Chapter 51

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💢Just letting you know I use the word 'ARVO' which is Australian slang for afternoon💢

3rd person P.O.V

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!" The twins yelled in excitement, trying to get the others all motivated and moving faster. It's not like they weren't excited and moving slow, they were moving quite quickly actually but the twins were just moving faster.
It was roughly 8am and visiting hours at the hospital were open. Harry and Edward wanted to go earlier so they could be there by now but Simon suggested that they let Marcel sleep for an extra hour or two.
"The car's ready!" Paul called which was the motivation the boys and girls needed to kick into gear.
Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall, Harry, Edward, Dalia and Jenni all hurried downstairs and jumped into the car, Paul jumping into the drivers seat. Not only were they going to the hospital, everyone was going. Simon and all the 'big' people were going too. Not to mention the approximate 60 security guards and police men (who had come early and had a meeting with Simon) were going too, ready to pick up Marcel and be prepared for the biggest public and paparazzi stampede.
After the seventeen cars were all loaded up, they all made their way out of the underground car park.
Once they started moving, Edward and Harry got all giddy, forgetting about their hostel ground between each other at the moment.
"He's coming home!" Harry chimed in excitement, not able to keep still.
"We know Harry. We know," Louis smiled and nodded. He would be annoyed by Harry's behaviour by now because he keeps repeating it and can't keep still but he's letting it slide because it's a big day.
Suddenly Harry's phone started ringing in his pocket, his ringtone, Cheerleader, filling the van.
He pulled out his iPhone from his back pocket and smiled at his sister's face. He hit the green answer button and pulled the phone up to his ear, leaning into Edward a bit so he could hear the convocation and speak too.
"Hi Gemma!" He said enthusiastically.
"OH MY GOD!! Harry! You answered! How are you? How are your brothers? How's Niall? How's Marcel? When's he coming home? Mums been worried sick! What happened? Simon wouldn't tell us anything!" She yelled quickly, both of the boys not comprehending what she had said.
"Hey Gemma," Edward smiled, finally hearing the voice of his 'sister.'
"I've already said hi Harry. Answer my questions," she said with a sarcastic and joking laugh.
"It's actually Edward," he spoke with a hint of a laugh.
"Oh," she said in shock. "Hi Edward. You sound so much like Harry! It's uncanny! I can't wait to meet you this arvo."
"Wait. What?" Harry said confused, knitting his eyebrows together.
"Simon gave me plane tickets and I'm on our way. The plane takes off at about nine and it takes about eight hours so I will be there at about five and Simon said he'll send someone to pick me up," she explained in excitement. "Unfortunately mum can't come because Simon wants to keep this under wraps but she got the flu and wouldn't be able to come anyway," she informed them. Harry smiled widely at the thought of Gemma coming. Today was a good day for him. All the bad's over and he's getting his family back.
"How's mum?" He asked his big sister, referring to how she's been coping with all the news, not how she's feeling with her cold.
"Like I said before, she's worried sick. Simon never told us anything so we were left with tabloids and magazines. Then we saw the shooting in DC and saw that it was Marcel. We have no idea what to think and the media is going crazy. Niall coming out of the closet isn't helping to calm it down and everyone has absolutely no idea why they needed to help you find Dalia. Everyone's going crazy. You should see what your fans are doing. They're all freaking out. Instagram is so slow because Directioners have taken over. Not to mention Twitter and Facebook. Many people have theories but no one knows the truth. No one can wait 'till tomorrow when they finally get the truth. E! News is even saying that Marcel passed away," she told the too boys who just listened to the new news.
They hadn't stopped to think about how other people would cope and how they lack of answers would effect people. They didn't think about all the tabloids that would be written. Honestly, they completely forgot about them. Obviously that's what Simon would have wanted. He wanted them to not have to worry about what people thought of them. He wanted them to not have to worry about the rumours and theories but just cope with the serious situation privately.
"Don't worry Gem, Marcel is fine and in fact, he's coming home today so don't worry. Tell mum I love her and can't wait to see her again as soon as I can and to introduce Edward and Marcel to the both of you," Harry smiled as he spoke, imagining his two families finally meeting.
"I will. She'll love to hear from you. it was nice talking to you again Harry," she smiled sensing that he need to go.
"Yeah, it was nice talking to you too but the hospital's just around the corner so we have to go. Can't wait to see you tonight. Bye," Harry spoke.
