Chapter 46

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Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

"Turn it off," I groaned, waving my arm around as the alarm clock filled my ears. The other boys all mumbled the same thing but no one got up to stop it. I rolled my head over so I wasn't looking at the wall and peeked my eye open to see if anyone was moving. Suddenly the alarm turned off but no one had pushed the snooze button on their phones or clocks.
The members of One Direction all sighed in relief as I groaned and pulled the blankets off. I can't get back to sleep when I've been woken so now I'm forced to go investigate.
I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes before stretching. It's not that I hate waking up early and starting my day before everyone else. Trust me, I love mornings. It's just actually getting OUT of bed that's the problem. I sighed and swung my feet off the bed before pushing myself up onto them.
I quietly made my way towards the door and slipped out of it.
"Oh I'm sorry," a voice spoke from the kitchen area when I came out. I looked over to see a girl, dressed in my baggy clothes, making herself a cup of tea. Oh, right. Now I remember that Mackala stayed the night.
"No it's fine," I smiled, walking over to her and wrapping an arm around her waist as I gathered a coffee cup and tea bag so I could make myself one too. She blushed a bit at my touch but let be do it.
"How was your sleep?" I asked, letting go of her so I could use the boiled water in the kettle that she hadn't used. I started to dip the teabag in and out of the water.
"It was fine. Don't know how you slept though," she added with a giggle.
"What do you mean?" I chuckled, jumping up and sitting on the kitchen bench as I pulled the teabag out and through it basketball style into the bin. It made it in and I cheered (quietly because the boys were still sleeping) and fist pumped the air with my free arm. Mackala cheered along and gave me a high five.
"What I mean is," she said, changing the subject back to what we were talking about. She took a sip of her tea before continuing. "There was so much snoring coming from your room. I reckon at least three of you were doing it," she giggled. I chucked as well, looking down and shaking my head.
"I guess I was asleep before they started," I laughed and smile up at her. She smiled brightly, making the sides of her eyes crinkle a bit, proving that it was a genuine smile. She was beautiful. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head and she had wiped all her makeup off which revealed some freckles that speckled her nose and a little bit of her cheeks.
We stayed in a comfortable silence as we both sipped our teas.
"So ummmm," she said once she had finished her drink and put it in the sink.
"Yeah?" I asked as I sensed that she was getting a little nervous.
"So about last night, I had fun," she smiled up at me.
"Yeah, it was great," I smiled, remembering the everts of last night.

"Here we are," the limo driver spoke to me as we pulled up at the front of what looked like a dorm house. "Good luck," he winked at me. I nodded to him nervously and opened the door, grabbing the flowers that were on the seat next to me and stepping out.
I closed the door and followed the path up to the front door. As I approached the door I saw a few faces poke out of the windows but as soon as they saw that I was looking at them, they giggled and blushed, quickly closing the curtains again and hiding. I chuckled to myself before taking a deep breath and ringing the bell.
As soon as I pressed the door bell, the door flew open and revealed a pretty girl I recognised from the window.
"Hey," I smiled at her nervously.
"Oh my gosh," she whispered to herself. Another girl walked passed but paused at the sight of me.
"Who brought this cutie?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. She then looked behind me and nodded her head. "And he brought a limo? Lucky girl," she smirked.
"Hey ummm," I said, trying to control my nerves. It wasn't that I was nervous about going out with Mac, it was just because this is my first date and I don't know what to do. "I'm Edwa-"
"I know who you are," she laughed, patting my shoulder. "The whole world knows who you are Edward. My question is who are you here for? Felicity? Abbey? Charlotte? Mackala? Carmen?" She started to list many girls' names.
"Mackala," I spoke, stopping her from listing who knows how many more names.
"Oh. Right. She probably picked you up at the hospital-"
"Lucy," the girl who had originally opened the door interrupted. "The boy's here for a date. The last thing he wants to think about is the hospital. Edward," she said, looking up to me. "Come in," she invited, moving out of the door and letting me in. I nodded and muttered a 'thank you' as I stepped inside.
I walked in and looked around. It was a beautiful and very big house.
"In here," the girl called Lucy spoke, walking into the next room. I followed her into what appeared to be the living room and she sat down on the couch. That's when I realised that we weren't the only two in the room. There were girls. Lots of girls. Lots and lots of girls. There had to be at least twenty girls in the room, sitting around on the couches, tables and on the floor but they didn't all look my age. They all looked like they had to be older. In college at least. This must be how Marcel feels at school. Surrounded by a ton of pretty but older girls all the time.
"Hi," I whispered, waving nervously.
"Oh my god!" Half of them whisper shouted to each other. Other girls screamed a little and there was one in the corner that I think fainted before coming to a few seconds later.
"Edward?! Edward Styles?!" A girl with long red hair that had been shaved on one side said. I nodded, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach and the sweat now developing on my palms. I don't want to talk to these girls. I want to go on my date with Mac.
