Chapter 43

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I could faintly hear two people talking in my room as my ears started to work again. I tried to open my eyes but it was too hard so I kept them closed. Wow. My eyes were closed again. I've been falling asleep a lot lately.
I tried to move my fingers to show the people that I could hear them and if what they were saying was private that they should stop talking now.
Crap. I started to get an itch on my nose. I couldn't lift my arm to scratch my nose so all I could do was wiggle it and hope that I could get it.
I then heard the two of the people start to giggle.
"Do you have an itchy nose Marcey?" One of them chuckled before they started to scratch my nose for me.
"He's so cute," the other person whispered.
"Is that good Marcey?" the one that was scratching my nose said as he stopped and pulled his finger away from my nose. I managed to pull a smile and roll my head onto the side which they were sitting.
"He's waking up," one of them said happily.
"Hey Marcey," the other one said, playing with my hair. I tired as hard as I could to open my eyes when a vision suddenly popped up:
I was so cold and in excruciating pain. My head thumped from bouncing on the concrete floor and the pain was killing me. My body ached and I felt like dying. I could sense dark figures watching me before walking up and kicking me in my stomach. I curled up as the pain on my stomach slowly became unbearable.What is happening?
"Aaaarrrhhh!" I screamed, sitting up in the bed a kicking off the blankets.
"Marcel!" The two boys yelled, jumping up from their chairs and trying to help me. I looked between the two boys and saw how worried they looked.
"Sorry," I mumbled before relaxing a bit. "Oh. Hey," I smiled as I finely started to recognise who they were. They were Harry and Edward. I also remember that they are brothers. Cool.
"Hey Marcel. You alright?" Harry asked and I nodded.
"Yeah. I'm fine," I smiled. They seemed to relax a little when I spoke.
"So, we have some good news," Edward spoke excitedly, looking over to Harry. I was confused but excited.
"What?" I asked happily.
"We ummmm," Edward stalled. "We think we've found Dalia," he smiled at me.
My jaw dropped in shock and my eyes opened wide is amazement. Harry pulled out his phone and gave it to me to look at. I took hold of the phone and surely enough, there was a gorgeous photo of my princess Dalia. I smiled and I felt a happy tear run down my cheek. I didn't dream her up. Dalia is real. I miss her so much.
"It's really her," I smiled, looking up at the boys who in return, smiled back at me.
"Good. Well, I have her friend's number and I'll ring her soon. Hopefully we can get her here by tomorrow, Saturday at the latest," Harry spoke enthusiastically. I just stared in disbelief. He'll be able to get Dalia here by tomorrow?!? I just.... I can't believe it. He'll do that for me? He'll get her here for me? This guy is amazing.

Suddenly someone knocked from the door so we all looked over. The door slowly opened and a male doctor came in. "Good, you're up," he said, looking up from his clipboard. I nodded.
"Well, we have to do a few tests now so we need to take Marcel," he spoke but mainly to the other two. They sighed but nodded.
"Okay, see ya Marcey," they both said. Edward stood up and rubbed my head before he leant in for a hug. It was kind of awkward because I didn't really know him but I let him hug me anyway. "I don't think we'll be coming back this afternoon babe," he whispered in my ear. He let go of me but kept a hand on my good shoulder. His face was a few inches from mine. "I have a date tonight," he whispered excitedly, raising his eyebrows at me. I smiled as he let go and let Harry take his place.
After Harry let go of me they both walked out of the door with one final wave.

Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

"Are you going to call Jenni?" Edward spoke when we had stepped out of the room and headed towards the elevator.
"Yeah, she's in school at the moment I think so I'll call later, maybe when we get back to the other boys. Anyway, that's not your biggest priority at the moment. You have a date tonight," I teased. Edward blushed and nodded.
"Where are you gonna take her?" I asked.
"I haven't really thought about it yet. Maybe I should just order a pizza and we'll have it at the building we're staying at. You guys will just have to go to the other room," he thought about each word as he spoke it.
"What?!" I spoke in shock. "No! You can't do that. She can do that with her friends. You need to treat her like a princess. Haven't you been on a date before?"
Edward looked away and blushed. Oh god! "You haven't been on a date before! This is your first date!" I yelled in glee. I'm going to make this the perfect date.
"Hey, no need to tell everyone Harry. It's not a big deal," he tried to shush me.
"But it is. It is a very big deal. When we get back to the office, I'll get the boys to help me pick out the perfect outfit for me and I'll get Lou to do you hair and makeup-"
"No Harry," Edward interrupted me. "She likes me for me. I don't need my hair done. I don't need fancy clothes and I defiantly don't need any makeup," he said just as the elevator opened. We stepped in together just as I got a texted. I unlocked my phone and read it. Simon had texted me to say that he was in a car outside. Wow. Good timing.
"Simon's outside," I said and Edward nodded. The elevator doors soon opened and we stepped out but we were met with tons of people shouting at us and flashing lights. We grabbed each other's hands so we wouldn't be pulled apart.
"What's happening?!" Some people yelled.
"Is he alright?!" Others yelled. I looked over to Edward who was actually smiling and waving to the crowd.
"Hey," he spoke to them. "How many of you guys saw the video?" He asked and every single one of them put their hands up.
"Okay," Edward smiled. "I was just curious," he said as he started to walk through the crowd, pulling me along.
People still yelled out us so Edward stopped to talk to one of the paparazzi people and maybe explain what's going on to them.
"Where are you going?" The man spoke to Edward. "What's going on? Have you found Dalia?" He continued to ask more questions.
"Listen guys, we're slowly getting through everything and we'll be able to answer every question in some sort of interview but for now we don't really feel like answering any questions," Edward spoke honestly.
"Could you just answer those three questions?" The man begged and everyone agreed.
"Fine," Edward smiled. I guess the idea of a date has made him get in a very good mood. "Where going back to the office to get ready because I have a date," he went a little quieter at that as he blushed bright red.
"Nothing's really going on at the moment and yes, we have found Dalia," at that the cameras started flashing more and more and the yelling got louder.
"Who is the Dalia? When is she coming?" Many different questions were yelled but Edward just pushed through the crowd and ignored pretty much everyone else.
"Who are you going out with?" Someone yelled and Edward stopped walking. He looked so embarrassed and I knew exactly what he was thinking. I guess he wouldn't care about telling anyone but I don't think Mackala would want the world knowing she was dating my brother. She could get so much hate. So many people could say she was using him to get to me and my money.
"A ummmm," Edward stalled. "A girl that I met a few days ago," he answered before he quickly started to pull me out again. We were outside pretty quickly and as soon as we were out we spotted Simon's car. We jumped in the car straight away and drove off.
"We went back to your hotel Edward," Simon spoke to Edward from the front seat. It was a very random question and got both of our attention.
"Yeah?" Edward question, raising his eyebrow but he still kept his eyes down in his lap where he was playing his phone.
"Yeah," Simon continued. "We went back and got all yours and Marcel's stuff. Thought you'd want your stuff back," he said, leaning over to the back to look at us.
As we continued to drive back to the management building, no one said a word. We just played with our phones and waited to arrive.

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