Chapter 9

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I walked into the emergency department and informed George that I was here. I then walked over to Dr. Lukewood who was chatting up some nurses.

"Arrhhh. Great to see you're on time Styles. Now......" he started talking about the next patient. It was a little girl with very overprotective parents. They brought her in and the only thing wrong with her was that she had a small fever. I took over and worked with her (without Dr. Lukewood) and she left in about 2 minutes.

"Great work Styles," he patted me on the back once I walked out. "Now you can go see Edward until someone else needs your help. I think he took a liking to you yesterday and vise a versa. We really need you to get some information out of him. He won't tell anyone else anything." I nodded and walked away. I went to the nurses desk and asked where he'd been moved to.

As I approached the ward that I was told he was in, the other nurses gave me his files and told me that they think he might be a bit shy or scared because he won't talk to anyone else.

I walked in to see Edward gently gliding his fingers over his wrist. I knew exactly what he did to himself.

"H-hi," I stuttered. He looked up and smiled.

I walked in and pulled up a chair. "How was the night?" I asked politely wondering if the nurses were right.

"Not my favourite but I only have two to go," he said as equally as politely which sort of surprised me.

I looked at him and he looked at me in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but a nice, comfortable one. I wanted to talk to him but not professionally. I wanted him to tell me about his wrist and tattoos and talk about stuff friends would talk about. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"Are you gay?" I was taken aback. Why was he asking me this? Was he just randomly thinking it? Do I look gay? Is he gay and maybe want to date me?

"Oh... sorry. That came out rude," he whispered.

"W-why do you ask?" I said trying to not sound too shocked.

"Sorry if it sounded rude and if you don't want to you don't have to answer," he looked at me shyly.

"Why do you think I'm gay?" I leaned back in the chair, even more stunned that he was being so polite about it. I have never met someone this nice in all my life even if the topic wasn't the most comfortable.

"I just.... I saw you wearing makeup yesterday and look," he pointed at my face, "I can see you wearing it today. I was just wondering."

I opened my eyes wide and my jaw dropped. My hands quickly found their way to my face trying to hide it.

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