Chapter 32

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Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

I cannot believe what we just saw!! We watched everything slowly unfold and we couldn't do anything other than watch. Do you know how that feels? He's my little brother and I watched him being shot, I watched him being cut and I listened to his cries of pain. And all I could do was watch.

Zayn Javvad Malik P.O.V

We watched the whole thing. It was like a horror movie come true. You can imagine how we, non-horror movie lovers, would react to it happening in real life. But I'm not worried about how Louis, Liam, Niall or I will be; I am mostly worried about all three Styles triplets. Yes Marcel got shot and a million bad things have happened and we had to watch it all, but the other two haven't been normal since.

Harry was the one holding the phone as we all watched over his shoulder. They watched in silence and fear, faces pale and more than frightened expression plastered on their faces. The moment Marcel was shot and knocked to the ground, that's when they snapped. Marcel was knocked to the ground and instantly they both began to scream. They were begging the men to stop as if they could hear them. Harry reacted as if the phone was poison and threw it away. It landed face down at the end of the bed and Liam went over and grabbed it.

By now, Harry and Edward were both mumbling nonsense and bawling their eyes out. They were so desperate for this all to be just another one of their bad dreams. I was quiet surprised that Edward was acting this way. Yes, I have gotten to know him over the last week and I know that he isn't at all the stereotypical 'bad boy', but originally he struck me as a tough and emotionless person. With all his tattoos and piercings, everyone would but he's extremely protective. He's been worried sick about his little brother that he's known for about 4 weeks now but I did expect that because Marcel is the only family member he has I think he was just dying to have a brother. Although he's also really protective of Harry. He's only known Harry for just over a week but I can tell that he wouldn't let anyone touch him. If Louis or someone would play a prank on Harry, you can just see Edward's edginess and he'd always be the one to take Harry away and clean him up (usually because the pranks would involve Harry being splattered in the face by something). I'm even surprised of how protective he is of Niall. We all know how well Niall and Edward have hit it off and I bet, to Edward, Niall feels like another brother. Maybe he feels that way about all of us though.

Anyway, we watched the rest of the event through the phone and Harry and Edward would occasionally look up and watch it too but pretty much instantly start crying heavier and go back to slowly rocking with their heads in the knees. We watched as Marcel was pushed to the ground after he was cut, and it looked like he had passed out. Suddenly, one of the police officers fired their gun. The bullet flew through the air and shot through the arm of a man that was holding a gun to Marcel's head. That's when hell broke loose. Guns were fired and the crowd started to scream and run. Bullets flew everywhere and random people, both cops and bad guys, would fall to the ground, clutching a new wound. We could see that the bad guys made like a wall that covered Marcel's body as the big man, we assumed was the boss or ringleader, grabbed Marcel's ankles and started to pull him into the building they were standing in front of. Suddenly, an extremely loud gun sounded and the man fell to the ground. The bullet came from a police helicopter that was flying above the scene.

The man that was dragging Marcel away fell and slammed into the ground. His body lay lifeless on its back, right next to Marcel's. His arm was sprawled over Marcel and a gushing wound was in the middle of his forehead. His blood oozed out of his head and slowly covered every inch of his face. His open eyes were soon drowned in his own think blood. The dark liquid started to fall rapidly to the pavement and his bleeding head rolled onto its side, the lifeless body staring straight at Marcel. Marcel's body was sprawled over the road and pavement on his stomach, his face facing the now dead body that was extremely close to him and somewhat on him. The scene was gruesome. Dead bodies everywhere, blood splashing onto everything. People, buildings, the road, the pavement.

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