Chapter 19

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

We had just hopped into the car and driven off. I must say I am a little star struck from not only seeing or speaking to Harry Styles, but him hugging me. I am also a bit sore might I add and embarrassed. I am shy and heaps of people would have photographed and videoed us. "I truly am really sorry Marcel," Edward plead from the back seat again. "I completely forgot," he spoke again, leaning forwards and rubbing my shoulder. "I feel really bad," he whispered. "It must have really hurt you because you swore and you don't swear," he leaned back in his seat.

"It is scientifically proven that swearing can release up to 50% of the pain," I replied, slowly rubbing my side. It is feeling better now, and on the bright side I haven't had a beating (or even a sighting) of Cal in the last three weeks, since the semester holidays started which means I have no new broken ribs and my old ones have had some healing time. Edward's little punch was nothing.

"That's the dork I know and love," Edward smirked and I smile back.

"What are you boys talking about? Marcey, dear, did you get hurt?" Mrs. Daver questioned from the driver's seat. She quickly glimpsed over to me quickly but I shyly looked away, I was still really embarrassed over the comment she made this morning. I still can't believe she would even think I would do that, especially with a boy, especially with a boy I had just met.

"Nothing," I mumbled under my breath.

"Don't act like this Marcey," she begged. "I know my comment might have made you two uncomfortable but as your house mother I had no choice. I had to check." I looked over to her; my arms were now crossed across my chest.

"I'm sorry Trisha, I just don't like how you assumed the worst straight away. You are one of the only people who actually know me so you should have known it was a false accusation," I turned my head and looked out the window. "Or did you judge and think because Edward was involved with a sex rumour then it must be true even if it did involve me," I whispered. I don't know why, but all of a sudden I'm really angry at her.

"Marcel!" she roused. "You should know by now that I don't judge," she looked a me appalled.

"Then tell me the reason you believed it," I said, now looking a her. I think the reason I'm angry at her is the same reason Edward was angry at Harry. She is judging Edward wrongly and I'm protecting him. I know for sure that Edward doesn't need my protection but I am protective more or less. I never knew before because I had nothing in my life worth protecting but know I have a friend, a brother, and that's worth fighting for.

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