Chapter 47

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Niall James Horan P.O.V

"Will you-" I swallowed nervously. "Will you go one a date with me?" I spoke, my throat going dry. I can't believe I asked that. I can't believe he convinced me to ask him. He's going to think I'm some sort of freak. What type of guy asks a straight guy out? Straight. That's a funny word. Up until a couple weeks ago that's what I though I was. I'm so confused.
I looked into Edward's eyes and I felt my stomach drop. He was staring at me with wide eyes, pale face and mouth agape.
"You'll ummm... you'll catch flies if you keep doing that," I joked, trying to get him to talk to me. God. What will he say? He might call me names like faggot or queer and not want to ever talk to me again. Fuck. I just ruined our friendship.
"Oh, sorry," he mumbled, closing his mouth. "I just...what?" He looked up at me confused and I froze. Did he not hear me the first time? Is he going to make me repeat it? Fuck. Please don't make me repeat it.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I know you're going to say no so maybe we can hang out instead. You know, stay home, eat pizza and play FIFA. I'm really sorry," I said, shutting down from embarrassment.
"No no. It's-it's fine," he smiled at me, looking down a bit. "I'm flattered," he blushed, tilting his head a bit as he looked up to me.
"You're not weirded out or anything?" I asked and he just shook his head, his hands held together in front of him. "But you're straight. You shouldn't be flattered that I'm asking you out," I managed to speak.
"When did I ever say I was straight?" he smirked.
"Wh-what? I thought you were straight. I would have asked you out sooner if I knew," I said in shock and he just continued to give me his cute little smirk. "So... you're gay?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Bi," he smiled but nodded.
"Oh," I whispered. "How long have you known you know?" I shrugged.
"Since I was fourteen. I had my first boyfriend then," he said causally and it made me a bit jealous.
"So you just decided to date a guy?" I asked and he shook his head again.
"No. I thought Ashley was a girl because he had really long hair and a high pitch voice and stuff but then he got a haircut and I realised that he was a guy. But the funny thing was, I didn't care," he shrugged, never taking his eyes off me. "But Niall, I thought you were straight. Why are you asking me out?" He said confused.
"I don't known. I thought I was straight. I think I still like girls but I haven't hung out with any to see if I still like them so it's really confusing for me. It's just that after we re-met and got over the whole ice-cream shop incident, we started hanging out and I thought you were really cool. I don't know what got into me but I started to think about you too much. I imagined holding your hand and hanging out with you, just the two of us," I spoke, not thinking about my words before they were spoken. God. Shut up Niall. You're going to embarrass yourself more then you need too.
I looked at Edward who was still watching me which made me blush and turn away a bit. "So ummm... anyway... will you?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Will I what?" He asked with a smirk. I knew it! I told you I knew it! He's going to make me say it again.
I blushed heavily as I looked into his eyes and opened my mouth to repeat the question. "Will you go on a date with me, Edward?" I asked dreading the answer.
Edward blushed and nodded his head. He reached out and held one of my hands before he stepped forward and kissed my cheek.
"Thought you'd never ask," he whispered in my ear before stepping back. He blushed and looked down before walking back towards Harry and the others who were all staring at us, eyes wide and mouths agape.
What did he mean by 'I thought you'd never ask'? Was he just trying to be cute or has he had a crush on me and has been waiting for me to ask him? God. Why is everything so confusing? As he walked further and further away, our hands pulled apart. Once our hands were no longer together, he tucked them into his pocket before looking over his shoulder at me and winking, before walking up to Harry.
My mouth was open a bit now. Did he seriously just? I didn't expect him to fully do that. He kissed my cheek AND winked at me.
I raised me hand up to my cheek where he had kissed it as I looked away from him. My eyes wandered to the side where I saw now hundreds of men and women, flashing their cameras at us or more particular... me. People were standing in front of TV cameras and talking into microphones, probably doing live TV gossip shows or something like that.
I smiled to myself before I also made my way over to the group. As I started to walk over, both Harry and Edward walked the other way, waving bye to us first.
I finished walking and stood between Louis and Liam.
"What.The.Fuck?" Zayn said like an excited teenage girl as he playfully punched my shoulder.
"What was that?" Louis whisper shouted, patting my back.
"Why'd he kiss you?" Liam asked excitedly.
"Yeah. Tell us. Edward didn't say a word," Zayn smiled. This makes me happy. They must have some thoughts about what happened and they are still supporting me.
"I ummm...." I blushed and looked down. Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulder and shook me a bit.
"What?!" He said enthusiastically.
"I ummm.... I asked him out," I whispered.
"What?!" They all yelled, jumping up and down and clapping happily.
"And he said yes," I whispered, still not believing he actually said yes. They shouted and cheered louder when they heard me say that he said yes. They all quickly engulfed me in a huge group huge that lasted about a minute before they all let go.
"How long have you even had a crush on him?" Liam said as loud as he could without people overhearing.
"For a few weeks," I admitted.
"Way to go Niall," Zayn cheered and he pat my back.
"You're alright with it?" I asked worriedly and they looked down at me.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't we me?" Louis asked.
"Because Edward's a boy. And I'm a boy," I said, looking between the three of them.
"Love is love, Niall. You can't choose weather you're gay or not," Louis said. Wow. It's so great to hear that. I was so worried that they'd shut me out. That they'd no longer want me to be part of the band.
"So ummm... just to get it out there, Niall are you gay? Or are you bi?" Zayn asked, scratching the back of his neck. I shrugged.
"I don't know. Maybe I'm bi. I only started questioning my sexuality like two maybe three weeks ago. I haven't really hung out with a girl since then so I don't know if I still like them. Maybe I'm gay. Maybe I'm bi. I don't know," I explained to them. It does feel good a little bit to get it out there and not keep it bottled up like I was doing.
"Cool." Louis nodded and smiled.
"Oh. And just to mask my curiosity. Is Edward gay?" Liam asked and I shook my head.
"Liam, he just went on a date with Mackala so he can't be gay. He's bi," I said and they all nodded, Liam mouthing an 'oh'.
"So ummm...." I said, trying to change the subject a bit. "So why are we staying here while the other two are still heading towards the gate?" I asked.
"Oh. Because they want to introduce themselves to Dalia and Jenni without paparazzi around. And the girls might get a little overwhelmed if we're there too so we have to stay here and distract the paparazzi. I'm sure your little stunt will do just that, lover boy," Zayn said, wiggling his eyebrows and nudging me a bit. I giggled and he laughed.
"Dude, your gay's showing," he laughed and I blushed. I can't believe I just giggled. What guy does that?

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