Chapter 40

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Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

"Yo boys!" someone yelled as they bashed on the door. "It's 10 o'clock!" the same man yelled as he walked in and pulled the blanket off us. I groaned in annoyance, kicking off Niall's arm that was wrapped around my legs. I also shook off Louis' leg that had been resting on the back of my neck (as I was sleeping on my stomach).

"I thought you guys would want to get up to the hospital as soon as possible," the voice I was now starting to register as Simon's spoke from above us.

All six of us started mumbling and trying to get up causing the boys underneath to get kneed or elbowed and the boys above getting knocked off and falling all over the place.

"What were you boys doing last night?" Simon chuckled as he watched us all try and get up.

"We had a sleep over," Niall said as he rolled off the mattress and lay down on his back on the floor.

"Let's go!" Harry yelled randomly, pointing to the door sleepily and rushing off towards it.

"Harry!?" Louis called after him. "Come back here!" He called once Harry had run out the door.

"He's just excited. Edward, would you like to come down and go to the hospital in your pyjamas as well?" Simon asked. It took a little while for me to understand that he was being serious with his offer. I soon nodded and walked out the door, waving to the boys over my shoulder as I left. Simon followed me out and closed the door behind us as we walked over to the elevator which Harry held his arm in so it wouldn't leave without us.


We arrived at the hospital in about 30 minutes. "Okay boys," Simon spoke as Harry opened the door to get out of the car. When he had both of our attention he continued. "Call me when you want to get picked up. Don't talk to the press and most importantly, be patient with him. He's doing the best he can with his amnesia," Simon advised us. We nodded our thanks then closed the door and walked into the hospital and up to Marcel's ward.

"Do you think he'll be better today?" Harry questioned, looking down at his feet as the elevator moved up.

"Honestly, I don't think so," I sighed. "I think we just need to find this Dalia girl and get her to explain everything to him. I'm just worried that his memories might hurt his mental state," I spoke truthfully. So far all we know, and probably ever will know is that they only wanted 'Harry' for torture and nothing else. It's a horrible thought that someone would want to do that to, not only a celebrity, but a down to earth teenage boy. And what makes it worse is that when they found out he wasn't Harry they didn't stop. They must have found out early in the week because personality wise they are completely different. And they have differences regarding tattoos and body features as well.

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