🦉Bokuto Ending🦉

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"(y/n) wake up wake up wake uuuuuupppp" (y/n) feels as if someone was shaking him violently by the shoulders.

"what is it? Did you set the stove on fire again??" (y/n) stops the person from shaking him and blinks his eyes.

"no but its time for us to get up" Bokuto says and (y/n) sighs.

"so it was nothing important?"

"no but we need to wake up" (y/n) grumbles and pinches the bridge of his nose.

'of all the days, you just had to wake me up on an early Saturday morning... Bokuto' (y/n) thought and wishes Akaashi was here to manage him instead.

"papa mama!! Shoichi won't leave me alone" a boy came running into the bed room and climbs the bed and hides behind (y/n).

"kosei I just want to play with my Teddy bear but you took it from me"

"it was mine to begin with" kosei says and stuck out his tongue at shoichi.

(y/n) picks up shoichi while Bokuto picks up kosei, both were glaring at each other like they had done something wrong.

"what did you guys do this time?"

"shoichi tried go steal my Teddy bear Akaashi gave me on Christmas-"

"that was for US you stuff toy thief" kosei says back and Bokuto shushes him.

"we can always ask Akaashi to buy another one if you like" (y/n) says but kosei refuses saying it was one of a kind to him...

"it's mine mine MINE"

"no its mine" kosei stuck out his tongue and Bokuto shushes him up. (y/n) sighs and see shoichi clutching a (f/c) Teddy bear in his arms.

"shoichi, please learn how to share with kosei-"

"no I don't wanna, uncle Akaashi gave me this"

"it's we shoichi WE" kosei shouts.

'that goodness I was an only children, if I were to have brothers or sister then it would've end up pretty much chaotic back then...' (y/n) sighs and pats shoichi's head.

"come on shoichi, remember what I said? You must share your toys with kosei as well" "but kosei keeps on taking my teddy bear and not giving me back"

"but after kosei is finish playing with the Teddy bear then you can play with it as well right?" (y/n) said and kosei nods "right, I also have Mrs dolly and Mr chestnut"

"..." shoichi still doesn't look convinced and Bokuto grumbles and places kosei down, "come on shoichi, you and kosei can take this argument outside, I need to talk to mama something very important" he takes shuichi out of (y/n)'s arm and pushes the twins out of the door and closes it along with locking it.

"eh?? But don't you think they'll fight again Bokuto?"

"it's kotaro to you (y/n) Bokuto..."

'I'm married?? Oops' (y/n) froze and Bokuto hugs him tightly to his chest.

"you always think of koaei and shoichi but not me..." "boku-kotaro, they need attention as well" (y/n) said and tries to push him away.

"... After the kids are asleep, wanna watch some horror movie?" "didn't I said that I hated those movies?" (y/n) asked and Bokuto nods and tightens his grip.

"but that way you can hold me tight in your arms!"

"I'd rather watch it with the kids then ourselves... who knows what will happen with that mind of your changes plans" (y/n) says and pokes Bokuto's forehead, "I won't? Besides we don't have-"

"I don't trust you since the last time we did the late night movie and it ended up you sticking you thing in me" (y/n) huffs and Bokuto decided he had enough...

Next day (y/n) woke up with bite marks and hickeys all over with an additional pay check of sore hips, legs and ass.


(totally not me trying to find myself in the yaoi universe)

𝑭𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 (various! haikyuu x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now