"Bye Gemma," Edward smiled too.
"Okay, well, see ya. We have to head to the airport now anyway. Love you."
"Love you," Harry smiled again before he pulled the phone away from their ears and hung up.
"So what was that about?" Niall questioned, asking what everyone else was thinking.
"Gemma is gonna be here this arvo. Can't wait!" Harry explained, just as the car pulled up outside the building. All the other people that came along didn't need to come in yet so they all went and parked in the carpark. Only Paul, for security reasons, and Simon coming in with the boys (and the two girls) because Marcel's house mother had gone home with the other children and he was now considered his legal guardian.
"He's upstairs," Harry informed Simon excitedly as he pretty much skipped towards the elevator and pressed for the 'up' button.
"I've visited him before Harry," he smiled down at the young boy. They pressed the button for the correct floor and the doors soon opened.
"Good morning boys," a nurse who is usually there when they visit greeted them as they all entered.
"Morning," each person smiled and nodded individually, the word repeated ten times.
Edward approached Marcel's separate room and knocked quietly before pushing the door open. He walked in, followed by Harry (the others deciding it would be best to wait outside and let the brothers talk) to be met with an empty room. There was no nurse, no machines and no Marcel. Only his unmade bed was there. They walked into the middle of the room in confusion.
"Oh. Hello," someone said in surprise as they entered the room. "You must be Marcel's brothers," the mid-twenty year old women smiled. The boys turned to face her, taking in her unusual features. She had shoulder-length, bright blue hair, three eyebrow piercings in the left eyebrow and a tattoo clearly visible on her neck.
"Cool," Harry heard Edward mumble under his breath, unaware if he was taking about the hair, tattoo or piercings.
"Yeah," he smiled, ignoring his brother's comment. "Do you know where he is?" He questioned and she smiled brightly.
"Yes," she said with a bright smile. "Since he is going home today he was determined to be able to do stuff by himself. So early this morning, at about six o'clock, when we came in to give him his medicine, he asked if he can go have a shower. Of coarse we said yes and we got a male nurse go help him. We know he can walk, he's been doing that with physio and I'm pretty sure you guys saw it too, but what surprised us was that he was able to walk all the way to the shower which is a decent walk for him. It took a while but he did it. Anyway, John's helping him with the bathroom routine which I think Marcel's doing pretty much all by himself, John's only there for safety. He'll be able to have a shower and get stuff by himself," she told the two boys who were extremely excited and happy for the achievements of their little brother.
"Yeah, I did it all by myself," Marcel said from the door, a proud smile spread wide across his face.
"That's amazing Marcey," Edward smiled, walking over and giving him a big hug.
"Yeah. As soon as they detach this thing from me," he said, nodding to the tall, skinny machine he was wheeling around, "then I'll be a lot faster," he smiled.
"Okay Marcel," a different female nurse spoke after a few moments, walking in and looking down at her chart. "The doctors will need to have a meeting with you guardian, so Simon Cowell, to discuss your safely at home and what still needs to be done. I'll get someone to take that machine away very soon but for now you just have to sit down and rest. You went on a big walk and spent a lot of energy and I can see on your face that you're exhausted. Since you only need four pills a day, every six hours, we'll give you your next one at twelve and by then you should be packed up and ready to go. So once you've had it you can leave," the brunette informed enthusiastically, each boy understanding. They only have to wait a few more hours then they can go home.
Marcel nodded in understanding and she turned and left the room.
"Okay Marcey, you should get back to bed. Do you want help?" Edward asked but Marcel politely shook his head.
"No, I'm fine," he said as he carefully hopped back into bed, hissing a little in pain as he accidentally bumped his sling-ed arm. Harry and Edward started to fret but he shook them off and said he was alright.
After a few minutes, like the nurse had said, a different nurse came in and disconnected the machine and took the cords out of Marcel.
When the beeping finally stopped and he was in no threat of being tangled in the cords, he let out a huge breath of relief.
He was so excited that he was now officially on track to getting his life back. Spending so much time in hospital is depressing and he was just so happy. He can walk, he can eat. he can do everything for himself. The only two things different is that he needs to have is arm in a sling and be careful with it for two more weeks and he has to have his medicine four times a day. Midnight, 6am, midday, and 6pm. Other then that, perfect. The three boys were so excited about going home.

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