Epilogue 53

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💢If anything is written in Italics then it is spoken in french. It is the translation even though the person's whose P.O.V it is might not be able to understand💢

Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

"Ready Edward?" Simon asked. I was sat at a desk with my first exam, math, and was dreading what was to come in the next few days. I can't believe I still have to take the exams after everything that happened and the lack of time I've had to study. I have been trying to study non-stop for the last few weeks and Simon had hired a tutor to help me but that still hasn't worked.
I'm nervous but I'm ready for this. I had my pencil case which had pencils, a sharpener, ruler, eraser and a calculator and was ready to go.
"Okay bud. You have two hours starting... Now," he said as he pressed start on the stop watch.
I opened the first page of the test booklet and started on question one.

*******the following week*******

"Done!" I sighed in relief as I slammed my pencil down. I had just finished writing my persuasive essay for my English exam and my hand was starting to cramp.
"You still have ten minutes left Edward. Reread it," Simon said from the door, not even bothering to look up from his newspaper.
It was about five o'clock in the afternoon and I'd just finished my final exam.
"I've already looked over it," I sighed as I leaned back onto the back legs of the chair and rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands.
"Okay then. How'd you think you went?" He asked as I started to pack up.
I shrugged. "Not as good as I usually do. I get good grades at school. I don't know if it's good but I hope I pass," I said anxiously. I know I've been distracted lately but I hope I've done enough. With my criminal record, it'll be hard to get a real job if I haven't even got a high school diploma.
I handed Simon my exam as I walked out of the room.
"How'd ya go?" Liam called from the couch. The girls had gone home a couple days ago so it was just us boys. Marcel's memory came a little clearer and he realised that he went a little silly saying he was in love with Dalia. They traded numbers and agreed happily to go on a date when they meet again.
The boys were all watching TV when I came out.
"How'd I go? Okay I guess. I don't know if it's enough to pass though," I said nervously. "But look at it this way, If I do graduate, I'd be the only one, other than Marcel," I smiled.
"Hey. It's not our fault we didn't graduate," Zayn said, mock offended.
I shrugged and smiled before walking over to join them. I sat down next to Niall and wrapped my arm around his shoulders then pulled him into a kiss.
"Your results should be mailed here in two weeks Edward," Simon called as he walked out, carrying out my papers.
"Hope you pass Bella," Niall whispered.
"I've done the best I can and I had the best tutor," I smiled and nodded over to Marcel who blushed modestly and turned back to the TV. The tutor Simon had hired was good but she only taught me for about four hours a day so Marcel said he'd help as much as I wanted him to...which was a lot.

