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Chapter 2
Yes<-- no


Please stand by...

良い日をお過ごしください!/have a great day!

Shirabu and Goshiki were now fighting over their masters affection, Ushijima, hayato and Taichi were just looking at the commotion from the sidelines.

(y/n) was playing with Tendou outside the Backyard. They were playing with a Frisbee.

When all of a suddenly Tendou didn't catch the Frisbee and it hit him by the side of the face.

"!- Tendou! Are you okay buddy?"

I ran up to Tendou and looked to see if there was any injuries, Tendou whimpered and I kissed his forehead "I'm sorry buddy, I'll be careful next time" Tendou just shook his head like it didn't happen and barked at his owner

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I ran up to Tendou and looked to see if there was any injuries, Tendou whimpered and I kissed his forehead "I'm sorry buddy, I'll be careful next time" Tendou just shook his head like it didn't happen and barked at his owner.

"-sigh-tendou as much as I want to play more it's time for me to go to school now bye!" (y/n) says and stood up and walked to the front door.

Tendou barks as in saying goodbye to (y/n).

(y/n) laughs and closes the door and locks it, the others looked at the door then looks at Tendou.

"tendou how can you take masters attention away from us?" Shirabu shouts and Tendou just giggles

"Well it's not my fault since (y/n) wanted to play with me unlike you guys just fighting over about who he should play with" Tendou then walks to the kitchen and takes a piece of snack (y/n) bought yesterday.

As (y/n) hums to the music he listened to last night, he couldn't care less if he had friends or not, he had his dogs with him so he won't be lonely.

'... I wonder if I can ask mom to get a new pet-' (y/n) looked at the side to see an abandoned basket full of pets. He looked around to see no one walking near it.

Inside were a basket full of animals with different colour furs, (y/n) looked at it in confusion 'maybe if I come back to this spot they will still be here?' he took out his phone then widen his eyes. It was past 7.45 am

He ran quickly to his schools gate right before it was closed...

Time skip?
Yes<-- no

It was time for lunch again, (y/n) couldn't help but worry for the poor animals on the side walk.

He opened his bento box and took his chopsticks out, 'maybe I'll ask mom if I can have more pets when I get home...' he was so caught up in his mind that he didn't hear the bell rang until one of his classmates tapped his shoulder and said the teacher arrived.

𝑭𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 (various! haikyuu x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now