Chapter 11

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

It was 10am when I got up the next morning. When I opened my eyes everything was clear. Poo (still don't like to swear). I had forgotten to take my contacts out last night and now my eyes were killing me. I walked straight to the bathroom sink and replaced them with my usual black bulky glasses. When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror then yesterday's memories came flooding back. Even though I didn't do much I was so happy that Edward was going to be my roommate. I don't know why I have the sudden turn of thoughts. Yes, I like Edward but I've never liked having roommates.
I walked over to my dresser and got into my 'nerdy costume' as Rosie would have said.
After half an hour of slow movements I laid down on my bed wondering what to do. I finished my homework that was set for the holidays last night (even though it took forever) so I have nothing to do. I started to think about the stuff that happened at the gym yesterday when I somehow thought of Edward. Why don't I go visit him? I would want him to visit me if our positions switched. I sat up and walked to my car not meeting anyone on the way out.

Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

I woke up at 6 with nurses pulling at my attachments. I looked up to see they were disconnecting me from one of the machines that kept beeping. "Thanks," I mumble as one of the young nurses wheeled it out.
"It can speak," the other young nurse joked as she looked at me. She was very attractive might I add. "Are you okay sweetie. Sorry we woke you up. It just means you get to choose what you want for breakfast before it runs out," she giggled and I weakly smiled. My eyelids were really heavy. "Would you like anything or are you going to rest some more?" she giggled looking at how I was practically falling asleep.
"Oh....I," I thought. "Toast please," I asked politely.
"Coming right up honey," she said as she walked out. As I was waiting I got my phone and checked my twitter account. James had tweeted that he was at the mall yesterday, Logan tweeted that he got his report card early and aced everything except sport and science and then I saw Lucy's. Why do I even follow her? She had tweeted a few things.
1) that she was at the gym. 2) that see saw a cute guy. (This post came with an attached picture of a boy's back with a rose tattoo with writing I couldn't make out. He was sitting on a bench and had obviously just finished his workout) And the third tweet said, 'He actually knows me :P but hates me:'( ' There was a picture of the front of the boy although most of his face was cropped out. I could see he had a very fit body with a six-pack and everything. He also had another tattoo.
I concentrated on the blurry word and what I could see was the word 'Styles.'
I gasped. Could this be Marcel? No. I couldn't be, could it?
The lady walked in holding a plate with two pieces of toast on it.
"Here you go sweetie. If you need me just ask. My name's Cassandra." She placed the food on a table and brought the table to me. I put my phone down and started to eat.

After a few hours I had caught up on my beauty sleep. The time was around 10 when I woke up for the second time so I found the TV remote and started to watch a repeat of The Big Bang Theory.
"H-hi," I heard someone whisper from my door. I looked up puzzled, to find Marcel standing there in his geeky clothes I've learned to except. Why was he here? I thought he wasn't working today?
"Hi!" I say too excitedly as I turned off the TV.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure. Come come." I said pointing to a chair. I was really happy he was here. He walked in and pulled the chair close. "How was the night?" he said repeating the first thing he said to me yesterday which made me giggle. Oh Jesus. I bet he thinks I'm gay and that's why I asked him yesterday.
"Not my favourite but I only have one to go," I said and he chuckled remembering my answer from yesterday.
"So..." he said awkwardly. I thought he came to ask my something but he just came to be a friend. How sweet. I really appreciate it. He was the first person other than doctors to come in.
I remember the tweet and wanted to ask him. It was as awkward question like yesterday but I think that's just what we are. Awkward friends.
"Can you lift your shirt up a little bit?" I asked pulling my own up just because. I looked at my stomach as I made it move weirdly. It hypnotized me. Yeah, think whatever you want but when you're as bored as me you will do anything for entertainment. After a while I stopped to see Marcel was looking at it also but like he was wondering what I was doing.
I quickly pulled my shirt down. "Sorry," I said embarrassed. "Now you do it!" I insisted.
"No thank you," he said blushing.
"I'm not gay if that's what you're thinking," I said as he looked at me then chuckled slightly.
"I wasn't thinking that but now that you bring it up I am thinking it," his cocky comeback made me laugh which hurt my sides.
I leant over to pull his shirt up but he was too quick and moved away.
"Why do you want me to lift my shirt?" he asked nervously.
"Cause," I whispered even more embarrassed.
"Okay?" Marcel said sliding back into the chair cautiously.
"So...." I said. This was the first time in my life I was so embarrassed about my actions. I sound so gay (still no offence to homosexuals).
"How old are you? Are you still in school? What grade? When's your birthday?" I spat out all the questions I could so the topic could change.
"If you can tell me, I will tell you," he smirked knowing I'd forget the first question. I thought for a bit.
"Urrr.... what was the first question?"
"Age," he smiled. Then I remembered all of them. Weird eh. One reminder then you remember everything.
"Oh okay. I'm 17. I'm in school. I'm a senior in high school and my birthday is the 1st of February," I said proud of myself for answering and remembering the questions. I looked to Marcel who looked confused.
"Now you tell me," I spoke confidently.
After a moment he answered, but it sounded more like a question. "17. Yes. Junior. And 1st of February."
That shocked me. I'm smarter yay. I'm a senior and he's a junior yay. Oh wait did he say he is 17 and born on the 1st of February. "I'm smarter than you!" I teased which made him smile. Yep, just forget the other stuff and say what the loser would say first. Very clever Edward.
"You didn't let me finish," he smirked. "I'm a junior in college," he smirked at me as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. WHAT!!!
"Forget about school Edward. Are you telling the truth about your birthday?"
"Of course. I thought you knew because I wrote it in the book thingy," I said.
"I would have but Dr. Lukewood took it from you that night not me. Edward.." he changed the topic.
"You know that you're going to St. Paul's tomorrow right?" I was shocked. How did he know? I nodded yes.

"Why?" I asked.
"I'm... I'm your roommate."
I gasped. Not because he was my roommate but because of something much bigger.
We both are orphans. We both look alike. We both have the same birthday. And we both have the same surname. I could see he was thinking the same thing.
What if we're.....brothers.

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