Chapter 42

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

We slowly ended our embrace and stared into each other's eyes. We were so happy. "Call her," Edward said, nudging towards my phone.
"Now?" I questioned nervously. "Should we go somewhere private?" I asked. I knew he'd want it on speaker and I didn't feel comfortable having it on speaker in the hall. Edward nodded in agreement.
"We can go into Marcel's room. It's private and if Marcel wakes up he'll be able to hear that Dalia is coming," he nodded towards the now empty room where Marcel was asleep. I nodded too before we walked back into the room.
We both pulled chairs up next to Marcel and sat down. I placed my hand on Marcel's and rubbed it with my thumb as I unlocked my phone with my other hand. I looked up to Edward, who had his hand on Marcel's leg, and he nodded nervously. I took in a deep breath and let it out again.
"Here we go," he said as I pushed to phone number that Zayn texted me.
We both held our breaths as the phone rang.
"Hello?" I girls voice came through the phone after a couple nerve wracking rings.
"Hi ummmm," Edward spoke anxiously. "Is this Jenni?" He asked.
"Yes," she said, her tone of voice starting to get excited. I guess she was recognising his voice and thinking it was mine.
"Well ummmm," Edward started. "Hi Jenni. My name's Edward and I guess you know who I am," he said.
"Oh my god. Yes! Yes I know exactly who you are. Are you calling because of Dalia?" She asked.
"Yes," I spoke. "Hey Jenni, it's Harry here. We were wondering if Dalia and you were able to come down here soon-"
"No we weren't," Edward interrupted. "We just wanted to talk. We didn't talk about bringing her down here."
"I assumed we would though. She's defiantly the real Dalia, no doubt about that. I don't know why you didn't think I'd invite them here," I said confused. Why wouldn't he think I'd say that?
"I know that it's the real Dalia and I know that we'd want them here but we never discussed that-"
"Yeah I know but this isn't the time. It doesn't matter if we didn't actually talk about it," I said. I was a little confused as to why he would even bother pointing me out on it.
"No, this is the time, I'm not going to bringing it up again later," he said, his voice getting slightly deeper as he got madder. I just stared at him with a puzzled expression on my face. I had to think about why he was being this way when I remembered, Edward's bipolar. That must be why he's acting this way. No one would try and fight with someone about something so small if they didn't have bipolar or something like it.
"Are you alright Edward?" I questioned, hoping he would realise what he was doing so I didn't have to bring the topic up. I was quite worried about the fact that he's fighting with me now because this is supposed to be a good time, we're about to meet Dalia, but he's picking a fight with me about something ridiculous.
"Yeah I'm fine but you're the one that's not," he said rudely. I tried not to get mad at him because I knew it wasn't his fault but he was starting to get on my nerves.
"Hey Edward," I tried to comfort. "Calm down. I haven't done anything and I know you're not purposely trying to start a fight," I tried to say soothingly but I don't think it came out the way I wanted it to.
"What do you mean you know I'm not purposely trying to start a fight? Why the fuck would you even say that? You're the one that started it!" He yelled before jumping up and throwing the chair across the room and storming out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him. The chair crashed onto the ground with a loud bang. I just sat on my chair and watched in amazement. Edward has never acted that way towards me before. I had only seen him do it to Marcel on the security camera footage and to the paparazzi. I also was told about it when he freaked out at Niall in the ice cream shop and when the boys had 'stolen' his phone back when we first met.
I stared at the door that was now closed. I heard a 'hello?' come from my hands so I looked down. I was holding my phone when I remembered that we had called Dalia's friend Jenni and she was still on the line.
"Fuck," I whispered when I had realised she had heard the whole thing. "I'm so so sorry that you heard all that Jenni. He just ummmm," I tried to think of what I should tell her. I turned her off speaker and placed the phone to my ear.
"Does he ummm," she spoke awkwardly. "Does he have bipolar?" She asked nervously. I hesitated.
"What makes you say that?" I spoke nervously.
"Oh, it's just that my older brother's bipolar as well and he starts fights like that. What you said shouldn't have started a fight but he picked it out and tried to start a fight with it. I'm just curious but is he on medication?" She asked.
"No. I don't think he is. Should he be?" I asked worriedly.
"Yeah. Medication controls his outbursts. Before Dylan was on them, he'd fight about anything like Edward just did. Now he still fights but less often and not about simple stuff," she explained. I thought about it. We really need to get this for Edward. Not only because it'll stop the fights but because it's medication for crying out loud. It'll make him get better, fell better and act better. I didn't even know people with bipolar had to take medicine.
"Anyway, you called about Dalia," she said awkwardly, trying to get back on topic.
"Oh yeah, ummm," I spoke. "Yeah, would the two of be able to come to Washington in the next day or two?" I asked.
"Yes," she said enthusiastically.
"But first we'll have to show that picture of Dalia to Marcel," I spoke which kind of killed her mood. "I mean, I have no doubt you're telling the truth but the last test is to make sure Marcel says it's her," I spoke.
"Yeah I get it. You guys would have had a million people fake stuff. I understand your precautions. When are you going to show him?" She asked curiously.
"Oh. He's sleeping at the moment. When he wakes up I'll show him but it could take a little while," I said to Jenni as she listened intently.
"Oh, okay. Well, I'm hiding in the bathroom at school at the moment and I've been in here for a little while. I've gotta go because I'm gonna get in serious trouble for taking this long," she said into the phone, her voice getting quieter and turning into a whisper. I assumed maybe it was because down one else had walked into the bathroom.
"Oh. I'm so sorry I called you in school. I forgot it was a Thursday and the time zones slipped my mind. I'm so sorry. I'll call you back when I get Marcel's approval. See ya Jen," I said before I hung up.
I put my phone back into my pocket and stood up. I walked over to Edward's chair and pulled it up from the floor and put it back on its feet. I then walked over to the door and opened it slowly, peeking out to see if Edward was there. I could see him over near the nurses desk talking to Mackala.

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