Chapter 45

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

"I can't wait!" Niall shouted in excitement as Edward hung up the phone. I can't believe that Dalia and Jenni are coming here tomorrow! It's so exciting. It's so nerve wracking. What if Dalia doesn't want to stay for as long as we need her? What will happen to Marcel then? He doesn't even like talking to us causally let along seriously.

"Quick, we need to tell Simon so we can get Frank to email the school. We need them packed and ready ASAP," Edward said, putting the phone down on the table as he sat up and walked towards the door.


Soon enough Frank had been called and had sent the email, private jet flights for tomorrow had been booked and everything was organised for tomorrow.

Edward has been sitting on his bum all afternoon texting someone and smirking down at his phone each time it vibrated.

"Who you texting?" Zayn asked, sitting down on the chair next to him. Edward looked up and blushed a bit, hiding his phone from Zayn's view.

"Mackala," he answered before going back to texting.

"Oh yeah," I smiled when I finally remembered what he was supposed to do tonight. "Isn't your date tonight?" I asked and he nodded, smiling at the comment.

All the boys looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oh," Zayn said in surprise as he nudged Edward with his elbow.

"Stop it. It's just a date," he blushed.

"Yeah, your first date!" I yelled in excitement.

"Oh My God!" Louis also yelled in excitement. "We have to get this perfect. Liam! Call Lou!" He said enthusiastically.

"No guys please. Don't make a big deal out of this. I'm fine," Edward spoke, slightly embarrassed. "I'm fine. We'll go out to dinner then to the movies. A typical first date," he shrugged, texting Mackala back.

"You can't go out to dinner Edward," Liam spoke up. "Even if that was somewhat special you wouldn't be able to go anyway. You'll get stampeded by so much paparazzi especially since you actually told them you were going on a date. You need to go somewhere private," Liam spoke.

"Well, where do you suggest?" Edward asked, seeming like he was actually listening now.

"Well I don't know. If she likes sports you can book a VIP box in the stadium and watch from there," Zayn suggested.

"Or if she wants to go to a fancy restaurant you can book the VIP section in L'oiseau pointue. That's a really fancy place," Louis added.

"The Pointed Bird? That's a wired name for a restaurant," Edward spoke but mostly to himself.

"How'd you know it translated to that?" I questioned but he shrugged me off. "You should ask her where she wants to go. See what type of girl she is," I spoke and he nodded at my words before typing into his phone.

"Personally I think she'll like the restaurant better," he spoke as he finished typing into the phone.

A few minutes later, Edward's phone vibrated and interrupted the convocation the six of us were having, well, five of us. Niall wasn't speaking and he looked a little grumpy all of a sudden.

"She said she would love to go to the restaurant. She's apparently needed an excuse to wear her fancy dress again," he spoke while smiling.

"Good, I'll go book a reservation for you two now. I'll put it under the name Styles," Louis nodded as he grabbed his phone and walked to the other room as he dialled a number.

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