drove away. Harry, I seriously think they were your brothers. Yes, their personalities were completely different to yours and that Edward guy gives Zayn a run for his money when it comes to tattoos, his hole left arm, left side of his chest and back were covered like he was wearing armor. I think, even if your sceptic, how likely is it that two boys that look like you, your age and roughly height, were in the same place as us. If that isn't enough to convince you, both their names matched the ones you said. Marcel is a very uncommon name and what are the odds we meet one and he's with an Edward?" Harry looked amazed.

"So you think the geek and bad-guy that walked in are Harry's long lost brothers," Zayn said sarcastically. "I mean I believe you but it is even more unlikely we were so close. They could be anywhere in the world and you think they were mere meters away from us?" Zayn questioned. I nodded and Liam rubbed Harry's back. The poor lad had tears glistening in his eyes.

"Cheer up Harry," Louis said kindly. "What this means is that they're alive, they more than likely live in this town, they know each other somehow and that all you need to do is introduce yourself. Only a few more weeks until everyone goes to DC and you can meet them there. Don't worry about them now. You know what they look like so when we go, you will know what to look for," Louis rubbed Harry's back also.

"I want to meet them now," Harry sobbed into Liam's neck once he had come down to hug him.

"Harry, we have no time. We have to go to the gym for four hours, go to bed, train again, do a signing, preform then go to our next destination. We planned to find them in DC and we're sticking to it. Put your game face on Harry," Liam said softly, patting the younger boy's back.

"Okay," Harry sniffled. "This means that when we go to DC I know what to look for," he sniffled. "I really want to find them because we're so close but we have no time," he sobbed again, trying to convince himself. "Th-thanks for telling me but I need to be by myself. I know I'm acting weird it's just that I've never had a real family and now that they're so close I just get emotional. I really want to meet them. I want to know about their lives, dreams, talents," he whispered and headed to the bedroom part of the bus.

"But we're your family," Zayn spoke, hoping Harry could hear through the door. "Don't ever say you have no real family. We're a family Harry. All five us. Through thick and thin we're all here for one another."

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