Chapter 24

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💢Okay, like I said in chapter 1, I might add songs that were written after the boys were 17, it's the same with tattoos. I might write about them having certain ones that they got after the time but it's a fanfic, I can write anything I want😋💢


Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

At about midnight I heard the front door open and close quietly. I knew Marcel was home and I'd been waiting up for him. I hate to admit it but I was getting really worried. At about 10 the boys and I had finished for the night so I came home and I guess I had fallen asleep on the lounge as I waited for him.

Marcel walked in but I let him walk pass me without disturbing him. What I could make out in the dim light was that he had a happy but tired smile across his face. He must have had a fun night.

When I heard the shower start I stood up and sleepily trudged into my room and fell on the bed, going to sleep like that.


The next day was quite boring. The band had to go rehearse for the concert tomorrow night and we weren't allowed to go watch this time. Marcel and I were also not allowed to go outside. Too many people were outside the hotel waiting for the boys to return so too many people would see us and get confused. It was a bummer that we couldn't leave though. I was excited to explore DC for the first time. Marcey and I just sat in the room and watched the tv pretty much all day, much to both of our displeasure. It was soooo boring. Just a ton of repeats.

When the boys had finished rehearsing at about 5 o'clock they. Were too exhausted to really do anything with us so Marcey and I spent the night like we spent the day.

We had dinner, which was toasted cheese sandwiches (I forced Marcel to have one so he had dinner tonight as well) at about 6 o'clock. We turned in early and went to bed at about 8.

I jumped in bed and as I snuggled down into the blankets I suddenly felt my stomach flip. Tomorrow was the day. Oh God! Everything was happening tomorrow. I hadn't thought about it all day. I felt so excited, so nervous, so exhilarated. I didn't know what to think.

By the time my brain grew tired and decided it was time to sleep I think the time was about 10 o'clock.


The next morning I woke up to screaming and shouting from outside my window. I waited for about 5 minutes but it hadn't died down and was getting really annoying so I groaned and sat up. I had half fallen off the bed last night and my knees are now killing me. My knees and legs were on the ground in a praying position while I sat up straight except my head and arms that were on the bed. How even?

Need mind. Weird.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I made my way over to the balcony and unlocked it. When I stepped out the light was blinding. After my eyes adjusted to the morning light, I walked further out and approached the edge of the balcony. When I had reached it I slowly looked over it. When the girls saw me they screamed 10 times louder but after a minute they fell silent. I mean silent. There wasn't a scream or a shout, the girls were dead quiet. I looked over and saw that Harry and Niall had stepped out of their balcony as well. They turned their heads and when they saw me they waved.

The girls started to talk amongst themselves but soon fell silent again when I heard a door unlock and slide open.

"Morning," I nodded at Marcel as he stepped out of his bedroom onto our balcony. He smiled at me and waved to the other boys.

I walked over to Marcel and placed a hand on his shoulder as Zayn and Liam stepped out with Harry and Niall.

The screams started again but they sounded a bit confused. I'd be too.

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