Chapter 34

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Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

We stared through the window for a few more minutes until one of the nurses came out. "Hey," I said, going up to her so she would know that I was speaking to her. She continued to look down at her papers and walked right into me.

"Oops," she said as she bumped into me and her papers went flying. She bent down to pick them up. I bent down too and helped her pick up her stuff. We had nearly picked them all up and on the last piece we both went for it. Our hands ended up sitting on top of each other. We both looked up into each other's eyes. She was beautiful. Her hair was a gorgeous strawberry blonde and it fell gracefully in some parts of her face. She looked about 17 as well. She could be like a doctor in training like Marcel. As she crouched in front of me, she had a relaxed expression on her face, her mouth slightly agape.

"Hi," I smirked. She blushed.

"Hi," she breathed before standing up. I followed her up, bringing with me the last piece of paper. We both stared at each other for a little bit before I looked down at the paper in my hands.

"This is yours," I said looking at it and handing it to her.

"Oh, thanks," she smiled, still blushing hard. "Sorry, I have to go," she said quickly. I understood and stepped aside, out of her way. She stepped aside too but the same way as me. "Sorry," she muttered sheepishly, moving to the other side the same time I did.

"Okay," she sighed. "I go to my left you go to yours," she said. She then went to her left and I went to my right. This time she bumped into me but a lot harder because she thought that this time I wouldn't be in the road. She fell forward and I caught her. She looked up at me embarrassed and I smirked down at her. Suddenly the nurses from Marcel's room all came out in one go, bumping into us and knocking us to the ground.

"Woooow," we both yelled as we fell. I fell on my bum but she fell right on top of me, pushing me down to lie on my back. She blushed a brighter red (if that was possible) as her face hovered centimetres from mine.

"This is awkward, not that you're awkward- cause we're- I'm awkward. You're gorgeous. Wait, what?" she spoke to herself, blushing even brighter as she got more and more embarrassed. I opened my mouth to say something just as awkward and embarrassing so she wouldn't feel too bad, but just as I did, I was interrupted.

"Oh dear," one of the nurses that had pushed us over by accident said. She bent down and helped the girl up. When she was pulled off me, Harry gave me his hand. I grabbed it and pulled myself up and dusted myself off. I looked at Harry through the corner of my eye. He smirked at me, knowing exactly what I was doing with the pretty girl.

"I'm so sorry about that," the girl said after I put my attention back on her. We were being pushed around a little as the nurses quickly made their way back into Marcel's room bring equipment in with them. My eyes left the girl and followed the machines in. I swallowed a ball of fear that had built up in my throat. That doesn't look good. The young nurse that I had been talking to had noticed my sudden anxiety.

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