🌨️✨🌨️ 60. 'Yeah, that's what it is!'

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If Jimin was here he could have asked him but how could he? It would be a total defeat to show the slightest excitement for the event after all that happened.

It's only one person that comes to his mind... Jungkook. 

'Would it be weird?'

'He could just ask for an opinion from his childhood friend, right?'

'That is apparently also his prom date with his friend accompanying him.'

'Yeah, that's what it is!'

'Just a friend helping out another friend.'

'Just a friend helping out another friend.'

Taehyung sighs.

Anyways the choice was hard too. He definitely wanted to match his outfit with Jungkook's. It doesn't have to be that one person is overdressed and the other is not.

He could go all white and pretty with the white, Hook detail belted coat paired with split trousers and the white beret.

Or he could go causal with a floral bomber jacket with a plain black silk shirt and ankle boots to go with it.

It was too confusing, he gives up and stares at this phone. It's already past 12. Unlike him these days where insomnia seems to be his routine, Jungkook already might be sleeping.

He finally decides after 15 minutes of helplessly staring at the call button he would just let it ring thrice and then cancel the call.

That wouldn't be that disturbing if he is sleeping.

He takes a deep breath and clicks on the call button.... It rings




At the same time, there is a knock at the door he misses canceling the call before going to the living room, at the same time Namjoon also gets out of his room suspicious. 

Walking to the door with taehyung.

Namjoon stops taehyung and taehyung looks through the peephole while Namjoon smiles behind him the scent of a certain someone already getting detected.

He moves back, going to the kitchen instead of getting a bottle of water for him.

While Taehyung hurriedly opens the door to a shy-looking Jungkook holding a blanket and pillow below his right arm rolled up to his side while on the other hand, he is holding a ringing phone and laptop. In his cute purple and white pajamas.

"Uhmm so can I sleep over today? Jin Hyung is actually going mad about his exams and has taken up my room too because apparently, he can't concentrate in his own room with the bed right there calling him to sleep." Jungkook says at which Namjoon chokes on the water he was gulping down laughing in between.

That's very likely to the Jin he knows would do.

Jungkook could have just exchanged his room with Jin for the night but nobody seems to care to think of it as an option as Taehyung lets him in carrying his blankets and pillows with him.


Taehyung settles a makeshift bed mattress beside his bed, placing Jungkook's blanket and pillow there.

While they both choose cup Ramen at night as their night snacks Jungkook brings the hot water flask.

Setting it beside the bedside table.

He settled in with Taehyung on his bed as taehyung had explained about why he was looking through fashion blogs in the middle of the night, purposely skipping the part where he wasn't able to sleep since last week. But Jungkook doesn't ask further, nor questions the dark circles forming under his eyes.

Jungkook and taehyung look through the options finally deciding to choose Taehyung's outfit first and then pair it with his own. As they start scrolling through options, learning about how to style matching outfits.

It was a difficult task as Jungkook said "yes it would look good on you!" On almost every option Taehyung showed him.

They finally decide on the gold buttons down his jacket and the white turtleneck offset his otherwise plain black look.

For taehyung and to go with it for showcasing Jungkook's  beautiful dancer body while still warm clothes insisted by Taehyung a silver and a black striped turtleneck under his black jacket

It was nothing like Jungkook's normal style but it was a prom he definitely couldn't show up in baggy clothes anyways.

They both spend some more time finding the accessories they would need while Jungkook decides on borrowing them from Jin.

Whose wardrobe has gone through extreme change and literally has the best collection recently.

Meanwhile, Taehyung rarely spends the money he used to receive as his monthly allowance in his account and decides on using some on the prom event.

After buying brand new formal shoes, drop earrings, and some rings, they chat some more and end up sleeping with the laptop screen still on above the pillow.

And the makeshift bed on the floor stays unused.

As both of them end up sleeping on Taehyung's bed both on their own side sleeping peacefully.  

Next chapter Update tomorrow I'm a bit scared about the next chapter, hope it turns out as I had envisioned it.
Last-minute editing left.

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