"I'm Stacey," she said, standing up from the couch and walking over to me. She extended her hand for me to shake and I took it confidently. "Looks like Mac wasn't lying. She did score a date with a cutie," she said teasingly, causing me to blush. "Can't believe it's Harry Styles' brother," she winked and I frowned, pulling my hand out of her grip.
"I'm more then just Harry Styles' brother," I spoke accusingly. I don't see how people can think that. I hope not too many people think of me that way. I've lived my own life without him. I've had my own problems and drama. My own friends and experiences. But now people see me as just Harry Styles' brother?
"Leave him alone," a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned to see Mackala standing there in a beautiful red dress and a pretty daisy flower crown. Her hair was out but it was different. She had died it. It was black and she had straightened it.
"I like your hair," I whispered in her ear as I kissed her cheek as my hello. She blushed (I wasn't sure of it was because of the kiss on the cheek or the compliment) and looked away.
The girls in the room 'awwww-ed' and I also heard a few more voices behind me do the same. I turned to see another seven girls leaning over the railing from upstairs and staring down at us.
"Oh, here," I smiled, handing her the bouquet.
"They're beautiful," she blushed as she smelt them. "Oh, we should probably go," she laughed embarrassed as she realised that we were just standing here being watched by everyone.
"I'll quickly put these in a vase in the kitchen then we can go," she smiled, walking back out of the room.
I smiled before going back to awkwardly standing in the archway of the living room.
"Hey lover boy," one of the girls called. I looked up at her with a questioning look.
"Have fun tonight," she winked and the other girls giggled.
"Oh. And be safe. Hope you have one ready," another one giggled, causing everyone else to laugh too. My cheeks turned red. Oh god. I'm so embarrassed. Who would have known that these girls would be so dirty?
"Do you have one?" The red head I had forgotten the name of spoke. My eyes opened wide at her question.
"No, I don't have one on me," I laughed nervously.
"My boyfriend left some in the bathroom if you'd like. You're a large right?" She said dirtily. I felt my cheeks go redder (if that was possible) and I looked away. These girls are making it really awkward.
"Wait!" A girl I hadn't noticed that was sitting on the floor in front of the couch said. She looked me up and down then smirked.
"You still have your V-card?" she tried not to giggled. I knew that she wasn't trying to 'tease' me as such for still being a virgin and was only giggling because of how embarrassed I may look, but it still really hurt. Just because I don't sleep around or haven't fallen in love yet doesn't mean that I'm less 'cool' (I think that's what people would call me. Or maybe 'punk?').
I nodded embarrassed, hoping Mac would hurry up in the kitchen and take me out of here (and also explain to me why so many people are here).
"Yes, I'm still a virgin but that doesn't mean anything. It just means I haven't fallen in love yet," I tried to explain but as soon as it left my mouth I regretted it. It sounded so cliché. Why didn't I just ignore them?
Surprisingly, the girls all 'awwwww-ed' again.
"I wish I had the patience you have. I regret my first time not being special," a blonde girl spoke.
"Hey," Mac said as she came up to me. "These girls haven't embarrassed you too much, have they?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Not at all!" One of the girls yelled.
"Oookay," Mac said, not believing a word.
"We ummmm, we better go. Louis booked a reservation," I spoke, trying to forget what just happened.
"Louis Tomlinson?! You say his name so causally," another girl yelled and I chuckled a bit.
"Yeah. He was never Louis Tomlinson from One Direction to me. I never liked him before I met him," I informed her as Mac lead me out.
The girls all yelled good bye as we stepped out and closed the door. Our arms were linked together as we made our way down the long path that was surrounded by beautiful flowered trees.
"Sorry 'bout them," Mac suddenly spoke, looking up at my still rosy cheeks. "What did they talk about this time? Dick sizes? Condoms? Virginity?" She asked like she was used to it.
"The works," I said simply, not really wanting to talk about it. Tonight's off to a great start! Note the sarcasm.
"All of it? Wow, they haven't done that since the mass dates of '09 where fourteen of the girls all had dates arriving at the same time," she laughed. She had a beautiful laugh. I would never get tired of hearing it.
Before we could talk more, we reached the end of the path. I opened the door of the limo for her and she raised an eyebrow.
"A limo? That's quite out there for a first date. Normally that's a third date type of thing," she joked as she slid in.
"Well, it was the boys' idea," I said as I hopped in and closed the door behind me. "Apparently it was for safety but I think they just wanted me to be flashy," I admitted as the limo started to drive.
"This is my first time riding one of these," she smiled as she looked around the interior of the vehicle.
"Actually it's my first time too. Well, if you don't include the ride here," I told her.
"Really? I thought you would have driven in a limo when you went to the concert where Harry told us about you and Marcel," she said and I shook my head. The boys don't actually use limos to get to concerts. It's always cars. Sometimes one each and sometimes all five share one.
"So ummmm," I said, changing the subject a bit. "Why were there so many girls at your house?" I questioned curiously. It wasn't normal. Was it?
