Chapter 39

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Simon Philip Cowell P.O.V

"Yello," I mumbled into the phone as it awoke me from my rest.
"Mr. Cowell?" a women's voice sounded from the other line.
"That's me," I yawned, rubbing my eyes with my fist. I looked over towards the clock on the wall as the lady spoke. It was 2:37 in the morning and I had dozed off at my desk at work.
"I haven't been able to get in contact with any of the Styles' so the next person on the list to call was you. My name is Tris sir, I'm from the hospital where young Marcel Styles is currently," she informed me.
"Oh, yes, is his operation finished?" I said no longer tired but now fully alert.
"Yes, and again we are so sorry that it took longer than expected. The surgeons ran into some.... complications, but everything has been resolved."
I sighed in relief, I had stayed late at work so I could be contacted and informed about what was happening. I had been told by one of the nurses at around 10 o'clock that the surgery was more complicated than the surgeons had first diagnosed and that Marcel will have to stay under the knife for longer than estimated. When I was told this I immediately went in to tell the boys but for some bizarre reason, they had pulled all 6 matrasses, blankets and pillows out of the bedroom and brought them into the centre of the living area where they had pushed them together. The six of them were all piled on one another with legs and arms all over the place and they had fallen asleep like that. I have no idea what teenage boys do and why these days. Anyway, they were all sleep so I didn't wake any of them up to tell them.
"Good," I spoke relieved. "How is he now?" I asked in suspense.
"Great," she answered. "He came out of theatre about 15 minutes ago. He still hasn't woken up from them anaesthetic yet but that is to be expected," she spoke calmly. "He is going quite well at the moment. His blood pressure and heart rate are all normal. His breathing isn't hitching. It's perfectly fine," she said from the other side.
"Good," I sighed. "Thank you so much for telling me. I will make sure that the boys will all be told this when they wake up in the morning. Is there anything else I should know?" I queried.
"No sir. Everything is fine. Would you like me to ring you again once he wakes or would you proffer if we waited til morning after he has slept through the night and woken again?" she asked. I took a deep breath then exhaled as I thought about it. My eyes quickly darted towards the clock that ticked quietly as the seconds went by.
"In the morning," I nodded to myself. "Could you get someone to ring in the morning please," I spoke.
She said that she would have the nurse that took the morning shift ring me when Marcel was up in the morning and then she hung up. I placed the phone back on the hook and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and grabbed my car keys and headed towards the elevator so I could get a hotel room for the night.


Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I woke up in agony and in a daze. "Owwww," I moaned, rolling my head to try and look at where the pain was coming from and why. My shoulder was wrapped up in a huge bandage with blood all over it. I moaned in pain again as I tried to roll my body off that side when a new pain hit me. My wrist hurt like hell, well, not as bad as my shoulder but it was in a different spot and it was a different kind of pain. I lifted up my arm to look at it but like my shoulder, my wrist was wrapped up in bandages and had blood all over it.
"You're up," an unfamiliar female voice said cheerfully. I looked up to see that a lady dressed in a blue gown with a blue hairnet and a surgeons' mask pulled down under her chin was approaching me. "Do you know where you are honey?" she asked as she gently took hold of my arm and put it back down to rest on the pillow again. She learnt over and checked my pulse on my other wrist as I thought about her question.
I couldn't quite remember too much but I nodded. "Am I in the hospital?" I tried to ask but it came out as a muffled blur. She seemed to still be able to understand what I was saying and sympathetically smiled.
"That's right honey. Do you know why?" she asked, finishing with my pulse and writing in a notebook. I closed my eyes and tried to think.
"Not- not really," I said confused, closing my eyes. "Maybe a work accident. I think someone told me that yesterday," I managed to say, still sounding weird.
"Not exactly," she said, sounding a little worried. "But it's not my place to tell you. Do you remember your name?" she said, looking over the book at me.
I opened an eye and looked up at her. She continued to stare at me as I pondered. I closed my eye again and seriously started thinking since no clear answer came to me. I was starting to worry since I was unable to answer her. Why don't I know my name? I tried to think back and remember someone calling me by my name. My head was so dizzy and scrambled that it was hard to think straight. I stopped trying to remember anyone calling me my name in the last few years and just focused on the past day or week. I don't remember who it was and the picture was fuzzy but I do vaguely remember some voices in different accents calling me by the name Harry. Is that my name? It must be. I would remember my own name.
I opened my eyes a little and saw that the lady was staring very worriedly at me. "Harry?" I asked in a whisper. She looked back down at the book and scribbled something in before closing it.
"Well, since you're now awake I'll call some ward nurses to come down and pick you up. Is that okay?" she asked and I nodded. I heard her shoes on the floor as she walked away and left me to my own thoughts. Harry? That doesn't really feel right but it doesn't matter at the moment. I just need rest and more pain killers and I'll be fine.
After a few minutes, I heard a few new voices come into the room before my bed started moving. "Before you leave you must know that his amnesia is unstable at the moment. He hasn't been able to tell me basic things about himself since he's woken," I managed to hear the first nurse say to the new ones.
"Okay," the voices spoke before wheeling my bed off faster. I heard a door open and the wheels on the bed drove over something bumpy. I moaned as it rocked my body and bumped my shoulder into the bed's railing.
"Sorry bud," a women's voice spoke from the side. She gently rubbed her hand on my forehead to reassure me. "We'll be in the ward shortly and as soon as we get there we'll change you into the bed that's waiting and let you get some rest. Sound like a plan?" she asked and I nodded slowly.
Like she had said, we arrived in the ward in a few short minutes after and there was a bed awaiting my arrival. I was unable to sit up on my own and slide over to the other bed so the nurses (we didn't need wardies because I was so light) had to slide me over using a patslide and that was a very painful experience. I wasn't able to form many words so when they asked questions like 'where does it hurt?' or 'what can we do to help?' I wasn't able to tell them which was frustrating for both them and I. Overall, it took like 10 minutes to do a 30 second job and it was traumatic. Some of the older nurses didn't seem to care about me at all and just pushed and shoved and didn't care how much I'd moan in pain.

"Okay darling, we're all finished tormenting you for now so just get some rest," one of the nicer lady's spoke. She came over to the side of the bed where all the cables and machines that connected to me were and wrapped two different cords that each had a button on the end of them around my bed railing. "This button here," she tried to show me but my eyes were too heavy to open and look at so I slowly lifted my good hand and felt the button she was talking about "is to call the nurse's desk for assistance. And this button here," she placed the second button into my hand, "is for the pain. Press it if you're in pain and once you do it'll take about a minute to work." As soon as she said that I pressed the button and heard the machine that it was connected to turn on.

"Okay, good," she said when I had pressed it. "Unfortunately though, it seems that you are allergic to morphine so we've had to substitute it for a different type of pain killers so it won't work as well as morphine would," she informed me. I nodded. I rolled my head to the other side so I could try and get some sleep and she took it as her invitation to leave. I couldn't roll onto my side to sleep how I usually do so the night was very uncomfortable even if there was no pain. I spent the entire night just rolling my head from side to side and getting absolutely no sleep.

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