Chapter 26

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Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I was awoken by rough voices echoing down the halls and in my head but my brain wouldn't comprehend what they meant. My back was killing me and I didn't know why. Then I realised I was being carried. Where? By who? I was too sore to move and I felt dizzy and unnaturally sleepy. I felt like I could puke at any moment and I felt like I could be a shade of pale green.

The unfamiliar voices laughed loudly before coming to a stop. I tried to moan in pain but my voice wouldn't work. I tried to move but for some reason my hands wouldn't separate and neither would my legs. What's going on?

A door creaked open and the person carrying me walked in. "You took your time, Zeus," a man yelled once we were inside.

"Sorry boss but the city was packed and it didn't help that the building went into lockdown pretty much straight away. Have no idea why though. We were at a completely deserted fire door," the one holding me I assumed was called Zeus, shrugged as he spoke.

"Of course it went into lockdown straight away you idiot. That's Harry Styles," said the first man.

"Sorry boss. Where do I put him?" Zeus asked.

"I don't care. Make sure the ropes are tight and you can through him anywhere," the boss said lowly. A squeaking sound of wood on concrete erupted in the room as he stood up from his chair (well, that's what I assumed happened).

I felt two people hold my arms and ankles and tightened then together. Wait..... Did he say tighten the ropes? What ropes!?! Why do I have ropes on me?!? I tried to move but nothing would obey my brain. I felt a firm grip grasp my waist on either side and they lifted me off of the man's shoulder. The next thing they did with my limp body was through it down across the room. My body slammed violently on the concrete, my head bouncing on the hard surface before crashing into something wooden. Maybe a leg of a table or a chair.

I tried to scream in pain but nothing louder than a whisper escaped my lips. My head pounded from hitting the concrete and my body ached all over. I was lying on my side as my body skidded across the cold floor before coming to a halt. The position I was in only made the feelings worse. I tried with all my might to move but still, nothing.

"When will he wake up?" one of them asked before the door closed.

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