Chapter 50

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Niall James Horan P.O.V

After a long while of driving and me falling in and out of sleep the taxi, we finally pulled up outside a building.
"This is the furthest I can go without going over your limit," the driver spoke politely to Edward.
"Thanks," I heard him reply before shuffling around as I assumed he was getting his wallet. "Oh, and please don't tell anyone we're here," Edward instructed as he unbuckled his seatbelt and the driver replied with a short 'will do.'
"Come on Niall. Babe," he said as he unbuckled my seatbelt. "Come on baby," he cooed, kissing my cheek gently. He slowly traced his hand over my cheek and I slowly lifted my eyes. The first thing I saw was his beautiful smiling face only centimetres away from mine.
"We're here babe. Time to get out," he whispered. I went to nod my head and sit up when suddenly my head started to throb and all the pain I managed to somehow avoid came flooding back. I let put a loud groan as I sat up, placing my hand on the large bump on the back of my head.
"Oh no Niall," he giggled a bit. "Did you forget?" He said innocently and I smiled in embarrassment. Yes. Yes I did forget Harry made me hit my head.
"We'll get you some medicine and a good night's sleep. That's really all you can do for a concussion," he explained as he gently placed one of his arms under my knees and the other on my back. He slowly lifted me a bit and dragged me out.
"Have fun boys," the taxi driver smiled as Edward carried me bridal style and pushed the door closed with his foot.
"Thanks," Edward called back before turning around and headed towards the hotel. It wasn't a big hotel. If anything it was quite small and run down but at least no one will expect us to stay here. Hopefully we won't get mobbed. That's the last thing I feel like right now.
I wrapped my arms around Edward's neck to help stop me slipping a bit and rested my head on his shoulder as I let my eyes flutter closed. He walked backwards into the door and opened it with his bum.
"'Sup lovelies," a voice chimed from the reception desk. I groaned as her high pitched voice echoed in my head.
"There's a pharmacy next door Nialler. Once we have a room I'll get you some pills. Okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Hey," the girl smiled once we were at her desk. "What's a couple I boys like yourselves doing out at this time of night?" She asked with a slight giggle.
"What's the time?" I groaned out, opening my eyes again.
"Nearly midnight honey,"she answered.
"Do you have any vacancies?" Edward asked after a few moments.
"Of coarse. You want two bedrooms?" She asked as she picked up a pen and pulled a book closer to her.
"No," Edward said and I saw a blush creep onto his checks. "One room," he smiled shyly, looking down at me.
"Oh?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow at me. I blushed and sunk down a little in Edward's arms.
"Yeah. One bed," I blushed, looking up at him.
"Well, room 54 is a available. It's on floor three. Have fun you two and don't forget to use protection," she winked as she handed me the key because Edward was carrying me. "You guys can pay in the morning. Be down by 11 or I'm comin' up," she said with a smirk. I gave her an embarrassed blush as Edward turned and walked towards the staircase since there was no elevator.
"I can walk up. You don't have to carry me up," I told him, trying to push off him.
"It's fine babe. You're not as heavy as you'd think," he smiled, leaning over and kissing the top of my head. He continued up the second flight with ease.
"You calling me fat?" I jokingly asked.
"No baby," he laughed and I smiled. I love him calling me all these cute nicknames. They make my heart skip a beat. Him calling me babe or baby is an amazing feeling. "I'm just saying you eat like a pig," he smiled.
We got up to the third floor and I unhooked my arm from around Edward's neck and used the door handle to open the door for him so we can enter floor three. We walked down the hall and to our room. He fiddled with the keys as he bent down a bit and unlocked the door.
"Stay here Niall. I'll grab some pain killers from next door. It'll only take a few minutes," he spoke as he set me down on the couch. He wiped my hair off my forehead before kissing it gently and leaving. (I hope the girl from down stairs doesn't think he's grabbing a pack of condoms. That'll be embarrassing in the morning).
Edward being so affectionate is amazing and makes me feel so happy but I have a feeling he's only doing it to try and distract me from how he's really feeling. I know his fight with Harry has really ruffled his feathers and left him feeling hurt. I'll have to talk to him when he gets back. Right now though, I need to do something to distract me from the throbbing pain in my head. I can't believe harry threw me into the glass. I mean yes, I was maybe going a bit far with his brother but that's none of his business. What was he doing there in the first place? He knew we were going to watch a game so why'd he come?
I lied down on the couch and snuggled in on myself a bit before closing my eyes. I just want Edward to come back so I can have some medicine.
Edward. What nickname can I give him. He says he hates Ed or Eddy so I can't call him that. I don't have permission to call him Bella but I want to call him something. But what?
I know. Edward. Ed. Ted. Teddy. That's it! He's my Teddy bear.
