Chapter 48

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

After a few minutes, Edward and Dalia caught up to Jenni and I. Edward was topless and holding Dalia's shirt while she wore his. I looked at him confused but he just shrugged and started to walk ahead of us. That's when I noticed the scratches on his wrist. He had removed his bracelets and given them to Dalia so they were easily visible.
"Edward?" I questioned, pointing down to his wrist. He turned to look at me and saw that I was pointing at it so he frowned. His other arm took hold of his wrist and he rubbed it a bit.
"What?" he asked, pretending he didn't know what I was talking about.
"You cut?" I questioned, a sick feeling starting up in the pit of my stomach. I think he told my once that he used to, or maybe Marcel told me or I just figured it out, but I had no idea he still did it. He did it while he was with us. He hid and cut himself while we were in the next room. How could I not see he was hurting so much he had to resort to self harm? What kind of brother- no... what kind of person doesn't see that? We have to know to look passed the fake smile. I'm so disappointed with myself. Once you've picked up that habit, it's hard to stop. Hard and depressing times like last week will definitely force you back to your old ways.
Edward looked around nervously a bit and delayed answering me. By now the others had caught up with us and surrounded us and watched causally as we talked, obviously not knowing what we were talking about.
Edward sighed and removed his hand from his wrist. The movement caught the attention of the other boys who all looked down and gasped quietly when they saw his recent cuts.
"Edward?" the others asked when they figured out that this is what we were talking about.
"I don't want to talk about it but yes, I cut. Many people do," he said quietly so the people passing wouldn't over hear.
"But why? You have us. You can talk to us. You don't need to cut," I said sympathetically.
"No," he shook his head. "It doesn't have anything to do with you guys. Only Dalia will understand," he looked up at her a bit. "Listen guys," he sighed. "I don't want to talk about myself. That's all I seem to be doing lately but if you must know, yes, I've fallen back into my old habit. I'm depressed and I have been for years. I've been depressed since the bomb went off. My last years in France were full of mourning but then I came to America and its been full of abuse. I deserve a relief," he finished speaking before turning back around and walking the direction he was originally going. "I have a right to do it," he mumbled under his breath as he walked off.

The next couple of hours went by relatively slow. The girls were introduced to the others but stayed a bit quiet. They seemed really star stuck (like more then Niall was when he first met Justin Bieber) and I didn't know why. Surely they knew we are just five normal lads. That's it. Nothing more really.
We were driven back to the building and not straight to the hospital like Edward had planned. He did through a bit of a hissy fit but came around to the idea when they explained further.
We had to go back to the office building because Frank needed to explain everything to the girls. He told Dalia that what she was about to do was very important, which it is. She needs to go in and question Marcel about what happened to him (so we know the exact things that happened to him while he was kidnapped so the survivors can be arrested and sentenced for as long as possible) while informing him on stuff we know.
Apparently the police have already tried questioning him but he wouldn't want to talk to them because he didn't know them (other times he'd let them ask but would start freaking out. He'd scream and yell. Sometimes hyperventilate. They'd never get an answer out of him). He only knew Dalia and only wanted to talk to her. And he also said that he didn't remember anyway.
Frank and some of the doctors think that since he will be comfortable enough to actually sit down and talk and think back with Dalia, he may remember some things, at least remember them vaguely.
Telling her everything we knew was quite hard. She was so shocked and was on the verge of tears the whole time, her hands covering her mouth.

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