Chapter 38

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3rd person P.O.V

💢I thought I would have a go at 3rd person perspective for this chapter but if you don't like it, don't worry, this will be one of the only times I do it💝💢

Harry stood in the shower and let the cold water wash over his body. He's been moving so fast lately that he hasn't had much time to just think. He tried to wash off all his mixed feelings with the cold running water but each emotion stayed with him. How would a normal person react to his situation? He didn't know how to feel or what to do and he was wondering how someone else would feel. He was anxious, angry, depressed and scared. In a more simple form, he was just confused. Confused about how it started, confused about why someone would even do this to his or anyone else's family, confused about what is happening and over everything, he was confused about what to do next. A knock on the door startled him out of his daze.

"Harry, we go on in ten minutes," Liam called from outside the bathroom door. "And I need to have a shower too," he knocked again.

"I'm getting out now," Harry called back as he turned off the water and stepped out. He dried himself with his towel before wrapping it around his waist and opening the door.

"What took you so long?" Liam half-heartedly joked as Harry walked passed him. When Harry was out of the doorway, Liam walked inside and closed the door behind him.

"Have a good shower?" Edward asked, his top half now bare, revealing all his tattoos on is left arm, his scars on his right wrist (which Harry had never noticed before but the sight of them really worried him, 'does Edward cut as well?' he thought) and his large scar from his rib surgery. Harry nodded but stared in question at his brother's bare chest. "It's hot," Edward replied to his gaze, simply, shrugging before heading towards the fridge. Harry nodded in agreement at his statement before walking towards his room to get dressed.

Louis continued to fiddle with the computer settings as he tried to set up the livestream. "Done," he whispered to himself as it turned on. He smiled into the camera.

"Louis, is it ready?" Niall asked from the floor.

"Yeah," Louis relied. "It's on right now. Hi," he waved to the camera.

"Really?!" Niall said excitedly, jumping from his place near the wall and raced over. He ran from behind the computer and jumped, trying to make it over both the coffee table and the open laptop that sat on it. He jumped high but his foot kicked the laptop shut.

"Niall!" the people watching from home were able to hear Louis yell before the laptop closed fully, losing connection.

"What the hell Niall," Louis scolded as he opened the laptop and tried to restore connection.

"Sorry," Niall muttered, his cheerful sprit dying as he was scolded. "I'm just excited. We haven't done a twitcam or a livestream for ages," he tried to explain.

"Whatever, it's back up now," Louis spoke. Niall sat on the ground being seen in the corner of the screen. He smiled at the camera, not moving any other part of his face or body. "Okay, you stay here, I'll tell everyone that it's ready," Louis said, standing up and walking out of the camera's view. He went over to the kitchen to talk to Edward.

"Hi," Niall whispered into the camera. Looking at Niall through the computer screen was slightly creepy to all watching from home. He didn't move or even blink, his breathing was slow and couldn't be seen through the screen. He looked like a creepy smiling statue. The livestream continued to roll as the other boys got ready, not knowing Louis had set it up ten minutes early.

Zayn walked across the room, the camera able to see him in the background. He walked by again but stopped half way, all 17 million people who had tuned in able to see him standing in his black underwear. "Did Liam get in yet?!" he called to someone as he scratched his butt. Niall sniggered when he saw. "What?" Zayn asked, going over to him. He stood in front of the computer, his butt the only thing that was able to be seen.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now