"Oh," she laughed a bit. "Sorry. I though I'd told you. It would have been a bit confusing," she said, looking up into my eyes. "It's a sorority," she said simply.
"Sorority? But I thought you were a high school senior," I asked.
"Yeah, I am. It's just that my family is a huge part of the college community, actually, my great great great grandparents were two of the founders," she informed me. "So we grow up living and breathing Greyhound academy. It's like a tradition that once you turn fifteen you can live in the omega sorority until you graduate high school if you'd like. I don't really know how it started because it's really weird but I moved in none the less. The girls are really inappropriate but I moved in because they have so many great parties. They're having one tonight as well but I have work in the morning so I don't know what I'll do," she sighed sadly.
"Don't worry, you can crash at" I said questioningly. "Well, the huge office building that we've been staying at," I smiled.
"Really?" She said excitedly and I nodded. "Thanks so much," she leant over and kissed my cheek. With the touch of her lips to my cheek I felt the butterflies in my stomach start up again. I can't believe I had the guts to ask this dynamite girl out.
"I'm just surprised that you'd want me to go to your place and not back here. Not one other boy that I've dated have ever wanted me to go to their house if there was a sorority party going on. You sure you don't want to go?" She asked.
"Oh, was that an invitation?" I questioned and she shook her head.
"No it wasn't but normally boys would take it as one," she told me.
I chucked a bit. "Believe it or not but I'm not really a party person. The last party I went to was when I was 10... and I wasn't exactly invited," I admitted and she giggled.
"Crashin' parties since you were ten. That's the definition of cool," she laughed.
The rest of the ride was filled with witty and flirtatious banter. When the limo arrived we both hadn't noticed so the driver leaned over and told us that we were here.
I smiled and stepped out, keeping the door open for Mac who blushed as she came out.
"Why thank you kind gentleman," she giggled.
"My pleasure, m'lady," I chuckled.
"L'oiseau pointue?" She questioned once she has stopped giggling and saw what restaurant we were at. Wow. She pronounced it perfectly. Can this girl get any better?
"Yeah, Louis suggested it," I muttered, embarrassed I didn't come up with my own idea for our date.
"Oh God," she said, her eyes opening wide when she saw a group of men flashing their cameras at us. They seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.
"Who are you?" They all yelled at Mac.
"Edward," she said nervously, slowly stepping behind me.
"It's fine love, I'll take care of this," I smiled before walking to the men.
"Is this your date?" They yelled once I came close.
"Yes, and if you don't mind I would like to be left alone with her," I said politely. They ignored me completely and one started to walk around me and go towards Mackala. As he stepped around me, I reached out and grabbed his collar and pulled him close to me face.
"Fuck off or your camera won't live to take another picture," I spat. He seemed a little nervous but didn't do anything. I chuckled wickedly. "You all know I'm not afraid to break a few cameras," I reminded them from the time I broke two outside of the hospital. They all seemed to get the hint.
"S-Sorry. W-we'll leave you two be," the one in my grip stuttered as I put him down.
"Yeah, sorry 'bout the misunderstanding," they all muttered before walking away. That's cool. I should be a body guard. That was really easy. Hope it doesn't hurt Harry's reputation through. Oops.
I walked back over to Mackala and smiled.
"Just wondering, did you do that because you would normally or because your bipolar," she whispered the word so no one that could be eavesdropping could hear, "was playing up?" She asked.
"Bit of both I guess. It's never really gone away. Everything I do is pretty much because of it," I said causally.
"Oh. And that reminds me. I have the stuff back at home. I'll get it and give it to you as soon as I can," she smiled. I had forgotten that she had payed for my first dose of medication. I really appreciate it. I smiled and gave her a huge 'thank you.'
The two of us then linked arms and walked into the restaurant. As soon as we did the person behind the podium smiled at us.
"Bonjour," he spoke. "How may I help you?" He asked, his French accent filling me with memories that I tried to push away. I haven't heard a French accent in seven years but this is no time to reminisce.
"Reservation for two," I spoke politely to him.
He looked down at the book and tapped on a particular spot, obviously pointing at my name. "This way," he said, grabbing two menus and walking away. We followed him as he weaved around tables until he stopped at a table with two seats and gestured for us to sit. I pulled out Mackala's chair and she blushed but sat down. I pushed her in before taking my seat in my chair.
"My name is Manu and I will be your waiter tonight. Would you like a drink to start off?" He asked politely, handing us our menus.
I looked over to Mackala. I wanted her to order first because I wanted water but I didn't want to discourage her from having soft drink or something if she wanted it.
"Oh ummm, lemonade please," she spoke.
"Water thanks," I said and Manu nodded before walking away.
"So," she smiled, looking into my eyes. "Why are you trying to impress me with this gentlemen act?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You opened my door. You called be love. You shooed the paparazzi away. You pulled out my chair for me and pushed me in," she blushed as she remembered.
"Oh, no," I smiled. "I would have done that even if it wasn't a date. That's what guys should do for a pretty girl," I said and she blushed and looked away.

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