"I'm back," I heard his beautiful voice call as the door unlocked and opened. "I'll get you a drink of water," he said, placing the keys on the side table next to the door. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and opened my eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
I watched as he reached up and grabbed a cup from the cupboard before filling it with water from the tap.
I smirked at myself as I saw the red mark clearly visible on his neck, unable to be hidden by his shirt. God. Harry's going to kill me but I'm glad people will seem my work.
"Take a picture. It'll last longer," he said, shooting me a wink as he walked over with the cup in his hand.
"S-sorry," I stuttered in embarrassment that he caught be staring. I sat up properly with my feet on the ground as he placed the two pills in my hand and passed me the cup.
"Have these princess," he smiled, sitting on the coffee table. I blushed at his pet name before placing a pill in my mouth and gulping down a large sip of water. He watched me intently as I did the same with the second pill.
"Thanks," I muttered, passing him my drink which he put down next to him on the table.
"You're welcome baby cakes," he whispered seductively. He slowly sat up from his place and came closer to me. He sat down on my lap and threw his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck.
"Oh?" I smirked with a raised eyebrow. "I like where this is going Teddy," I smirked as he placed his forehead on mine.
"Teddy?" He chuckled at my name for him.
"Yeah. You're my teddy bear," I replied with a slight blush.
"I haven't been called that before," he whispered before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my lips. My eyes fluttered closed at his contact before I started to kiss back. Our lips moulded perfectly together before he pulled back.
"You can just call me Bella ya know," he smiled with a giggle. I was quite surprised he just allowed me to call him that. It is a lot more sentimental then Teddy so I'd rather call him that.
"Okay, Bella," I chuckled as I leant in and attached our lips once again.
Soon our sweet and innocent kiss became more. His tongue glided along my bottom lip, asking for entry and I immediately allowed it. He slipped in and roamed my mouth in hunger, tasting every part of me.
After a couple minutes he detached our lips and started kissing down my jaw. I let out a small moan in delight as he started to nibble a spot on my neck and I felt him smile into it. I turned the other direction and tightened the skin he was sucking. After a few moments he detached himself to admire his work.
I fluttered my eyes open and blushed when I saw that he was already staring into my eyes.
"What?" I questioned with a giggle.
"It's just," he smiled quickly looking down to my lips and back up to my eyes.
"What?" I asked, leaning in to rest our foreheads together.
"I really like this," he smiled and I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, me too," I smiled, licking my lips but not taking my eyes away from his gorgeous greens ones.
"You know what I really want to do?" he said with a smirk playing on his lips.
"What?" I blushed. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have the privilege of being this close to him, doing these things with him and him making that face to me. I don't know how on earth I managed to but I'm so glad I can. (I don't know why I never saw earlier how beautiful boys can be, especially this one).
"What I really want to do is piss Harry off. You know the one thing that'll do that?" he whispered, leaning in a connecting our lips again. He started nudging my lips to open a bit but I just shook my head and pulled back.
"W-what do y-you mean?" I asked stuttered nervously.
"I want to piss Harry off and the way to do that is to break his one rule," he smirked before attacking my lips with his again and pushing my jacket off my shoulders. He grabbed the hem of by shirt and yanked it over my head before I could say a word. "I want you," he breathed on my lips as his hands hungrily roamed my bare chest. He quickly ripped off his own jacket and shirt before he wrapped his arms around my neck and threaded his fingers in my hair. He tugged it gently and I let out a moan in pleasure. He smirked into our heated kiss at the sound he caused me to make. His hands slowly drifted down my back, his nails starching down it as he dropped them.
The sensation of his nails on my back gave me goosebumps as he left long tracks. He let out a small moan as my tongue took dominance. Slowly he pushed me down in the couch and lay on top of me.
Finally we broke apart and he sat up, straddling me, both of us panting. He smirked again as he leant over a bit, his hands cupping my cheeks. They slowly came down onto my chest then my stomach and stopped at the top of my pants.
I wanted him so bad right now and I knew he could tell by the bulge in my pants, I could tell by the one in his he wanted me too, but I couldn't. I can't.
I zoned out but when I can back he was fiddling with my belt and sliding it out. He unbuttoned the button and unzipped my fly but just as he was about to pull my pants down I suddenly realised what was actually happening.
"No," I said loudly, kicking around to try and get up.
"Wha-?" Edward said in shock as I sat up in front of him. We were close but weren't touching anymore as his puzzled eyes searched my features for an explanation. His eyes held so many emotions. Lust, want, confusion, hurt...
"I-I'm s-sorry. I c-can't," I choked out but he continued to stare.
"What do you mean you can't? You've done this before," his voice was quiet as he spoke.
"I know. But, this time it's different," I tried to explain but his face didn't change.
"Is it because you've never fucked a guy before?" He questioned, his voice sounding a bit hurt. He knows I've never done anything with a guy before, (well, he's the one that 'turned me gay' so I've done nothing before him), so he must think I'm still confused. That this is all just an experiment.
