✨🌨️62✨His door to his heart

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But there was only one person Jungkook who was just as silent as him, someone who was with him because he genuinely enjoyed his presence, liked to see him happy, liked to play with him, and sometimes even started crying with him when he wasn't even sad but cried because Taehyung cried.

The first person he opened up to was Jungkook, then guess there was no going back since then.

His door to his heart was left wide open to everyone since.

Jungkook was like a person who sat beside him in the loneliness without saying anything.
Someone who didn't do anything, but never left, never did he push him to open to him or other, he did the only thing Taehyung desperately sought for, somehow as a soulmate would.
Eventually, Taehyung gained confidence in himself, in others.
Maybe there were people still there who would never leave him.
Who is with him for nothing else but just for him himself.
Who, let him find himself.

With time he had so many valuable people in his life since then Jin, Yoongi came next  the brothers of Jungkook, his neighbors.

Then came Jimin, seo joon, hyungsik,woo shik, Hoseok, Namjoon hyungs. So many valuable people in his life. The people who genuinely made him happy.

He wonders if his parents are looking over him, are they proud of him. He is pursuing his dream, he has taken up arts. He has so many important people in his life who care for him and he cares for.

He feels his eyes sting a bit more when he feels the void that's still there.

I missed you....I miss you, Mom, I miss you Dad even though I don't even know you I missed you so so much.

These were the words he still would say to his parents when he meets them, which he knows is never possible.

But he hopes it reaches them wherever they are.

"Why do you still not hate them?" Jungkook had asked him once.

The day Taehyung had got into a big fight with this grandma for the same reason.

He wanted to know who his parents were just a name was enough. But his grandmother refused to even utter a word.

He begged, cried, promised to never ask ever again, will obey everything his grandmother asked him to do.

But his Grandma was one tough woman she straight up said to the crying ten-year-old "it's useless trying, Taehyungie I can't, I'm not allowed to tell you, a-nd I- I will not." And left him sobbing on the floor, and never returned till evening.

It was Jungkook who gathered him, watching him lying there sobbing, like an empty lifeless shell on the floor.
Jungkook had cried with him that day, with him and asked "why do you still like them, why do you still want to know about them? There are no parents who wouldn't want to let their own children know about them! Taehyung why don't you hate them?"

Taehyung had never answered then, maybe he knows the answer now,
He still believes maybe just maybe they had their reasons for not showing up before them.


 the family he has, the family that chose him instead.

The Kim family.

The family who not once has ever made him feel out of place.

The family who are more excited about his birthday than he, himself.

Guess God really has his ways to play with his life, as one is lost another is found.

and, even though it pains him he tries his best to be graceful and wants to give his family the benefit of doubt. Wants to believe his family had their reason for not telling him anything about them.

unconsciously going  to sleep  without even knowing when maybe because of his tired eyes from all the tears,  his eyes closed, and his mind slipped from reality to dreams till morning until Jin came in slamming the door open to find his missing brother and report him back to Mrs.Kim


I will have the prom episode next.
I need some time to write.
But I'll try to update as much as i can from now on. 💜

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