Chapter 12

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

The last two days went in a blur. We had finished our New York concerts (two if you were wondering), done three autographing sections which took like five hours each, and we even managed to record a song for our next album. So it was safe to say we were exhausted. Luckily, because we did all those things, the next few days we could relax. Maybe.

Occasionally the boys would question me about my brothers. Yesterday when I hopped out of the shower Zayn asked if I knew the order in which we were born. My answer was yes. Edward was the oldest, then me, then Marcel. Liam had asked if I have ever tried to contact them and sadly my answer was no. Louis asked if he could date Gemma if her and her boyfriend ever breakup and my answer was no. I don't know how she even got in the convocation though. And Niall asked if I met them, would I live with them, leave them and continue my career or take them with me. Obviously my answer was taking them with me but they mightn't want to come so that complicates it.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained lying on the floor next to the empty mini fridge.

"Well maybe if you didn't eat all of our week's supply of food on the first night then you would have something in your hands right now," Liam spoke annoyed. Niall's been complaining nonstop for the last two hours. He had eaten all the treats management provided. They didn't give us much because we needed to stay fit but we were given a dozen donuts, 2 chocolate blocks, a few packets of different flavoured chips, a few packets of sweets and a few soft drinks. Niall had eaten everything (except the soft drinks Louis, Liam, Zayn and I had managed to steal) and only left fruits and vegetables behind.

"We're not exactly in the city right now, and it's a school day for primary and high school students so I don't see why we can't stop for ice-cream or something" Zayn said quietly.

"Ohhhhh. Can we pleeeeaaassseeee!!!" Niall begged the driver.

"Whatever. You need to call Paul first," he said to Niall who was yelling in his ear.

"Will do," Louis said as he put his phone to his ear. After a few minutes he stopped talking and smiled.

"Paul said we can stop tomorrow at a shop call 'Cow's ice-creams.' It is like three towns over." Disappointment filled Niall's face. He wanted to go today.

"Zayn?" I questioned making them all look at me.

"Yeah," he said quietly like he was thinking about something.

"Today's Sunday," I smirked and he blushed.

"Oh," he whispered and the other boys started to laugh.

After a few hours we stopped and swapped drivers near a motel. They drive for 12 hours straight and it was time for our current one to swap with the night shift one. I recognized him straight away. Paul? "Paul!" we all shouted and ran to hug him, Louis sitting on his lap.

"Hi boys. Have one bed spare?" just then another person walked on. "I'm not the driver, not tonight anyway," he said as we all looked at the stranger confused. "I'm here because you're stopping tomorrow I thought I might as well be with you." All six of us went to the table and talked as the bus took off. Paul asked me about my plans to go to Washington DC and he was proud of me and also gave the boys permission.

After a while the time was 9pm and Paul forced us to go to bed so we climbed into the bunk bed that was ours and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to Louis rocking me. "Get up!!" he screamed.

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