"Am I a game to you?" He whispered, his voice now sounding hurt as well.
"No. Not at all Edward."
"Then why won't you do this with me? I know you don't care about falling in love first. I've seen many articles online about you have one night stands so why won't you just do this?" He whispered with large, glossy eyes.
"I may not care much but I know you do. Edward," I sighed and looked down at his hands before slowly taking them in my own. I looked up into his eyes before I continued to speak. "I really care about you Edward. I really do but having sex with you now would be taking advantage of you. You're upset and hurt because of Harry, overwhelmed by what's happening with Mackala, shocked and confused about Marcel, worried about graduating and on top of everything, you're just really horny because it's you're first time being intermit with someone. I don't want to use you. I want to have a relationship with you. A real one that I can show off to people. One I can be proud of. I don't know how I'd feel or what would happen to us if on our first date we not only had sex, but I took your virginity," I paused as he rolled his eyes a bit at that word. "I think that you just want to have sex so you're no longer a virgin. I don't know if you're actually ready or if you actually want me but please, if you care about me like I care about you then please, can we not go any further tonight?" I asked with a pleading expression.
"I-" Edward started but he couldn't find the words. "I guess you're right," he said with a sad sigh. "I just- I want someone," he stared deeply into my eyes when he spoke. "I just want someone to be with me and Niall, you've been with me from day 1. I've fought with everyone but you," he said but I could help but interrupt and laugh. "What?" He asked, knitting his eyebrows together.
"Edward, you fought with me the most remember? The first time we met you called me an idiot and a moron and told me to not fucking touch you," I laughed a little at the memory. It was kinda scary how he yelled at me because no one had treated me like that before (and I didn't have Paul with me so there was nothing stopping him from hurting me if he really wanted to) but from the moment I saw him and Marcel sitting in the front corner of 'Cow's Ice Cream' I felt something for him, which I now know are feelings of happiness and fondness.
"Yeah. I do remember," he smiled a bit. "But just forgetting it was indeed my fault, you're forgetting you spilt hot chocolate on me. Like, very hot chocolate," he said with a laugh. "And you owe me a shirt."
"Yeah. I'm really sorry 'bout that and I'll get you a brand you one as soon as I can," I apologised and he accepted it.
"Anyway, you were saying," I said after a few silent moments and me realising that I interrupted him.
"Oh. Ummm... what I was getting at was ummm... you said you wanted to start a relationship with me?" He questioned nervously. My cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment. What if he doesn't want to? What if the only reason he's with me is to have sex the get rid of me? I can't have that. I couldn't live like that.
"Y-yeah. I d-did say that," I said nervously. He giggled a bit.
"I love that I make you nervous," he smiled. "You sound like Marcel when we first met. He doesn't stutter anymore though, which is good," he told me and I smiled. He really does love Marcel, I just hope that in time he'll have enough love spare for me. "So, are you serious though? You want to be in a relationship?" He questioned nervously, biting his lower lip. God. He's so sexy. The only thing he could do to be more sexy is put his lip piercing back in.
"Yeah. I really like you Bella," I admitted.
"Well then princess, do you- do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked nervously. I blushed and a wide smiled crept up onto my face. I nodded rapidly before sitting up and flinging my arms around his neck and bringing him into a deep kiss.
Once we broke apart he smiled. "Well, I guess we're boyfriends," he blushed and I nodded.
"And I want to tell the world," I confessed. He looked at me strangely.
"I want to come out. I want people to know I'm gay and I'm with you," I smiled and he nodded.
"You sure you're ready to come out? You don't want to tell your parents or your brother first?" He questioned but I shook my head. "They all follow me on Twitter, they'll find out," I said.
I pulled away from him and reached over to my phone. I opened the Twitter app before typing what I wanted to Tweet.
'Some may have guessed it some may not have, but I'm gay sorry ladies👰 and I just had my 1st date w/ my beautiful boyfriend, @EdwardStyles 😍👬'
"With one character to spare," I smiled as I attached the selfie Edward and I took together a couple hours ago. 💢photo attached to last chapter💢 I reread the tweet over and over again, getting more nervous each time. What if people don't accept it? What if people stop liking the band all because of this tweet?
"What's wrong princess?" Edward asked as he watched my thumb dance over the send button.
"What if they stop liking the band? What if this affects the others?" I asked nervously.
"What's more important?" He asked instead. "Staying in the closet and being forced to do publicity stunts with 'girlfriends' or telling the world who you really like, boys, and being happy?" He questioned. "You don't have to do anything now so if you want to wait then you can wai-" before he could finish his sentence I hit the send button.
"There," I smiled, looking up into his eyes. "Now the world knows you're taken," I breathed.
Edward gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead before we both yawned and decided to call it a night. After all, my head was killing me.

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