First day of school
Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

"Okay Marcey," Harry said nervously as we sat in my car outside the school. It's been forever since I've been able to drive and I just love this feeling. Harry sat in the back seat while Edward sat in the passenger next to me.
"Want me to walk you in?" Edward asked. "You have your medicine with you?" He asked for the billionth time this morning.
I smiled and chuckled at how much they worry.
"Yes, I have my stuff and no I don't need you to walk me in. I'm a big boy you know?" I said jokingly as I opened the door and jumped out. Edward followed my actions but Harry stayed in the car because people were starting to watch us and he didn't want to be seen.
"Have a good day," he smiled with a sigh as he engulfed me in a hug.
"I will," I assured, pulling my sleeves down a little bit as I went to hug him back. Today I was wearing half of what I normally wear to school and half of what I normally wear at home. I had my hair slicked back and my thick glasses on but I was also wearing my black skinny jeans and a long sleeved blue shirt. The boys wanted me to just wear a normal shirt but even though I am now comfortable with myself and what I have done in the past (plus what was inflicted on my recently), I don't want people looking and staring at the scars on my arms.
"And don't worry. I have all the alarms on my phone so I won't forget my meds. You two have fun today," I said as he ended our embrace. 
"Yeah," he said nervously. "It'll be fun...I hope," he mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck.
After barely passing the exams and graduating high school, (he didn't go to the ceremony, he just got his certificate mailed) Simon hired him. Simon heard him and Niall mucking around with vocals and singing random things and loved it so pretty much straight away he hired him. Edward Styles. The next big rock star. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Today him and Harry are going to go to Julian's and have a song writing session. Julian has written many One Direction songs so he's the best in the business. Edward is just nervous because he has so many ideas and he's just afraid they'll be rejected.
"Okay, well. Good luck," he smiled. He playfully punched my good arm (my bad one was finally out of the sling, I just have to be very careful with it) and nodded.
"Bye," I smiled and started to walk in the direction of the school. As I walked through the car park I felt everyone's eyes on me.
"Have fun!" Edward called one last time before jumping into the drivers side of the car and driving off.
As soon as I knew he was gone, all the nerves crept into my stomach. I know I have several body guards that are watching me, they're all younger and are dressed like students so no one knows they're here to protect me but that still didn't make me feel any better.
As I approached the school, the crowd of girls that had been watching me since I got out of the car started to approach. I avoided eye contact and picked up my pace but they managed to circle me.
"Oh, hi," I tried to say cheerfully, looking up from the ground to the about eight girls standing around me. Behind them I could see my body guards cautiously walking closer but I gave them our rehearsed signal (scratching my left ear) to say 'just wait a bit.'
"HIII," what I assumed was the leader of the girls said too enthusiastically. I recognised her as Yvette from my music class.
"Hi Yvette," I managed to say without sounding annoyed.
"Oh! You remember me?! I knew you would, bestie," she said fake happily, trying to impress her friends, none of which I recognised. She flung her arm around my shoulders and pulled me in tight. I hissed in pain as she put pressure on my wound. I pushed her off and wrapped my other arm around my shoulder. She seemed confused but at the same time embarrassed because she knew I was about to blow her little lie.
"What's wrong?" she asked with fake concern. A crowd was starting to gather around us as they noticed that it was me.
"Oh nothing. I don't know if you remember but I HAD A FUCKING BULLET FIRED INTO MY SHOULDER! Yvette, stop acting all fake to impress these people. I don't know if your doing this to gain popularity, get concert tickets or to meet my brothers but before you found out about who I was related to, you didn't give a flying fuck about me. Now please, let me have my first day back in a relatively normal life in peace," I yelled sassily (God, I've spent too much time with Louis). I pushed passed her and the crowd of people who were filming and entered the school.
I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that only a few people were in the halls and they weren't paying attention to me. I tried to smile and ignore what just happened as I headed towards my locker then to my first class, music.
When I entered the few people that were already there looked up at me. They all smiled and gave a friendly wave before going back to what they were doing. If they didn't know about Harry they would have completely ignored me but I found it nice how they waved but didn't want to talk to me about my private life.
I took my usual seat on the other side of the room when the lecturer walked in.
"Oh, Marcel," the fifty-ish year old man, Mr Langton, said as he noticed I was sitting there.
"My boy. I didn't expect you to come this year," he said when he had placed his work on his desk and walked over to me.
"I just want to finish my last year," I tried to say cheerfully. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the security guards were gathering outside the room.
"That's right, you're all seniors now. You still want to peruse medicine?" He questioned curiously. I shook my head no.
"Definitely not. I know I'm good at it but after spending time in it as the patient back in DC, I can tell you that I never want to go to a hospital again," I answered honestly.
"Okay. Do you have any ideas on what fields your interested in then?" He asked politely. Other people were starting to come into class but he continued to talk to me.
"Music I think," I said and he chuckled knowingly.
"Does that have anything to do with your brother and his career?"
"A little bit I guess. I've always fancied music but now that I'm in a little bit of a limelight, I think it'll be a lot easier then it would be making it in the music industry. Simon recently hired Edward so hopefully he's gonna get big too. I can play guitar as well as sing so I'm really thinking about becoming a musician," I smiled. Mr. Langton was always my favourite teacher and I always felt more comfortable around him. You could say he was like a father-figure to me.
"Well, if you ever need a reference, I'd be happy to be it. You are our top student," he smiled. As I watched him I saw his facial expression change. It seemed to me that now that that part of the convocation was over, he wanted to ask about something more serious.
"So ummm... You looking after yourself?" He tried to say causally but failed.
"You saw didn't you?" I asked about the interview, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah, I did," he sighed. "I didn't know so much was happing in your life. I didn't know what you were doing to your body and I just feel partially responsible because your my best and don't say anything but my favourite student. I just wished I had known," he said worriedly.
"Don't worry Mr. Langton, it's 100% not your fault. You could have done nothing about it," I tried to comfort but I knew he wouldn't believe me. He always took people's best interest to heart and would aways blame himself if something went wrong.
"You're looking after yourself now though, aren't you?" he asked anxiously and I was happy to say yes.
"Yeah. My brothers have really helped me a lot. I'm now on anti-depressants as well as the medicine I need because of the incident. I take the needed vitamin and mineral tablets I need because of my vegetarianism too. I've started to eat more frequently and I'm starting to gain weight which everyone seems to be happy with. Besides that I also see three different therapists, one to help with my depression, one to help me with my dyslexia and another one is so I can talk about what happened to me which is confidential, and I see one everyday. They seem to be helping a lot. I have no more urges to hurt myself anymore which is a nice feeling to finally have," I spoke openly and honestly. I knew people were eavesdropping on my convocation and I knew that at least one would probably be filming it but I don't care. What we're going through is already public enough that it shouldn't matter if people know. Maybe by letting the public know and being so open, I might be able to help some people. I might be able to inspire at least one person to continue on and even if I only save one life, one life is a lot more than none.

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