🌨️✨35🌨️Didn't seem to notice these predators

461 21 2

Holy Hell so you mean to say it reached 1000 reads in less than a week a week ago it was 12k and now it's---it's 13k You guys!🤧😪 I love you so much I'm here with a new update for the celebration of the same thankyou so much and Enjoy the next chapter

(I wrote half of it in 3 in the morning. So please consider)

I made this chapter a bit emotional you would know more about why Jin is like this more through these chapters.the reasons behind or the people behind it would come to picture now.



Everyone in the Kim household were silent as if the storm had passed away and the world is still in shock of it.

But Mrs Kim knew better about the second wave that was about to come any minute from now, she had to save her little one from his overly concerned brothers for once.

Both Yoongi and Jin had slammed doors after coming back with Jungkook, they didn't burst on him for going somewhere without telling but now it was the real deal as it was morning and both the brothers were waiting for Jungkook to slip one single mistake and they were going to burst on him.

Jungkook although didn't seem to notice these predators, humming softly he was in the kitchen helping his Mom. Making himself sandwiches
He was always her golden boy.

While Mrs Kim was taking up all the tension for Jungkook like a mother hen she was, it was a surprise that the boy didn't look the slightest scared.

And then there it was the slip of pineapple Jam Jar Jungkook accidentally dropped while making sandwiches.

He was surprised sighing softly at the loss of his favourite food,

now even God couldn't save him Mrs.Kim thought.

"Like always so careless now move." Yoongi spit out walking towards Jungkook here it is the grill of Jungkook Mrs Kim thought.

"I'm so sorry hyung I didn't mean to I mistakenly-"

"That's always the problem right Jungkook,
that's always the problem you accidentally dropped it because you were careless, because you know there is always someone to straighten up the mess you do right?" Jin interrupted younger Jungkook would have already started having glassy doe eyes at the words his face Changing to of the kicked puppy but he was holding it in.

So naive so oblivious my baby Mrs.Kim thought but she out of all the people knew this was necessary.
Her heart broke for her tiny boy.

"That's not what I thought I I really didn't want it to-" Jungkook started stuttering, looking at both Yoongi and Jin.

"You didn't think of it, you were careless right just like yesterday isn't it that you almost got yourself captured in between a bunch of rouge Alphas right?" Yoongi asked, now removing all the glass pieces from the ground.

"Hyung that I didn't know about that place being there territory or I would never have gone there I-l really didn't know." Finally catching up Jungkook.

"Care to explain how to reached there in the middle of the forest while you clearly didn't mention anything about it while going to college? God knows you might even have ended up dead" Yoongi asked in a stern voice, while Jin shared the same look, while the confused look on Jungkook took a deeper shade almost as if trying to hide his hurt.

The scene reminded Mrs.kim when all of her kids were younger where Jungkook would have started crying his heart out by now, and the tears in her little pups doe eyes would be enough to melt his hyungs who would drop the issue and immediately cuddle jungkook up in their hands, her introverted son Yoongi was no immune to his little brother sniffles.

But now all of them had grown mastering to hide their emotions well yet the traces of emotions could be seen.

"That was because, because even I didn't know Hyung, I was not told about where we we were going and I didn't think we- we would reach such a grave situation." Jungkook said as if carefully picking up the words so as to not anger them more.

"Goddammit the forest didn't even have any signal you know how every second of not being able to reach you I felt." Jin slammed his hand around the table making Jungkook flinch.

"While Yoongi placed a hand on Jin's shoulder trying to calm him down.

"It's I never would have personally wandered around Hyung, Taehyung insisted on there being some scenic beauty I didn't think that wouldn't be human occupant." Jungkook very slowly mumbled looking down.

While in the other flat Taehyung was already to get to the Kim's house for his breakfast getting zero to no sleep because of Namjoon he found it weird why Jungkook wasn't here yet with his daily annoying voice to wake him up for once he could surprise the kims by showing up early.

"That's always the problem Jungkook you never think, you never think before doing anything some Alpha you are who can't even detect the danger, and if you try to hold Taehyung for the blame, I might as well tell you to call off your friendship with him, you can't even protect yourself Jungkook how on earth were you going to take his responsibilities too ?" Jin asked anger seeping through his harsh words ,this wasn't an unnecessary outburst everyone in the household except Jungkook knew where it was coming from.

"I'm sorry Hyung, I would be more careful from now on!" Jungkook said in a monotonous voice not at all sounding genuine he had no clue what his mistake was. How was he supposed to know when they didn't tell him anything.

Which angered Jin even more getting up to walk off knocking off his stool.

"Choi Min-Ho!" Jungkook whispered enough loud for Jin to hear, making him stop in his track.


"I said Choi Min-Ho Hyung did you not hear that who is he Hyung, why did he say he was your friend?

Why are you associated with such a dangerous person, Hyung?

Why did he want me not because I was an alpha because- because I was your brother Hyung? Jungkook huffed slightly trying to sound stern but he was failing miserably.


Edited Version 🥀
15k currently 🤗 ❤️
Hmmmm right now the followers number is Thirty-four, thirty-five (thirty-five, ayy)~~~ 😂


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