Chapter 35

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

Edward just saved Marcel's life! He full on saved him. He's a hero and he did what all heroes do. They try and save people and when no one listens to them or tries to help, they take matters into their own hands, even if that means doing something crazy like cutting the cord in half with scissors.
I had walked outside to ask the nurses to give Simon a call but as soon as I left the room, Simon had entered the ward.

"Simon!" I called to him eagerly, running up to him and squeezing him tightly.

"Hey, Harry, what's up?" he said casually, awkwardly wrapping his arms around me and hugging me back.

"Edward just saved Marcel. He full on went and ignored everything the doctors said and saved him himself," I looked up, happy tears still slowly falling from my eyes.

"What?" he looked down at me with a puzzled expression.

"It doesn't matter," I smiled, letting go of him and backing away a bit.

"Well, enough waiting Harry, I want to see the brave boy," he smiled and I nodded. We started walking towards Marcel's room when Edward swung around the door, a very serious expression on his face. I stopped walking and stared at him confused.

"Harry, I think you should get in here," he said, his voice serious. As soon as he said that I became panicked. Did he die while I was out of the room? Did he take a turn for the worse in the short amount of time I wasn't with him? I paced quickly down the hall, my head full of bad thoughts. I rounded the corner of the door and the sight in front of me stopped me in my tracks. Marcel... was up. He wasn't just awake, but he was sitting up and moving around. He was trying to pull all the cords out of his arms and wrists and the doctors and nurses were trying to stop him. They were pulling his hands away from his arms and trying to hold them back.

I didn't know what to say. How is this even possible? He was in a coma for crying out loud! How can he be up and moving?

I shook my head to remove those thoughts. It doesn't matter how. He can do it so that's what I should be thinking about. I stopped looking at his actions and finally allowed myself to look at his face. For the first time I noticed that he had a huge cut that ran along his cheek. I can't believe those monsters would do such a thing to him. After I took in his features (which I had missed greatly) I started to focus on his actual expression. He looked panicked and confused. He looked so worried. His face was screwed up in confusion as he tried desperately to pull everything out of him.

"Hi Marcey," I smiled, waving over to him a little. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. His eyes moving up and down my body before his eyes locked with mine.

"Who..?" he spoke softly to himself, looking around the room. "Why am I here? Who are you people? Where's Dalia?!" he started to panic, the machine's beeps suddenly sounding a lot quicker, indicating that his heartbeat was rising rapidly.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down son," a doctor said, trying to stop Marcel from panicking.

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