✨🌨️74✨ heartless monster

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Kinorin is immediately attacked by Key levitating and throwing the axe bind with his power blazing hot ignited with fire right in his direction.

Kinorin Dodged the axe walking closer to Key "warm welcomes I see, Papa missed you too." Kinorin says tapping Key's shoulder.

"Minho, I'll take care of him and get this done with the quicker the better." Key says, irritated , removing the hand on his shoulder.

"At last we meet Pa-Pa. Are you proud of me? I'm the most powerful indeed now." Key says smirking.

Kinorin's cool facade flatter no matter what. He is the same baby he held in his hand 28 years ago who had turned into a heartless monster killing people for fun.

This is the same Psy-lock he pledged to kill the next time he meets Kinorin's eye twitched trying to hold his tears.

But he had to do this, he had been avoiding his responsibility way too long for now.

The gates in the front opens up, breaking the silence of the room where Hoseok enters with his pistol in one hand, the other hand gripping it tighter.

The bullets were made of wolfsbane Kinorin had given him before he had instructed him to get in.

Hoseok assess the situation they were dangerously outnumbered Jin, Yoongi, jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung they all were at the verge of falling unconscious what had they done to them.

Hoseok grips his Pistol tighter anger surging through him but he had to stay calm for now the first priority was their safety. There were about 15 of them. Soon he was going to spend his bullets and would have to fight with brute force.

Minho orders few of his minions to take care of Hoseok while he starts moving towards Namjoon.

Namjoon was the main target here Yoongi knew even if he didn't get Jin for now if he Killed his mate he wanted to assure his future.

The sick-f**k would think he is one step closer to get Jin causing a irreversible damage in his life.

Yoongi stumbles up moving towards Namjoon while Namjoon is still unconscious on the floor while Minho turns into a wolf again.

Kinorin eyes Minho trying to move towards him but gets attacked by Key instead.

"What about me papa? Are you going to neglect me like you always have!"

Key says venom in his voice at which Kinorin pauses; he knew he was his, oh so great father's only weakness. Kinorin would never be able to hurt him.

Key moves ahead launching a kick towards his chest which causes Kinorin to stumble back.

Kinorin trys and tries to use his powers to defend all his attacks but never attacks back at Key, incapable of using his full potential on him.

Key's face when he was younger keeps flashing before him.

There is firing going beside him and he sees Hoseok has already taken down 4 of them either brutally hurt or dead.

He hears a piercing cry of a boy all tied up he has seen him but not really recognising him.

Barely 18 he figures being traumatized by his own thoughts. It's the same, same expressions as he had seen on his pupils face, the kids were traumatized by his own son.

Key launches punches again using his strength, inflicting dent to his armour.

But he had to decide soon whether the life of his son was precious or the many individuals whose life had become a plaything for his son.

Yoongi stays in front of Namjoon still weak before moving in front he has no chance in physically challenging Minho in this state.

Minho moves ahead ready to take down yoongi if that's how it was going to end.

He was more than delighted to kill the blood pact wizard.

Yoongi brings both his arms in front of him his arms open creating a ropes generated through his powers, the ropes glowing golden.

He grips them harder he has to trap minho the ropes were only visible to yoongi at the moment he had to surprise attack him to trap him as long as he can.

Took a long time
There is just a lot going on.
So this story went down on the priority list.
Still not sure if this is the right flow.
I kinda lost touch with the writing.
Bt this is the draft i hadn't posted.
So I'm posting it for anyone who might be waiting

I will continue the story don't worry.
Consider this as season 1 of the story.
I'll come back with more details after a while.

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