Chapter 27

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Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

Okay, so in a matter of minutes we've found out our younger brother has been kidnapped, that Harry's band and I need to go into complete lockdown and we've been pushed into a crowded helicopter to fly for who knows how long to who knows where. We ended up at the edge of the city I think. Harry had fallen asleep on the ride and I carried him bridal style into the tiny cottage we had landed in front of. The boys and I looked around the tiny home in amazement. I never knew a house could be this small. I've always lived in small houses and it was still astonishing for me so I can't imagine what the others must be thinking when that live in huge mansions normally.

Harry started moaning and worming in my arms. He swung one of his arms up and slapped me on the cheek with his hand. "Ouch," I mumbled and glared down at my younger brother. He kept worming around in my arms and he was calling out something but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"What's happening to Harry?" Louis asked when he had noticed.

"I think he's having another nightmare," I whispered. He has had about three nightmares on our fiveish hour flight here. Each time we would wake him up and each time he'd swear never to fall asleep again but he always drifted off.

"Poor guy. He's known Marcey only a few days and he's really upset. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling Edward. You've known him for weeks," Niall sighed as he spoke, looking down at Harry. I was feeling really upset. I was distraught. He's my brother and I'm the reason he went out there in the first place. When I offered to carry Harry in the reason was so I could try and assure myself that I have Harry. That I'm not the only one feeling the loss of a brother. Not a compete loss, he'll be rescued or found, it's just a matter of time, I know it. We just have to wait it out. Harry felt just like Marcel in a few different ways.

As I carried him in, I kept hugging him tight as I tried to fight back tears. Harry was heavier and shorter but he was like Marcel and it was nice to feel like I'm picking Marcel up, like nothing had happened.

"Boys," someone said from behind. We slowly looked around and saw a man in a suit standing there. "I'm Frank Peterson. Paul has called me to keep you safe until tomorrow night when I take the case. If you would follow me," he said before turning around and walking through the cottage.

We squeezed through the thin hall, me needing to walk sideways so I wouldn't hit Harry's head or feet on the walls.

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