Chapter 13

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

After I told him that he was my new roommate I could see in his eyes that he we thinking the same thing as me. What if we're brothers? I mean we were so similar. Could it be remotely possible? I knew that I should talk about it but I got nervous.

"I'll s-see y-you t-tomorrow," I said and walked out. I really did need to talk about it but I can talk tomorrow.

I walked out thinking about it. How am I supposed to react to this?

Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

Marcel walked out suddenly. He must have thought the same as me. I was in shock. "Edward?" Dr. Hiplog (the doctor that takes Dr. Lukewood's place on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays) said from the door looking at my confused face. I looked up and smiled weakly as I lay back down in bed. "Why was Marcel here? He isn't supposed to be here today," he spoke as he walked in.

"He was just visiting me," I said closing my eyes.

"Did he say something he wasn't supposed to?"

"No. We have become friends so he visited. Wait!" I said suddenly snapping my eyes open and looking at my doctor. "What does he know that he's not supposed to tell me?" I said panicked.

"Don't worry Edward. I never meant it about you. He just knows about other patients and he isn't allowed to tell you. We will tell you anything you want to know about yourself," he turned to leave as a nurse came in.

"Hi Edward. How's it been going? Are you still sore from surgery?" the young brunette nurse said when the doctor walked out.

"No. It hasn't bothered me. Just the old bruises but I'm used to it," I said looking up at the pretty girl, she looked disappointed. "What?" I asked not wanting her to be sad.

"I'm just.... I'm not supposed to talk about it so don't answer if you don't want to. I was just wondering why you didn't call the police yourself as soon as it started. You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable," she spoke as she checked my obs.

"I....urrr," I knew why but I still don't like to talk about it. It's not her it's just I don't like the topic.

"It's okay. Don't tell me. Oh. I am supposed to tell you that a few police officers will have to talk to you before you get discharged."

I don't want to talk to them but I mumbled an 'okay' as she left.

I hate the hospital. I have had nothing but restless nights, heaps of pain and I'm losing my tough guy attitude. It's the medicine, I know it. Without it I would have walked out of here the night I woke up, kicked a few doctors and thrown a few swearing fits. Maybe they knew I would do that so they have me on special stuff that makes me relax.

I looked at the time and it was around 1 in the afternoon. I fell asleep and was awoken by the dinner cart. I skipped dinner which was a discussing version of spaghetti.

After the man collected my untouched dinner I went to sleep for the night (well, at least tried too).

Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I stalked out of Edwards room in shock. No. It couldn't be. I was a nerd destined to live alone. I wasn't allowed a family with a brother let alone a twin. Was I? As I walked out my co-workers were confused as to why I was here. I ignored them and continued to my car. When I was in I made my way home. Edward, my possible brother. Wow.

I approached the building in silence and used my special pass to open the basement door so I could park my car. I slowly walked towards the lift wanting to talk to Mrs. Daver.

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